Brother is too evil

Chapter 234 Who dares to do something, I will kill him

Chapter 234 Who dares to do something, I will kill him (3)
"This place is going to collapse!" Dahei stood in front of her, scratching his paws, with a serious expression on his face.

"It's just an advanced Xuanfu, why did you make such a big commotion?" Hei Di stared at her, his burning eyes flickering.

Qin Luoyi's thin lips were tightly pursed, and her whole body was surrounded by dazzling green beams of light. She didn't speak, but looked at the top of her head.

I didn't expect the power of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead to be so powerful. It will be a matter of time before this mountain is sunk. When the green light breaks through the mountain and goes straight to the sky, even people thousands of miles away will be able to see it. The strangeness here, coupled with the incomparably rich Primal Chaos Qi... will definitely make many monks flock here, and I am afraid that I will not be able to keep the secret of possessing the Hunyuan Dzi.

"Stop dawdling, we have to get out quickly." Hei Di urged them, turned around and ran out, the mountain was about to collapse, it didn't want to be buried in the cave.

For the past 10,000+ years, it has been staying under the Lion and Tiger Cliff, and the Hunyuan Dzi Bead appeared only in the last few hundred years, so it doesn't know, because this bead once caused a bloody storm .

Qin Luoyi and Dahei looked at each other in blank dismay, they both stood still and ran out now, Qin Luoyi would definitely be discovered immediately.One person and one beast have the same thoughts... Wait a little longer, wait for the moment when the mountain is about to collapse, and then run out, let this huge mountain cover up the strangeness here for a while longer.

With a loud noise, the entire mountain collapsed, and Dahei jumped out in a thrilling moment at the moment the mountain collapsed.

"Why didn't Qin Luoyi come out?" Looking at Dahei who came out alone, Heidi was extremely stunned.

Standing outside the mountain, Dahei looked at the mountain that was falling down suddenly, and the rocks were flying everywhere, and suddenly he raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly.

"Damn it, is it crazy?" Hei Di jumped to his side and touched it anxiously: "Don't be sad, you are a soul contract, you are fine, she will be fine."

Dahei couldn't stop laughing wildly, and then he started dancing.

A look of pity flashed in Hei Di's eyes, and he slapped it on the head with his big paws: "Stop barking, just pull her out quickly." After saying that, it ran out first, stretched out its huge claws, and was about to slap her. To the crumbling mountain.

Dahei finally stopped smiling, but his mouth was grinning to the base of his ears, and he couldn't close it no matter what, he caught up with it and raised the bracelet in his claws: "What are you doing? She's not inside!"

Great, this bracelet is too powerful, it can actually block the shocking vision produced by the Hunyuan Dzi during the promotion.

There is no soaring green light, no strong power of chaos, haha, I no longer have to worry about being in danger when advancing.

This place is not far from Qian'an City, which has a large population. Soon, many monks came to hear the sound of the rainbow, and they were all horrified when they saw the entire mountain collapse.

Duanmu Changqing also came, wearing a fluttering white robe, with a handsome and expressionless face, staring at everything in front of him coldly.

However, when his dark gaze accidentally caught sight of the two figures of the Great Black Emperor, one white and one black, at the foot of the mountain, his indifferent black eyes lit up and quickly fell from the sky.

Dahei and Heidi naturally also saw him.Hei Di didn't take it seriously, but Da Hei snorted coldly, and quickly hid the bracelet.

Whoever wants Qin Luoyi's life is its enemy.

Duanmu Changqing suppressed the joy in his heart, came to Dahei, and asked Qin Luoyi's whereabouts.

Hei Di lazily raised his eyes, but didn't make a sound.

Turning the big black eyeballs, he suddenly looked at the collapsed mountain, sighed anxiously, and hesitated to speak.

Duanmu Changqing followed its gaze, was stunned for a moment, then trembled in his heart, an unbelievable look flashed in his eyes, and even his voice became a little hoarse: "Could it be...she is inside?"

Dahei nodded.

Hei Di squinted at it, the corners of his eyes twitching.It really is a stomach full of bad water!My heart is full of sympathy for Duanmu Changqing.

Looking at the collapsed mountain, Duanmu Changqing's eyes turned red, and he dispatched countless people. He himself searched for more than a month, but he still couldn't find Qin Luoyi. He didn't expect to hear about her today, but she was buried under the mountain. Down!

My heart twitched with pain.

Taking two deep breaths, he suppressed the urge to grab Dahei and question it fiercely why Qin Luoyi was crushed under the mountain. The most urgent task is to rescue Yi'er as soon as possible.

After figuring out the approximate location where Qin Luoyi was pressed, he stepped forward with a cold face, and with a slamming sound, he sacrificed the Yufu, turned into a huge and dazzling sword, and slashed fiercely towards the top of the mountain.


There was a loud noise, and the collapsed mountain top was split by him in an instant. At this time, many monks had surrounded the sky and the ground, and they were discussing and guessing curiously. Suddenly, they saw him waving With the knife splitting the mountain, everyone stopped talking, and there was a flash of confusion in their eyes.

"Isn't that Duanmu Changqing from the Misty Sect? What is he doing... Could it be that he wants to split this mountain?"

"There must be something buried under the mountain!"

Something that can make Duanmu Changqing even split the mountain must be something extraordinary.After everyone was stunned, their eyes became extremely fiery, and some people also stepped forward, sacrificed the mansion, and raised their hands.

Duanmu Changqing was afraid that Qin Luoyi, who was under the pressure, would be accidentally injured by everyone, so he couldn't help but let out a long roar in anger, and his tall figure fell into the air. Around, said coldly: "Whoever does it again, I will make it look like this tree!" With a backhand blow, a towering tree hundreds of meters away instantly turned into dust.

The incomparable killing intent and powerful coercion made people terrified, and many people with lower cultivation levels couldn't help trembling and retreated quickly.

"Hey, boy, what a big tone, I'm going to make a move, so what do you do?" An old man in Tsing Yi with a goatee sneered, holding a crystal clear jade mansion in his hand, his face full of sternness, and his self-confidence He is also a monk of Yufu, so he doesn't pay attention to Duanmu Changqing, who is also a Yufu cultivator.

"Whoever dares to strike again, I will kill him!" Duanmu Changqing stared at him and spoke again, his handsome face was extremely cold, and his dark red eyes were full of Ling Ran's color.

The old man in Tsing Yi laughed loudly: "If you do it, do it, why am I afraid of you?" With a movement of his body, he was already on the opposite side of Duanmu Changqing.

"Who is this old man? Doesn't he know that he is Mr. Duanmu? How dare he challenge Mr. Duanmu? He doesn't want to live anymore." The people around were discussing and looking at the old man in Tsing Yi with pity.

Except for the old man in Tsing Yi, all the people who made the move just now backed away, and the people in the crowd who were also planning to come up and try their luck to get some treasures instantly dispelled such thoughts.

Not to mention that Duanmu Changqing himself is the number one fairy sect in Penglai Immortal Island, the direct disciple of the head of Ge, he himself is already a Yufu monk, and his cultivation base is extremely powerful. Among the younger generation, his cultivation base is the top, and the news is slightly Anyone who is well-informed knows that Duanmu Changqing's status is indescribable, and he comes from one of the super families in the Xuantian Continent - the Duanmu family.

(End of this chapter)

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