Brother is too evil

Chapter 233 Who dares to do something, I will kill him

Chapter 233 Who dares to do something, I will kill him (2)
If so much power of the stars, together with the energy she had absorbed before, is successfully channeled into the dantian, then a Profound Palace will be successfully condensed.

Staring at the Hunyuan Dzi, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind.Could it be, maybe... the dirt on her body has something to do with the power of the stars integrated into her body?

Thinking of this, she became excited, concentrated, and observed the body very carefully with her spiritual sense.

Seeing this surprised her immediately. Compared with a few months ago, the blood vessels and meridians in the body are much more crystal clear.

The more Qin Luoyi watched, the more excited she became. When she withdrew her divine consciousness from her body, her pitch-black phoenix eyes shone like stars, which were astonishingly bright.

After a night of rest, the next morning, the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look at the back of her hand that was exposed outside her clothes.

Sure enough, after one night, a layer of black dirt appeared on the back of her hand again, but today's dirt was much lighter than the previous two times, and the smell was not so strong.

She silently recited the cleansing formula, quickly cleaned her body, and immediately sank her spiritual consciousness into her body without thinking about changing clothes.

The internal organs and blood vessels in the body are more crystal clear than what she saw before, and a little bit of divine brilliance is rippling out... Qin Luoyi finally confirmed that it was the power of the stars that gave her body an amazing Variety.

For the entire ten days, she used the cleansing technique almost twice a day to remove the dirt on the skin. After ten days, the dirt on the body surface became less and less.

When nothing came out of her body, her fingers exposed outside her clothes became white as jade, delicate and perfect.Spreading her hands and looking at it for a while, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but turned out a huge mirror, which was as tall as a person. Facing the mirror, she took a good look at herself.

Her black hair was like lacquer, her skin was white and crystal clear, with a little bit of luster, her eyes were cut into water, and the brilliance like glass was enough to make thousands of women in the world lose their color.The lip color is a little vermilion, against the fat and jade skin, it is really unparalleled beauty.

Raising his hand to gently caress her face, Qin Luoyi's heart beat violently. She never expected that the power of the stars would change her body so drastically.The face is still the same as before, but it has become more delicate, especially the skin, which is as crystal clear as jade and can be broken by blowing bullets.

Although the change in appearance was surprising, Qin Luoyi was even more shocked and delighted that the power of the stars released from the Hunyuan Dzi finally stopped silently sinking into the internal organs, and she carried the "Supreme Sutra" ", they were able to guide them into the dantian successfully!
The mansions condensed by the monks are square and round, and have different shapes. It depends on what everyone likes. Of course, the more complicated the mansion is, the more difficult it is to build. , the power is of course greater, because it can accommodate more star power and spiritual power.

However, this kind of power is only limited to the Jade Mansion. As long as the cultivation level breaks through to the Jade Mansion, no matter what kind of mansion it is, it can be transformed into ever-changing. relationship.

After thinking for a long time, Qin Luoyi decided to condense the circular mansion, which looks like the Temple of Heaven in the Forbidden City, with a total of three floors.

In her opinion, since cultivation is to seek longevity, she must have a blind date with the way of heaven, and the circle of the Temple of Heaven itself symbolizes the phenomenon of heaven. Both are nine or multiples of nine.

Because in ancient China, odd numbers were used as yang, and nine was the extreme number of yang, so it meant going to the ninth heaven, and the ultimate goal of her practice was to go to the ninth heaven!
The power of the stars is like the moonlight, like the sun, very eye-catching, continuously flowing into the dantian, and under Qin Luoyi's control, they are constantly merging and condensing into a bright ball in the dantian.

Qin Luoyi kept silently reading the forging chapter in the "Supreme Sutra", using the above method, repeatedly tempering the power of the stars in the dantian, and imprinting his own Dao marks on them, gradually, those stars The power gradually condensed into a ball from the initial loose sand.

Condensing the mansion is destined to be a long and boring process, and it takes time to sharpen it slowly. Qin Luoyi is not in a hurry. She knows that compared with others, her speed is already very fast. To release the power of the stars, she only needs to forge it, which has already saved time.

Time flies, and half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Luoyi's spiritual consciousness has been immersed in the dantian, and she has fallen into a deep state of cultivation. Even Dahei and Heidi woke up one after another, but she didn't notice it at all.

Seeing Qin Luoyi practicing, Dahei didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw Qin Luoyi gradually being covered by a layer of green light, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Couldn't help but muttered in shock: "Damn... Could it be that she is about to advance? No way... So soon, since she started absorbing the power of stars in Misty Sect, it has only been more than three months now That's all."

Hei Di was mad, and he looked up to the sky and sighed: "It must be the source of chaos, hey, why is she the only one who got such a good thing?" And the beads on her body are not ordinary perverts, they can't even hurt themselves she.

One word awakened the dreamer, and Dahei suddenly realized.

So many people have obtained Hunyuan Dzi Beads before, but no one has cultivated so fast like her. There is indeed the power of stars in the source of chaos, and there are so many of them... I was surprised, happy and worried in my heart. Constantly turning in circles.

Qin Luoyi is indeed going to be promoted.

After more than half a month, the power of stars fused into a ball in her dantian has become the size of a fist, and it has initially taken on the appearance of a mansion.Although it still looks rough, it is exactly what she imagined.

In order to make it more refined, she did not rush for success, but kept using her mind to temper and polish it repeatedly... After tens of thousands of efforts, the mansion in Dantian was finally completed, emitting a dazzling black color shine.

It worked!
Qin Luoyi was overjoyed at first, and then became nervous again, because at this moment, the Hunyuan Dzi in her Lingtai acupoint, which was emitting a faint light, suddenly became extremely bright and dazzling, and the light rushed out of her body, creating a vast chaos. The power is even more unconcealed and spread outward!

Different phases of heaven and earth.

Qin Luoyi knew in his heart that this must be what the master said about the vision of heaven and earth when a person with a Hunyuan dzi bead was promoted.

Withdrew her consciousness from her body, and she saw that the dazzling green light had filled the entire cave, and the hard stone wall above the cave was falling straight down, and the huge rumbling sound was even more incessant.

(End of this chapter)

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