Brother is too evil

Chapter 214 The Origin of Chaos

Chapter 214 The Origin of Chaos (2)
"It's a pity. Seeing how badly this place has been destroyed, it should be because the pill was not successfully refined." Qin Luoyi sighed.

As soon as the words fell, the Hunyuan Dzi beads in her body suddenly glowed green, and the beads trembled slightly.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and the sharp light in his phoenix eyes flashed away. He looked around carefully, and felt that there must be something here that could cause such a change in the Hunyuan Dzi.

Qin Luoyi sent a voice transmission to Dahei, and Dahei also looked around vigilantly, only Heidi was kept in the dark.

After a while, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead in her body trembled even more, and the radiance was so bright that it illuminated the entire Lingtai acupoint. She even had the illusion that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was going to leave her body.


Suddenly, in the center of the alchemy field, strands of light rushed from the ground, and there was a kind of the most original breath in the world, which instantly turned into a light source with the size of a human head, and moved at the opposite direction to Qin Luoyi at an extremely fast speed , rushed away.

"This is... this is the source of chaos!" Dahei roared excitedly, and ran after him.

Hei Di also recognized the light ball, which was indeed the source of chaos. He didn't expect there to be so many sources of chaos here. After obtaining this thing, his cultivation level will definitely reach a terrifying height!

It roared wildly, and also rushed up, its cultivation base was higher than that of Dahei, and in the blink of an eye, it caught up with the source of chaos.

Overjoyed, he stretched out his black claws, and took the source of chaos into his hands. Who would have thought that the source of chaos that it caught suddenly turned into strands of light again, and through the gaps in its claws, it was easy to It slipped away, and in the distance condensed into a mass of light with the size of a human head, and fled towards the distance at a faster speed than before.

Hei Di roared angrily, and chased after him again.

Dahei also chased after him.

Only Qin Luoyi stood still.

At this time, the Hunyuan Dzi in her Lingtai acupoint not only shone brightly, but also spun rapidly, generating a strong suction that even Hei Di didn't notice, sucking the rushing source of chaos from afar.

Hei Di watched helplessly as the source of chaos flew into Qin Luoyi's hands, and entered without a trace.


The Hei Emperor, who has always been aloof, blushed anxiously, Qin Luoyi didn't even stretch out his hand, and such a heaven-defying thing fell on her body, how could it not make her heart ache like a knife!

Dahei saw that its eyes were wide open, and there was a fierce light flashing inside, and the hair all over its body stood on end: "What do you want to do? Don't forget, you swore with the demon!"

To protect Qin Luoyi from harm, naturally he cannot harm her, otherwise the oath of the heart demon will surely come true.

Hei Di gritted his teeth and was extremely depressed.

It can't hurt Qin Luoyi... But it is really unwilling to lose that thing like this.

"The three of us who see it have a share in such a big source of chaos. You can't swallow it alone." Hei Di said to Qin Luoyi, staring at his eyes the size of copper bells.

"Whoever sees has a share, the source of chaos has spiritual energy. You have already caught it, and let it run away, which means that it does not recognize you. It has recognized its master now." Compared to Hei Di's annoyance, Da Hei Very proud, squinting at it.

It's no wonder that the gate of the Ice Domain will be opened several days in advance. It turns out that there are such heaven-defying things inside. Fortunately, Qin Luoyi has the Hunyuan Dzi on his body, otherwise this thing will definitely fall into the hands of Hei Di , here it has the highest level of cultivation, and with its stingy personality, it is impossible to take out the things that fall into its hands.

And Qin Luoyi is different, it has a contractual relationship with Qin Luoyi, and I wish that the more treasures Qin Luoyi can get, the better, the more against the sky, the better. It lives a long time.

Hei Di was so anxious that he wanted to jump, other things are fine, this is the source of chaos, the head is so big, Qin Luoyi... Can she use it, and she is not afraid of being choked to death!

After the source of chaos entered his body, Qin Luoyi sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and felt the changes in his body with his heart, but he didn't pay attention to Hei Di.

Although the source of chaos is a good thing, it's just that her cultivation base is too low, she didn't even condense the Xuanfu, and it was clearly summoned by the Hunyuan dzi, she was really afraid that if she was not careful, bad things would happen in her body. Mutation, among other things, Hunyuan Dzi Bead wants to suck the source of chaos, but the source of chaos is clearly very resistant, as it can be seen from the fact that it jumped out of the ground and started running.

These two are existences against the sky, I just hope they don't fight in her body, and she is the only one who suffers like that.

She locked her consciousness tightly on the source of chaos, felt it go straight to the Lingtai acupoint from the meridians along the palm of her hand, and then quickly merged with the rapidly spinning Hunyuan Dzi Bead, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead It still didn't stop spinning, and the entire Lingtai acupoint was full of light.

During this process, some strange memory fragments appeared in her mind.

It turns out that the owner of the Ice Realm got the source of chaos by accident. After knowing that it was the source of chaos, he wanted to refine it and completely absorb the energy of chaos in its body. Who knew that the source of chaos was extremely difficult to refine? If it hadn't been for the special space of the Ice Territory to be split open before refining it, and the peerless magic circle had been blessed inside and outside, the source of chaos would have run away as early as when it was refined.

The source of chaos is too heaven-defying. The owner of the ice domain has been refining it for hundreds of years, but he has not been able to make it into a pill. Fortunately, before refining the pill, he once left a small part, and with his powerful cultivation base, slowly He peeled off the cocoon and sucked it into his body. Even so, his cultivation was singing all the way and advancing by leaps and bounds.

Thousands of years later, his lifespan has come to an end, but unfortunately, the source of chaos refined by the heart of the earth has not yet been refined. Breaking into the entire ice field, and laying down a magic circle that opens every hundred years, it finally completely melted down.And the fire in the center of the earth has been refining the source of chaos.

Although it is just some fragments of memory, it still shocked Qin Luoyi. According to the historical records of Penglai Xiandao, the ice domain has existed for 10,000+ years, and its owner is a strong man from 10,000+ years ago...that is Said, this source of chaos, after he sat down, was refined by the fire in the center of the earth for 10,000+ years, until now, it has not become a pill!

What is even more shocking is that, relying on the fire in the center of the earth, in these 10,000+ years, the source of chaos has actually given birth to some wisdom.

An astonishing picture appeared in my mind... The source of chaos that gave birth to spiritual wisdom rushed out of the purple furnace, causing the fire in the center of the earth that was refining it to burst out from the ground, burning this area It was clean, but fortunately there was a powerful array set up by the master of the ice area around, the fire did not spread out, it only burned a few kilometers nearby, and other places were not ravaged by the fire in the center of the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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