Brother is too evil

Chapter 218 Meeting Ning Qiu, Obtaining Immortal Jade

Chapter 218 Meeting Ning Qiu, Obtaining Immortal Jade (2)
This person must be found out!
"Hey, don't dream, I won't tell you, keep her, she will kill you in the future and avenge me." After several sneers, Murong Jue's body suddenly exploded without warning. Come.

"Damn it!" Qin Luoyi frowned. She didn't expect that she would fail in the end. The people behind Xiao Tian, ​​she had someone to suspect, but it was just a suspicion. There was no physical or personal evidence. Fan, I didn't expect... Forget it, I can only think of other ways in the future.

Dahei also had an annoyed look on his face.

On the other hand, Hei Di stood aside, his eyes fixed on Qin Luoyi tightly, as if he wanted to see through her.

There was no remains of Murong Jue's body, and a storage ring was left at the scene, which contained many spiritual plants, pills, bank notes, and even a few spars with powerful spiritual power, as well as an extremely thin long sword. Luo Yi glanced at it and put all of them into the bracelet.

In the next few hours, Dahei and Heidi searched the ice area with all their strength, and found many spiritual fruits, as well as ancient spiritual plants, and put them all in Qin Luoyi's bracelet space.

These things grow in the ice field, and there is no special formation protection. For the monks who enter the ice field, they can eat whatever they want-as long as they are not afraid of being exploded by the powerful spiritual power, but they cannot take them with them. Going out, the things in the ice field can only be taken out, if you bring too many things, you can't get out of the ice field gate at all.

And because Qin Luoyi has the space for the bracelet, he doesn't need to worry about it at all. Instead, he thinks that the senior who created the ice domain is very interesting. He actually set up such a rule. Master this profession.

In addition to these spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, there are also many magic weapons in them, all of which are of high grade, as well as many secret striata, and refined medicines.

Everything is against the sky, but those things are protected by a peerless killing array, so they can't go in as they like, and even a person as powerful as the Black Emperor has a dignified face, and dare not break in without scruples.

The only thing that can break through the killing formation without attacking people is the ancient jade in Qin Luoyi's hand. Before she came in, Master Zuo Gu and Uncle Wu Shan both said that ancient jade can only enter a peerless killing formation once. If you enter one and then use the ancient jade to enter other formations, the formations will be activated and will be ruthlessly wiped out.

The ice field has been open for three days, and today is only the first day. Qin Luoyi has gone to many places, but has not used ancient jade to enter the killing array, because she wants to take another look and choose what she needs most .

At noon the next day, she ran into Ning Qiu at the foot of a mountain.

Ning Qiu, in fluttering white clothes, was standing in front of a killing formation, staring intently inside, with a hesitant expression.

There is a green flute inside the killing array, but it is only about a foot long. The whole body of the flute is emerald green and not stained with dust.

"Qingyu Immortal Flute!"

The moment he saw the flute, Qin Luoyi recognized it. It was a treasure, a weapon used by the master of the ice region to conquer the world in the past. As long as he played the pure jade fairy flute, he could kill people invisible.

Ning Qiu looked back at her with an indifferent expression, turned his head after only one glance, and continued to stare at the flute.

As early as in a very far place, Hei Di found someone in front of him, and then both it and Da Hei were driven into the bracelet by Qin Luoyi.

Ning Qiu is the seventh-order peak cultivation base of the Xuanfu, and Qin Luoyi is only the peak martial saint. In Ning Qiu's eyes, Qin Luoyi can't pose a threat to him at all.

The moment Qin Luoyi saw the flute, her heart was a little moved. After shopping for more than a day, this flute was the most suitable for her, but Ning Qiu came before her. Went out.

However, Ning Qiu and her have no grievances, and the idea of ​​destroying him is just a flash, and he has not put it into action. There are many good things in the ice domain, and the owner of the ice domain is powerful, and he has obtained many treasures Well, there might be something better than this flute waiting for her ahead.

She turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Ning Qiu seemed to have finally made up her mind. Holding the ancient jade given by Master Zuo Gu, she walked into the killing formation.

Qin Luoyi stopped when he was about to leave.

Because of the ancient jade, Ning Qiu entered the killing formation, as if entering a land of no one, but did not activate the killing formation, and soon came to the side of the Qingyu fairy flute, raised his hand towards the flute.

Originally standing quietly in the air, the Qingyu fairy flute exuding a green luster suddenly shone brightly. Ning Qiu seemed to be scalded, and quickly withdrew his hand, his expression becoming a little ugly.

Qingyu Xiandi doesn't agree with him!

Qin Luoyi understood instantly, and secretly sighed.

Over the past 10,000+ years, there may have been quite a few people who have taken a fancy to this Qingyu fairy flute, but until now, it is still here, presumably many people have lost and returned.

Ning Qiu didn't give up, pursed his thin lips, turned around the Qingyu Xiandi twice with sharp eyes, and stretched out his hand again.

After a bright ray of light, Qiu Ning's whole body was bounced away by the Qingyu fairy flute, and he stepped back nearly ten steps before he staggered to a firm footing, his face was pale, and a stream of blood escaped from the corner of his lips. I was seriously injured.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly.

Holding the ancient jade and entering the peerless killing formation, if there is a destiny, it should be taken away easily. If Ning Qiu does not give up like this, he will only be injured, and it will be more serious every time.

Ning Qiu cursed in a low voice, and quickly threw a healing pill into his mouth. After a while, the blood on the corner of his lips stopped, and he walked towards Yuqing Xiandi again with a pale face.

A dark light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and it was a pity for him that Ning Qiu's life would be in danger if he was counterattacked by Qingyu's fairy flute.

Before coming in, Master Zuo Gu once said that there are three taboos in the ice field.The second taboo is to hold the ancient jade and enter different killing formations. As long as the ancient jade is used once and enters another killing formation again, the killing formation must be activated to ruthlessly obliterate those who break in!Three taboos in the killing array, you can't take the treasure, but if you want to take it forcibly, you will be backlashed by the treasure!

Seeing that Qiu Ning's face was pale, the corners of his lips were bleeding just now, he must have been backlashed, and the injury was serious.

"Hey, don't go anymore."

The moment his hand was about to touch the Qingyu fairy flute, Qin Luoyi suddenly stopped him, and a flash of disapproval flashed in his phoenix eyes.

Ning Qiu paused with his hand outstretched in the air, and looked back at her with a pale face.His eyes were dark and deep.

Qin Luoyi opened his red lips lightly, watched him persuade again: "Don't go get it anymore, if you can't get the Qingyu fairy flute, you can go to those spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, which are full of spiritual energy, take it You can refine one, and you can take another one out, and your cultivation will definitely improve a lot. The Qingyu Immortal Flute is good, but it doesn’t agree with you. It will hurt the root, cut off your future cultivation path, maybe even alchemy will be affected, why are you so stubborn!"

(End of this chapter)

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