Brother is too evil

Chapter 254 Goodbye Big Brother

Chapter 254 Goodbye Big Brother (2)
The stools and tables are all made of excellent white jade, and the bowls and chopsticks used are all made of silver. Because the monk often lives in the wild, Xie Ruyan also prepared several tents for her, but no matter how many tents she has, she only has one person. Not much.

I gave one to Dahei before, and then gave one to Heidi. After the man in white was injured and moved to the cave by her, she also gave him one. Except that Heidi is still retreating in the bracelet space, and now there are three in the cave. Each tent has a different color, and because of the exquisite workmanship, it is very pleasing to the eye no matter how close it is viewed from a distance.

At this moment, Qin Luoyi was sitting on a jade stool with her chin resting on her slender hands, and looked suspiciously at the man in white sitting opposite her.The skin is as smooth and flawless as white jade, the eyelashes are black and thick, the eyebrows are indifferent, noble, quiet, sitting there gracefully, the whole body is spotless, exuding a detached temperament, making people forget the world... How do you look at such a person Nor does it look like a person who has lost his memory!
"You really don't know your name?" Qin Luoyi blinked, stared closely at his eyes and asked again: "I don't know why I was injured in the southern desert? Think about it carefully , maybe I can think of something."

Dahei lay lazily at her feet, resting his chin on his paws, with a pensive look on his face.

Could it be that not only was he injured all over by the lightning calamity, but his brain was also smashed, so that's why he couldn't remember anything?
The man in white frowned slightly, tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly, looked at her radiant and pretty face and said indifferently: "I can't think of anything."

Qin Luoyi and Dahei looked at each other, the man in white had lost his memory, but he didn't look panicked or worried, he really didn't look like a normal person with amnesia!
Dahei is okay, but he has some doubts, but Qin Luoyi is completely suspicious. She is someone who has experienced this trick of pretending to have amnesia. She thinks that when she wore it to the Zhennan Palace, she used amnesia in order not to be suspected. This trick.But she is more professional than him, so when she can't think of it, she will pretend to have a terrible headache, and she can't think about it anymore, and if she thinks about it again, she will have a worse headache.

A flash of light flashed quickly in his eyes, and he blinked, Qin Luoyi made a regretful and sad look: "It's a pity that I haven't seen you before, and I don't know your name, otherwise I can help you to inform you Dear... that... hey, since you like to wear white clothes, I might as well call you white clothes for now, otherwise I'll call you "hey hey" every time, it's really awkward."

When he woke up in the middle, he changed his clothes once and it was white. Today he changed it again and it was still white. Qin Luoyi even had a feeling that his clothes were probably nothing but white. color.

It cannot be denied that he is spotless from top to bottom and exudes a detached temperament, so it is indeed very suitable to wear white.

Facing the temporary title of Bai Yi, the man in white frowned slightly, as if he was displeased, but then he opened his brows with a look of indifference, and this small action fell into Qin Luoyi's eyes, making him more sure that his amnesia was It's just pretending, such an outstanding man must have had an extraordinary name in the first place, frowning is an instinctive movement of contempt and disapproval for the name she picked up casually.And its should also be to get close to her, but what makes her feel strange is that with his cultivation base, he should have many chances to kill her, so he doesn't need to pretend to have amnesia, right?

Maybe he came for the Hunyuan Dzi?

The collapse of the mountain incident last time aroused the suspicion of those who cared about it, and this white robe is the hermit powerhouse who jumped out of suspicion?
Pursing his thin lips, Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flashed a fierce and fierce aura, but the look on his face did not change. Looking into his eyes, his voice was clear and soft, and he said with a look of great concern for him: " Bai Yi, your injury is too serious. Although you have taken two eighth-level elixirs, you have already healed a lot, but a broken bone is a serious injury. It will hurt your muscles and bones for a hundred days. Rest for a while, I still have a healing pill here, you can take it, take care of your body, after a long time, maybe you can think of something, and there are some bank notes, you also take it."

Dare to pretend to have amnesia in front of her, that is Luban playing a big axe in front of the door, even if he helped her drive away the purple-clothed men before, the healing pill and the money she gave him are still clear, she can't bring him A person with ulterior motives followed by his side.

Looking at the thousand taels of silver bills and the elixir on the table, Bai Yi's eyes flashed, and he didn't speak, but quietly looked at her pretty face, with a strange gleam surging in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi smiled at him, quickly tidied up the things in the cave, and kindly left some for him, then waved to him vigorously, saying that he still had something urgent to do, so he couldn't stay here anymore After the delay, he took Dahei and left without hesitation.

Bai Yi has always maintained an elegant posture, sitting there, his eyes are cold and noble, watching her leave quietly, without stopping.

In order to prevent being followed again, Qin Luoyi and Dahei came out of the cave and flew away at full speed. On the way, they deliberately kept an eye on their backs, but they didn't see Bai Yi following up, and their tense hearts finally relaxed a lot.

After traveling for nearly [-] miles, she finally got away from the Southern Desert. At this time, she was not far from Jinding Mountain. After thinking about it, she planned to go to Xueshamen to have a look. Perhaps Wang Changkong could give her an unexpected surprise. .

To go to Xueshamen, he passed by Jinding Mountain. Thinking of the magical ice field, Qin Luoyi turned to the main peak of Jinding Mountain. Compared with a few months ago, the main peak of Jinding Mountain at this time looked very deserted.

Although there is a magnificent hall on the mountain, which belongs to the Alchemist Guild, but the alchemy competition has passed, and there are no alchemists in the hall except for a few people who clean the hall. Qin Luoyi is not surprised, she listened to the left Master Gu said that the real alchemist guild is not here, but in a place where spiritual power and star power are extremely strong, there is also a spiritual field, and the main hall will only be opened when the alchemist conference is held once in a hundred years .

Standing on the top of the empty mountain, Qin Luoyi, with elegant demeanor, delicate and gorgeous appearance, and orchid-like aura, was very eye-catching, and was quickly recognized by several people in the hall.There was a look of surprise on their faces, and they whispered together, pointing at her while speaking.

Qin Luoyi didn't take it seriously either. In the Jinding Mountain Alchemy Competition, she refined a ninth-grade top-grade elixir and entered the ice field as No.1 in the alchemy competition. Not to mention ordinary alchemists, there are many monks and ordinary people , and now I know her too.

She walked in the direction of the domain gate that the ice domain had opened at the beginning, and a young man in Tsing Yi came out of the hall suddenly: "Miss Qin, the ice domain has not been opened yet, so please don't approach it. Anyone who approaches the ice domain now will Attacked!"

(End of this chapter)

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