Brother is too evil

Chapter 253 Goodbye Big Brother

Chapter 253 Goodbye Big Brother (1)
Qin Luoyi was a Xuanfu cultivator, so he was naturally not their opponent. After quickly dodging a few fatal attacks, he didn't care about the identities of the people who attacked her, and began to consider releasing the Tsing Yi puppet.

At this moment, a white figure suddenly descended from the sky, and gracefully landed in front of her. His black hair danced lightly, his expression was calm, his eyes were deep, and he held a very ordinary long sword in his hand. He easily killed the two Tsing Yi men who attacked her.

Twenty Qingfu monks, dealing with a Xuanfu monk and a strange beast, is absolutely suppressed. The Tsingyi man who thought he would kill Dahei and Qin Luoyi soon, suddenly appeared at a critical moment. Everyone was shocked to see such a handsome, graceful and immortal master who killed people without batting an eyelid.Several green mansions spun rapidly, bursting out with dazzling light, and they were not in a hurry to attack Qin Luoyi, they all attacked the man in white.

The white-clothed man's face remained unchanged, and he swung his long sword gracefully again. In a very strange way, he dodged the attacking mansion, swung his sword again, and in the blink of an eye, another man in green-clothed was pierced through the heart by his sword.

Dahei bit off the neck of a monk in blue, and looked at the man in white with excitement, his mouth was full of blood and screamed to the sky: "Wow, it's too perverted!"

The corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes twitched. She was no stranger to this white-clothed man. He was the man who passed out in Nanmo. He thought he had gotten rid of him, but he was actually following behind her!

What she didn't expect was that he would come out to kill the people in Tsing Yi who besieged her now!
Suspicion flashed in the pitch-black phoenix eyes, did he know these men in black and had a grudge against them, that's why he jumped out?Otherwise, they had never known each other before, and they really couldn't figure out why he would come to help her.

The appearance of the white-clothed man also surprised Liu Qingxuan. Anger flashed in his dark eyes, and the muscles on his cheeks trembled slightly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, who is this man? He dares to fight against my Liu family!"

Jumped out from behind the huge boulder, controlled Shenhong, and went straight to the man in white, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and a terrifying mansion shimmering with blue light ruthlessly smashed towards him.

"Be careful!" Seeing the man in purple who suddenly jumped out, Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he hurriedly reminded the man in white.Although they are both cultivators of Xuanfu, she has already seen at a glance that the cultivation base of this purple-clothed man is much higher than that of others, and the spiritual power and star power above Qingfu are even stronger. An extremely terrifying murderous aura flashed.

Hearing the words, the man in white looked back at her, a strange light flickered in that cold gaze, then he turned his head and aimed at the mansion that Liu Qingxuan attacked, and then twisted his hands, the Qing mansion shattered and disappeared instantly , leaving only a circle of ripples after being shaken away, and then the sword continued to stab Liu Qingxuan unabated.

Liu Qingxuan's eyes widened in a daze.

Obviously it looks like a very ordinary sword. He has already condensed to the mansion at the peak of the Qingfu, and he was crushed like that. How could the power of this man in white be so terrifying? Powerful mansion attack?
What frightened him even more was that the mansion was broken, and when he saw the long sword stabbing towards him, he actually felt that it was not one sword stabbing him, but thousands of swords coming from all directions. Let him avoid it, just stare wide-eyed, watching the sword stabbing towards him.

"Be careful, son!"

The monk in green who came with him was shocked, the young master didn't run away... If the young master died, even if Qin Luoyi was killed, they would not be able to survive, and their family members...the consequences were not something they could bear!
Qiqi all rushed towards him, and several of them teamed up to smash the sword of the man in white with the mansion, and the rest of them pulled Liu Qingxuan away together, and did not fight any more, and fled in embarrassment against Shenhong .

Dahei chased after him with hooves, and chased for hundreds of meters, but he didn't see Qin Luoyi and the man in white following up, and said angrily, "Why let them go!"

Qin Luoyi glanced at it with a half-smile, and with the two of them alone, could they still chase it?Turning his eyes to the man in white, he was about to express his gratitude to him, when suddenly he found that his already pale face became even paler, a stream of blood escaped from the corner of his lips, his body shook twice, and he fell down on the ground with a bang. He fell to the ground and passed out.

Qin Luoyi pursed her lips, and frowned slightly. Now it's not like before. In the desert, she can ignore his life and death, just because he is a stranger, but now that he has helped them, she can't help her. Stand idly by.

Fingers caressed his wrist, a wave of spiritual power seeped in from the wrist, controlled the spiritual power to circle around his body with divine sense, and his fair and pretty face instantly changed color.

The man in white was seriously injured, his five internal organs and six lungs were displaced, he was bleeding profusely, and several bones were even broken... With such a serious injury, he was able to follow them for hundreds of miles without being noticed. Killing so many people in Tsing Yi is simply a miracle!
Without further hesitation, he took out an eighth-order healing pill and fed it into his mouth.

The man in white was seriously injured, and it seemed that he would not be able to wake up in a short time. In order to prevent those who escaped from chasing him, Qin Luoyi put the man in white on Dahei's back and left quickly.

Originally, I wanted to take him to a hotel, but he was seriously injured. In order to avoid attracting attention, I didn’t want to put him in the bracelet space—mainly because I felt that the man in white was too powerful and appeared very strange. After the episode, I decided to find a hidden cave and settle down temporarily.

Two days later, the man in white finally woke up. Although his face was still pale, it was much better than before. He didn't ask why he was injured, why he appeared in the desert, and why he jumped out to help him. Qin Luo Yi just smiled and took out another eighth-rank elixir for him to take without hesitation.

The reason why he didn't give him a higher-level elixir was to wait for this moment. He was unconscious when he took the elixir. If he didn't admit it after waking up and pretended to be a benefactor and wanted her to repay his favor, she would be at a loss. big!

Now give it to him in person, no matter what, he can't deny it, can't he?It's not that she treats a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, his cultivation base is too strong, she has to guard against it.

The man in white looked at her coldly for a moment, took the elixir and continued to sit cross-legged.Dahei circled around him curiously, constantly guessing his identity.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already five days later, the internal injuries on his body were almost healed this time, only the fractures could not be healed in three or two days, it could only be cultivated slowly.

Although it was only a temporary cave, Qin Luoyi still arranged it very beautifully. Anyway, her storage space is large enough. Before coming to Penglai Xiandao, Xie Ruyan packed a lot of things in it. They are very practical.

(End of this chapter)

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