Chapter 215
The more she knew, the more frightened Qin Luoyi became. She never thought that the source of chaos would be so difficult to refine, but today she was sucked into her body by this Hunyuan dzi.

The Purple Fire Furnace... It was burned by the fire in the center of the earth, and the formation set up by the master of the ice region was finally destroyed. The heart fire of the earth is probably more precious than she imagined before, and she doesn't know what it is made of.

After a while, the Hunyuan Dzi, which was spinning at high speed and emitting dazzling light, finally slowed down, the green light gradually disappeared, and the source of chaos was completely swallowed by the Hunyuan Dzi.

Qin Luoyi took a closer look at the Hunyuan Dzi Bead with his spiritual sense, and found that even though the bead didn't emit light, the color was more emerald green than before, hanging quietly in her Lingtai acupoint... Thinking that it had refined 10,000 Earth Core Fire just now + The source of chaos that has not been refined for a year, just sucked into the bead, this fact made her both shocked and delighted.

Withdrew her consciousness from the Lingtai acupoint, she pursed her red lips, and when she was still thinking about what the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was, Hei Di let out a low whistle at her.

"Aww, Qin Luoyi, we all have a share in seeing the source of chaos, you can't swallow it alone."

Dahei looked at it disdainfully, with a heart demon swearing in front of him, it was predicted that it would only dare to howl, not dare to move.

Qin Luoyi patted Heidi's head regretfully: "Although it stays in my body, you can see it, even you can't catch it, how can I let it come out?"

Shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless.Hei Di was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The source of chaos, just pass it by!

"There are still more than two days. If you look around, you might find something good." Dahei smiled at it.

"The thing I find next time must be mine, and I'll be anxious to anyone who robs me again." Without the source of chaos, Hei Di had no choice but to give up.

"Hey, who robbed you? It came here willingly." Dahei held his head up, his face full of sarcasm.

Being poked at the sore spot, Hei Di became even more depressed.

"Someone is coming." Qin Luoyi looked into the distance, narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly and said, "Take shelter in the bracelet for now."

There is a figure flying over from a distance, following the divine rainbow.

Dahei glanced at it, and snorted softly: "Why do you avoid him, it's just in time, Dong Tianfu's bastard, I was just looking for him, and it came to my door."

"If you want to avoid it, he is the one who avoids it. This emperor has lived for 10,000+ years, and only others make way for me. How can I avoid it when I see an ant coming?" Lost the source of chaos, black Diman was full of resentment, and was worried that he had nowhere to vent, so he stared viciously at the divine rainbow getting closer and closer.

Qin Luoyi stroked his chin, looked at Shenhong in front of him and smiled, "I have something to ask him, if he sees you here, maybe he won't dare to come if he's scared."

Regardless of whether Dahei and Heidi agreed or not, he forcibly threw the two of them into the space of the bracelet, then turned around and ran towards a mountain with dense forests.

Murong Jue, who was flying in the sky with the divine rainbow, saw her, snorted coldly, speeded up, and landed in front of her in an instant, a sinister and bloodthirsty smile appeared on his handsome but very feminine face.

"Qin Luoyi... why did you run away when you saw me?"

A cold light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, he looked at him warily and said, "Murongjue, what do you want to do?"

"Haha, what do I want to do... What do you think I want to do?" Murong Jue walked in front of her with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickering coldly: "Your ninth-level top-grade genius alchemist dares to enter this dangerous place alone?" Bingyu, Qin Luoyi, you are so courageous! If you accidentally fall here, do you think it will make many people regret it?"

Qin Luoyi snorted softly: "Murongjue, do you want to kill me? Just because I won your Zihuo furnace? As the saying goes, you are willing to bet and admit defeat. If you do this, won't you be afraid of being ridiculed by the world?"

Murong Jue raised his eyebrows, stared at her pretty face and laughed loudly: "You were killed by a formation in the ice field, what's the matter with me? No one will know that you died at my hands."

"Seeing you use the purple furnace again, everyone will know that you are the murderer!" Qin Luoyi said angrily with a cold light in his phoenix eyes.

"Hehe, there are a lot of treasures here, but it's a pity that many of them are protected by peerless formations. I will see them with others at that time. Because of greed, you wanted to get more treasures, but you were killed by the formation. Hehe, take me back." No one in the world will say anything about the Zihuo Furnace." Murong Jue said with a smile on his face.

"You are really vicious!" Even if he knew that there would be no kindness between Murong Jue and his wishful thinking, Qin Luoyi couldn't help being angry. "Just for a purple stove..."

"Of course it's not just Zihuolu, Qin Luoyi, you dare to kill my two juniors. Today I must use your blood to pay homage to their spirits in heaven!" Murong Jue interrupted her and said harshly.

"Spirit in the sky?" Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, and sneered disdainfully: "Your two juniors went to Piaomiaozong to buy my Piaomiaozong's disciples to kill me. Do you think they can go to heaven? Go to hell? almost!"

Before she left, Xiao Tian had already been thrown into the Law Enforcement Hall by Duanmu Changqing, and he confessed to what he had done, but the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall told her personally that for Xiao Tian's crime, he should be punished by Shi Huya five God, even if he is destined to come up, he will be expelled from the Piaomiao Sect and will no longer be a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect.

She has personally experienced the dangers of the Lion and Tiger's Yale. Although the most powerful Hei Di is not below, Mang Niu and the others are enough for him to suffer. With his cultivation level of less than a martial sage, there is only one dead end for him to enter.

Facing Murong Jue, who was full of confidence and wanted to kill her, Qin Luoyi didn't deny anything at all. Although there were many things that he didn't say clearly, everyone knew it well.

And the only thing Qin Luoyi wants to know now is to find out if Xiao Tian is the only person who colluded with Piaomiaozong and Dongtianfudi when Murongjue thinks she is in a weak position and has no way out.

Although Xiao Tian admitted everything, and said it without revealing anything, she had a strange feeling that there was someone behind Xiao Tian, ​​otherwise why would he dare to touch her so boldly?
It is not uncommon for people to put themselves in danger for their loved ones, but in her opinion, Xiao Tian may not be that kind of person, because before this incident, she had heard Song Huaishan and the others say that the Xiao Tian clan is now the Xiao family. The side branch, or the very far side branch, not to mention that it is not far away.

Xiao Tian of the direct branch is extremely talented, and the Xiao family has valued him very much since he was a child. The spiritual plants and spiritual pills in the family were given to him to use, and then he was favored by Dongtian Fudi, and finally he was accepted as a core disciple , everyone has the same name and surname, and they are originally from the same family. The talent of the side branch Xiao Tian is not bad, but because of the outstanding direct branch Xiao Tian, ​​he is relatively eclipsed. There is jealousy in my heart, because some people who are close to him in the Piaomiao sect have heard him complain in private. If he was born in the direct branch, with his aptitude, he was trained emphatically, and his achievements would not be weaker than that of the direct branch Xiao Xiao. God, and in his words, he complained a lot about his father.

(End of this chapter)

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