Brother is too evil

Chapter 217 Meeting Ning Qiu, Obtaining Immortal Jade

Chapter 217 Meeting Ning Qiu, Obtaining Immortal Jade (1)
His face changed, and he hurriedly retreated tens of hundreds of meters.After seeing the light group clearly, he rushed over in shock: "The breath of Primal Chaos... No, it is countless times stronger than Primal Chaos, and the spiritual power and star power inside are terrifying. Yes... this is the source of chaos!"

At the end, Murongjue was so excited that he almost danced, he didn't care whether Qin Luoyi would crush Huangshi Jingyuan, and rushed over, trying to snatch the source of chaos from her hand, after all, compared to Huangshi Jingyuan , This source of chaos is even more against the sky. Many Gaidai masters have only seen it in the secret striata, but have never seen it in their entire lives.

And the reason why he was able to recognize it so quickly was because the patriarch who founded Dongtian Paradise had profound blessings and had accidentally obtained a tiny cloud of chaotic energy. With that cloud of chaotic energy, for hundreds of years, his His cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he became the strongest person in Penglai Xiandao and Xuantian Continent at that time. As the core disciple of the generation of Dongtian Fudi, he had the honor to follow his master to visit the grave of the ancestor in the forbidden area. In front of his grave, not only was there dense spiritual power, but also a layer of chaos shrouded it.

In Dongtian Paradise, being able to guard the spirit of the patriarch is a very high honor, which can only be enjoyed by disciples who have made outstanding contributions to the sect.The people who came out of the forbidden area all improved by leaps and bounds, enviing many people in the sect.

And if he gets this source of chaos, his future achievements will definitely be higher and stronger than his ancestor.

Compared to its excitement, Qin Luoyi was extremely annoyed. He didn't expect such a change to happen at this most critical moment. Wasn't the source of chaos absorbed by the Hunyuan Dzi? The sign ran out?

"Aww, the source of chaos is mine." A black figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere, one huge paw slapped Murong Jue who was pounced on, and the other claw grabbed the source of chaos, The moment the source of chaos was caught by it, it turned into wisps of dazzling white light, and fled away again.

"Don't let it run away!" Dahei also ran out, his face full of anxiety. In just this moment, the source of chaos had flown hundreds of meters, and condensed into a ball in front again, one black and one white. Dao's figure followed closely.

Qin Luoyi stood there without moving, without the Hunyuan Dzi, with her cultivation base, she couldn't grasp the source of chaos at all, and sank her consciousness into the Lingtai acupoint. She saw the Hunyuan Dzi start to shine again, and then It spun rapidly again, and then flew thousands of meters away from the source of chaos, flew back again, and sank into her palm.

Qin Luoyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Hei Di roared wildly, scratching his heart and liver in anxiety. It actually missed the source of chaos again, and watched helplessly as the source of chaos submerged into Qin Luoyi's body.

Dahei breathed a sigh of relief.It's a pity to lose such a heaven-defying thing.

"Qin Luoyi, what secret do you have?" Hei Di circled around her, his eyes full of suspicion.If Qin Luoyi got the source of chaos for the first time, it can be said that the source of chaos chose her, but just now, the source of chaos clearly wanted to escape.

Qin Luoyi ignored it, and went straight to Murong Jue, who had vomited blood and fell to the ground after being slapped by it, and hadn't gotten up yet.

Murong Jue's face was pale, and he looked at her in shock: "You actually got the source of chaos!"

"Tell me, who is that person!" Qin Luoyi locked his eyes on him and said coldly.


Murong Jue coughed heavily and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Originally thought that she was in an absolute advantage and that killing Qin Luoyi would be easy, but she did not expect that she would actually bring those two strange beasts into the ice domain, and also get such a heaven-defying treasure from the source of chaos.

"How did you bring them in?" He didn't answer Qin Luoyi's words, his dim and shocked eyes fell on Hei Di and Da Hei.What he didn't expect was that the strength of the alien beast beside her was so powerful, it hurt him with just one palm, the muscles and bones of his body were broken badly, and even the internal organs were displaced.

Thinking of this, a miserable smile escaped his lips. It was because he was too excited to see the source of chaos and had no defenses that he was hit by its palm.

How did he know, if he didn't know that Qin Luoyi was going to dig out the person behind the scenes from him, the Hei Emperor would have smashed him into meat, and his life would still be there.

"It's none of your business, tell me... who is that person." Qin Luoyi didn't answer his question, and spoke coldly again.

But to prevent Murong Jue from being destroyed, she still kept a safe distance and did not dare to get too close to him.

"I won't tell you." At this point, Murong Jue knew that he was in danger. If he bowed his head and begged for mercy, Qin Luoyi would not spare his life, just because he knew too many secrets about her.

Huangshi Jingyuan, the source of chaos, and being able to bring two strange beasts into this ice field... Hehe, if people knew about it, it would be enough for her to die ten or a hundred times.

Outside of this ice domain, there is a peerless killing formation. In order to obtain the things left by the owner of the ice domain, many of the most powerful people on Penglai Xiandao have tried this idea, but without exception, they all failed. .

"Who is that person? Tell me that I'll give you a good time, otherwise you will definitely make your life worse than death." Thinking that just now he wanted to absorb his cultivation and humiliate himself to death, her face became even colder. .

Murong Jue coughed again, blood flowed down the corners of his lips, a cold smile escaped from the corners of his lips, combined with the non-stop blood flowing from the corners of his lips, it looked extraordinarily weird and permeating.

"I won't tell you, hehe...Qin Luoyi, although I died today, someone will avenge me, and you won't live long. I will wait for you below."

Dahei stared at him and slapped his paw, smashing his face. It and Qin Luoyi had a soul contract, and cursing Qin Luoyi was equivalent to cursing it.

"Say it quickly, if you don't say it, you will be taken out of the ice region, your cultivation base will be abolished, and you will be thrown into the primitive jungle as a plaything for the black horse monkey."

Black horse monkeys are a kind of monkeys that are sexually promiscuous. Any spirit beasts, humans, or even monsters that fall into their hands, regardless of gender, will be played to death by them.


Murong Jue was so angry that his eyeballs almost popped out, he grows so big, worships under the powerful Dongtian Fudi, and has always been like a star above the moon, no one would dare to slap him.

The name of the black horse monkey is no stranger to the monks on Penglai Xiandao. Their cultivation base is not high, but they live in groups. He died in humiliation.

"What are you, tell me quickly!" Da Hei glared at him angrily and said, he thought Xiao Tian was the culprit, but he didn't expect someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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