Brother is too evil

Chapter 219 Meeting Ning Qiu, Obtaining Immortal Jade

Chapter 219 Meeting Ning Qiu, Obtaining Immortal Jade (3)
Hearing her chattering a lot, with a very sincere expression, the corners of Ning Qiu's lips could not help but twitch slightly, then turned his head away again, and moved his fingers slightly.

Qin Luoyi sighed, and stopped persuading him, turned around and walked forward, he didn't want to see him being backlashed by the Qingyu fairy flute, he had already said this, and he still insisted on finding death , she can't stop it, can she?
After walking several hundred meters, a white figure landed beside her silently. Although his face was pale and there was faint blood on the corner of his lips, there was nothing wrong with it.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, glanced at him, and then looked back, only to see Qingyu Xiandi staying quietly inside the peerless killing formation.

When she turned her head again, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, Ning Qiu stood here well, indicating that he finally listened to her words, and did not forcefully take the Qingyu fairy flute anymore, a child can be taught and also.

"You haven't found what you want yet?" Ning Qiu walked side by side with her, looking forward with both eyes, with a chic and elegant posture, and asked actively.

"Well, it's too wide inside, let me take a look again, anyway, it's still early." Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, not counting the source of chaos, she didn't use ancient jade to get that thing.

"Choose it early, the spiritual fruit and spiritual plant here, if you choose the same, it will be of great benefit to you." Ning Qiu said lightly, with a smile in his eyes, paused, and then said : "Not far from here, there is a very secret killing formation, and there is a piece of jade in it, are you interested in going to see it?"

In fact, he was very tempted by that piece of ancient jade, but he was also very tempted by the Qingyu Immortal Flute, but in the end he chose the Yuqing Immortal Flute, because it was the weapon used by the Master of the Ice Region, and he once fought with him In the world, I didn't expect that he would get nothing in the end.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows curiously: "What jade?"

"I don't know." Ning Qiu shook his head: "I just feel that the jade is very extraordinary, and there is a very mysterious aura shrouded in it."

Qin Luoyi was a little moved, she had Dahei and Heidi by her side, so she was not afraid of Ning Qiu harboring evil intentions.

But after a while, the two arrived, and it was really very secret, behind a Guteng, if Ning Qiu hadn't led the way, even if she walked in front of the Guteng, she might have ignored it.

The jade is not big, but only an inch wide, prismatic, crystal clear, with intricate lines carved on it, and a layer of mysterious brilliance shrouded it.

"What kind of jade is this? It's really strange." Qin Luoyi couldn't help but take a closer look, but she was standing outside the killing formation, and the mysterious brilliance blocked her eyes again. There are some complicated lines on the front, but the others are not very clear.

Ning Qiu stared at the ancient jade with burning eyes, shook his head and said: "There is no record about this piece of jade in the ancient books."

So mysterious?

Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes slightly, mobilized his spiritual power, and looked more carefully.

"Go and get this piece of jade!" Dahei's voice suddenly came from inside the bracelet, and there was a trace of suppressed excitement in his voice.

"Do you know what this is?" Qin Luoyi used his spiritual sense to communicate with it.

"I don't know, but this piece of jade is extremely mysterious. In the past, I once saw a piece of jade brocade in the cave of an unrivaled powerhouse with a picture of this piece of jade on it. He also sent many people out Looking for it, but unfortunately there is nothing in the end." Dahei explained.

"This jade is indeed very extraordinary." Hei Di also spoke, his voice a bit dignified.

Qin Luoyi remained silent.

She also felt that this piece of jade was extraordinary, but she did not expect Dahei and Heidi to feel the same way.

Ning Qiu looked at the jade for a moment, then turned his gaze over to Qin Luoyi, seeing that her heart was clearly moving, he couldn't help but smile slightly, without urging him.

Qin Luoyi took out the ancient jade given by Master Zuo Gu, and said to himself, "I don't know if I can take this thing with me."

Ning Qiu smiled and said: "Although I think this jade is not simple, but ancient jade can only enter the formation once, you have to think carefully about whether to enter or not."

In the past 10,000+ years, apart from spiritual fruits and spiritual plants, there are only a handful of magic tools, magic weapons, and secret striata that have been taken out of the ice field and protected by formations.

"That's all." Qin Luoyi raised the ancient jade in his hand, and said with a very carefree smile: "It depends on luck whether you can take it away anyway, even if you go forward, if you see something you like, you can go in and take it away It's a waste of effort, since you all think this jade is extraordinary, I'll try my luck."

Ning Qiu sighed helplessly, and a wry smile flashed in his eyes.He himself is a living example.

Holding the ancient jade in his left hand, Qin Luoyi walked in without any further hesitation.

Ning Qiu's dark eyes fell firmly on the jade shrouded in mysterious light, and he held his breath involuntarily.

When he came to the ancient stone, Qin Luoyi reached out and grabbed it without hesitation.

"I actually caught it!" Ning Qiu, who was staring at the jade tightly, exclaimed, his face that had been calm all this time was full of shock.

Just by reaching out his hand so lightly, that piece of ancient jade shrouded in mystery fell into Qin Luoyi's hands, it's unbelievable!
Ecstasy flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and she never thought that it would be so easy to get it. Just now she saw with her own eyes that Ning Qiu was seriously injured in order to get the Qingyu fairy flute, but she didn't succeed.


Dahei screamed excitedly in the bracelet space, if Ning Qiu wasn't here, it would have already rushed out excitedly.

Qin Luoyi withdrew from the formation, and did not avoid Ning Qiu, spreading his palms and looking carefully at the jade in his palms.

There is a mysterious atmosphere still shrouded in the jade, but this time because of the close distance, the intricate lines engraved on it can be seen clearly.


After a careful look, Qin Luoyi suddenly discovered that the complex patterns on that piece of jade unexpectedly faintly intertwined with a faint fairy character, floating in the middle of the jade.

"Could it be that this piece of jade is related to the Immortal Realm, is it something from the Immortal Realm?" Qin Luoyi widened his eyes in shock.

Ning Qiu also stood not far away, he had already seen the jade clearly, his eyes were shining brightly: "There are immortal characters on it, I am afraid it is not something from the fairy world, it is also related to becoming immortal!"

Qin Luoyi was extremely shocked, and turned the jade over and over again: "Unfortunately, nothing can be seen from the jade, and I don't know what the jade is for."

Ning Qiu pondered for a moment, then said cautiously: "Miss Qin, can I have a look at this piece of jade?"

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, handed the ancient jade to him straightforwardly, and said with a smile: "Of course."

Ning Qiu originally thought that he would be rejected, but Qin Luoyi responded so readily, with a deep smile in his eyes.He didn't speak, just looked down at Yushi carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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