Brother is too evil

Chapter 232 Who dares to do something, I will kill him

Chapter 232 Who dares to do something, I will kill him (1)
"Steward Lin? Is your surname Lin..." Qin Luoyi pondered for a moment, making sure he didn't know anyone surnamed Lin: "Name."

"I don't know his name. I just heard the headman call him Guanshi Lin. He seems to be from Xuantian Continent." The man in white was afraid that Qin Luoyi would not believe him, so he hurriedly said.

"Which sect do you belong to?" Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes, with a sharp light flashing in his black eyes.

The man in white lowered his head, thinking of Qin Luoyi's method just now, he was finally scared, gritted his teeth and said, "Blood Demon Gate."

Qin Luoyi had heard of this name before. It was a second-rate sect near Jinding Mountain. There were many disciples in the sect, but they were mixed with dragons and snakes.

The head of the Blood Fiend Sect, the steward surnamed Lin of Xuantian Continent... It seems that if you want to find that steward Lin, and further find the person behind the scenes, you have to go to the Blood Fiend Sect.

Although the Xuesha Sect is only a second-rate sect, the head of the sect is also a Yufu cultivation base. With her current cultivation base, if she goes to the sect, she may not get any useful information, and she will be in danger.

The mastermind behind the Misty Sect, and Dongtian Paradise... With the death of Xiao Tian and his senior brother surnamed Gao, the enmity between her and Dongtian Paradise is completely forged. It is very likely that Murong Jue did not come out of the ice field. , and they will take it upon themselves.

The most urgent thing is to work hard to improve one's cultivation and ability. Strength is everything. With strength, she is not afraid of the coming of the Heavenly King Lao Tzu.

As for the Xueshamen who was captured... Qin Luoyi looked at the man in white, the light in his eyes flickered brightly and darkly.

The man in white turned pale, and hurriedly said: "Miss Qin, as long as you let me go back, I will help you find out the identity of Steward Lin."

Qin Luoyi looked at him without saying a word.

The face of the man in white was even paler, he knew his own life and death, only in Qin Luoyi's thought: "Miss Qin, the identity of Manager Lin is extremely mysterious, although our head didn't say it, but he should be from Xuantian Continent One of the seven super families in the world, the super families in Xuantian Continent, all of them have profound backgrounds and are extremely powerful. Even if you find our head, he probably won't tell you, but... if I go back and make side-talking, I will definitely be able to find out for you." After speaking, he looked at Qin Luoyi expectantly.

Qin Luoyi looked at him for a moment, then smiled, nodded and said: "In that case, I will spare your life for the time being."

She decided to let the man in white leave and give him half a year to find out the identity of Steward Lin. Of course, she did not forget to feed him the next poison pill before leaving. It will be poisonous.

After sending the man in white out of the illusion, Qin Luoyi decided to practice. Both Dahei and Heidi were meditating, so naturally they couldn't wake up in a short time.

Two days later, she withdrew from the cultivation state, pursed her red lips, and sighed lightly.In the past two days, she has absorbed a lot of star power, but just like before, all the absorbed star power has been absorbed into the five internal organs and six lungs, as well as the meridians and dantian. When will I be able to condense out of the Xuanfu.

The puppet in Tsing Yi stood in the phantom formation, motionless, with cold eyes, looking out of the formation.Before practicing, Qin Luoyi specially ordered him to stay there. Dahei and Heidi were both practicing, and she also went to practice. If someone accidentally broke through the illusion and ran in, the trouble would be serious. .

Walking out of the phantom formation, he turned around, but he didn't see those people from Xueshamen, but he saw Hanxiang beside Duanmu Changqing from a distance.

Hanxiang can walk under the rainbow, so naturally she has cultivated out of the mansion, Qin Luoyi didn't want to meet her face to face, so she quietly retreated back.

Not long after sitting down, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead in the Lingtai Cave suddenly became strange. The bead that had stayed there quietly suddenly glowed without warning, and a lot of star power was released from the bead. In a short while, her Lingtai acupoint was filled with the power of many stars, and then those powers of stars, just like when she absorbed the energy, quickly escaped into the body and disappeared.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, she didn't know why the Hunwu Tianzhu suddenly had such a change, she felt that when she transported the "Supreme Sutra", she absorbed the power of the stars very quickly, and at this time, Hunyuan Tianzhu The power of the stars released by the beads can be called terror.

Not daring to take it lightly, she quickly jumped onto the stone kang, sat cross-legged, calmed down again, and used the "Supreme Sutra" exercises, trying to guide the endless power of stars into the dantian.

It's just that her body is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much star power she has, she has absorbed it completely, and there is nothing that can lead her into her dantian successfully.

For several days, the power of the stars in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead seemed to be endless, and it was released without interruption. Qin Luoyi was shocked at first, but then calmed down. Those terrifying powers of stars, on her body, No adverse effects were produced.

Three days later, Qin Luoyi, who had been working tirelessly to run the "Supreme Sutra", finally gave up because she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't channel the power of the stars into her dantian.

Her body is like a bottomless pit, no matter how much power of the stars is released from the Hunyuan Dzi, it will melt into the internal organs and meridians, and that kind of melting is like a river flowing into the sea, which cannot be stopped by manpower.

He simply stopped meditating, and just propped his chin up to think wildly, occasionally observing his body with his spiritual consciousness.

Two days later, the power of the stars in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was still being released uninterruptedly, but she discovered a strange thing, a lot of black dirt suddenly appeared on the skin that was originally white as jade, thick layer, with a strange smell.

Qin Luoyi took his hand to his nose and smelled it, his face turned green.

Although she has been living in the cave during this time and has not taken a bath, she uses body purification techniques every day... How could her body be so dirty all of a sudden?
After silently reciting the body purification formula, the black dirt on his body disappeared, and he turned around and went to the depths of the cave to change his clothes again. He felt refreshed and his mood improved a lot.

It's just that her good mood didn't last long. After several hours, a layer of black dirt appeared on her body again.

Qin Luoyi was completely speechless, these few hours she had hardly moved, she didn't even break a drop of sweat, how could her metabolism be so fast!

He took out the mirror and looked at it, and even his face was black... Fortunately, he was in this cave. If he was outside, if someone saw him like this, he might think it was a beggar who came out of somewhere.

After tidying up her body again and changing into clean clothes, she probed her spiritual consciousness into the Lingtai acupoint.

The Hunyuan Dzi Bead is still releasing the power of the stars... The countless powers of the stars just disappeared in a flash, disappearing in the internal organs. Every time Qin Luoyi sees such a scene, his heart aches.

(End of this chapter)

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