Brother is too evil

Chapter 235 2 Brothers

Chapter 235 Second Senior Brother (1)
The old man in Tsing Yi could not help but change his face when he heard the low voices of discussion around him, he would jump out, seeing that Duanmu Changqing and him were usually cultivated in the Jade Mansion... But at this moment, he felt a little regretful, wondering in his heart, could it be What's wrong with this young man?

Duanmu Changqing locked his eyes tightly on him, and a cold murderous look flashed in his eyes. The Yufu, which had turned into a huge sword, suddenly changed into its original shape, and fell into his palm. Down, exuding a powerful and terrifying force.

At this moment, a black old figure wrapped in a divine rainbow shot rapidly from a distance.

"I have seen the young master." The old man in black landed in front of Duanmu Changqing, saluted him respectfully, knowing that he was going to fight the old man in green, he hurriedly said: "Young master, leave this person to the old slave. "

Duanmu Changqing nodded, turned around and fell from the sky, Yufu turned into a big sword again, and slashed fiercely towards the mountain, his eyes were full of anxiety and worry.

Although he probably knew the place where Qin Luoyi was buried from Dahei's mouth, but the whole mountain had collapsed and was full of rubble. Bury Qin Luoyi deeper.

The old man in green who was confronting Duanmu Changqing saw the old man in black falling in front of Duanmu Changqing, and called him the young master, his face suddenly became very ugly, fear flashed in his eyes, and cold sweat broke out: " You... are you the steward of the Duanmu family?"

The old man in Xuanyi looked at him expressionlessly, and didn't answer his question, but said coldly: "Don't you want to do it, hurry up."

The old man in Tsing Yi smiled awkwardly, and even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to fight the Duanmu family's steward Ma.Rubbing his hands together, he said: "Misunderstanding, all of this is a misunderstanding. I didn't intend to start a fight with your young master. I saw that Young Master Duanmu was working too hard by himself, so I wanted to help. It was just a joke. Young Master Duanmu misunderstood It's..."

While talking, he backed away, his old face was flushed, and he blew into the crowd and ran away despondently.

The onlookers looked at his back and burst out laughing. They had seen thick-skinned people before, but they had never seen such thick-skinned people.

Song Wuhen also came, and together with Guanshi Ma, more than half of the collapsed mountain was quickly removed, the original high mountain became smaller, and not far away, a new mountain piled up with rubble rose up.

As the mountain became smaller and smaller, Duanmu Changqing's movements slowed down significantly, fearing that if he was not careful, he might hurt Qin Luoyi who was buried inside.

When the vision of Hunyuan Dzi disappeared, Qin Luoyi quietly came out of the bracelet space, and saw people everywhere on the mountain, but Dahei who was standing beside her was smiling maliciously, and couldn't help but provoke him curiously. brow. "what happened?"

Dahei pointed to the mountains that had been dug up in the distance, and couldn't help laughing again. Of course, in order to cover up their whereabouts, it didn't dare to laugh wildly, and endured very hard.

Qin Luoyi followed its gaze, and at a glance saw Duanmu Changqing who was swinging a huge knife and carefully moving rocks.After being taken aback for a moment, he looked back at Dahei with glowing eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Hanxiang knew that her master was digging mountains to find Qin Luoyi, so she hurried over with Qingzhu and others to help her, and was about to fall under the control of Shenhong, when she saw Qin Luoyi and Dahei standing quietly In the distance, there is no bone in the fart, and her young master is still there anxiously digging stones to find someone, and he can't help but be full of evil fire.

Let Qingzhu lead people to look at Qin Luoyi from a distance, don't let her run away, and then she landed beside Duanmu Changqing, muttering a few words in a low voice.

Duanmu Changqing's body shook violently, and he turned his head abruptly, his eyes were like swords, passing through the crowd, and locked on Qin Luoyi who was far away.

Qin Luoyi knew that he had been discovered, and met his gaze, instead of avoiding it, he winked and smiled at him instead.

Duanmu Changqing pursed his thin lips tightly, with fire beating in his eyes, Yufu, which turned into a big knife, sank into his body, then he took big steps and walked towards Qin Luoyi quickly.

Guanshi Ma, Song Wuhen and the others stopped splitting the mountain, and followed behind him with Hanxiang, walking over quickly.

"What happened to Mr. Duanmu, why didn't you dig?"

"That's right, the baby hasn't shown up yet, it's a pity to give up now."

All the monks were full of regret, but with what Duanmu Changqing said earlier, no one dared to do it without permission.

"Hey, this aura is a bit familiar... God, it's the aura of chaos. There's an aura of chaos at the bottom of this mountain!" Di Yi came out, his eyes lit up, and he yelled out loud.

Duanmu Changqing pursed his thin lips tightly, and soon came to Qin Luoyi. At this time, his face was calm, his eyes were calm, and his eyes were tightly locked on Qin Luoyi, with an unpredictable expression.

Qin Luoyi suddenly felt an inexplicable unease in his heart. He really didn't expect Dahei to make such a joke and tell him that he was crushed under the mountain.

A flash of guilt flashed in the phoenix's eyes.

Then he thought of her yelling his name outside the study, but he turned a deaf ear to it... The guilt that had just surfaced quickly disappeared, and a faint sneer floated in his eyes as he glanced at the huge mountain that was almost dug out in front of him.

In Duanmu Changqing's dark and indifferent eyes, there is a suppressed storm surging, and the hands in the sleeves are tightly clenched together: "Little Junior Sister, why are you here? Don't you have anything to say to me?" Did you say that?"

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a month. The second senior brother's cultivation has seen a rise. You have flattened such a high mountain. I really admire my junior sister..." Qin Luoyi brushed the few strands of black hair hanging from his cheeks, and said with a light smile .

She naturally felt the extremely oppressive aura on Duanmu Changqing, but she didn't take it seriously, she was sure that Duanmu Changqing would not dare to do anything to her.

Seeing her heartless appearance, Duanmu Changqing's beautiful eyes were filled with a cluster of extremely bright flames, and then his figure moved abruptly, a dazzling rainbow wrapped around Qin Luoyi and swept towards the sky, blinking Disappeared without a trace.

Dahei let out a roar, and ran after it with hooves, and Heidi followed beside it unhurriedly.

Hearing that there was chaos, all the monks onlookers looked excited and crazy, but because of Duanmu Changqing's harsh words, they only dared to hang around outside, no one dared to be the first to rush up, and only watched Duanmu closely Changqing's movements.

He suddenly followed Shenhong and took a young girl away. The monks could no longer control the excitement in their hearts, and rushed forward, all kinds of magical weapons, flying swords, and mansions were all blasted out.

Qin Luoyi was trapped in Shenhong, and was taken tens of thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.It is located in an elegant small courtyard among green mountains and green waters.

Shenhong dispersed, and when she was about to jump away from Duanmu Changqing, whose air pressure was very low, Duanmu Changqing stretched out his long arms, quickly caught her body, and hugged her in his arms, his dark eyes were extremely hot: "Qin Luoyi, do you think it's fun to scare me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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