Brother is too evil

Chapter 255 Goodbye Big Brother

Chapter 255 Goodbye Big Brother (3)
After finishing speaking, he carefully looked around again, and lowered his voice extremely cautiously: "Miss Qin, hurry up, Elder Zhou Tian from Dongtian Paradise is near the ice area."

Qin Luoyi's heart shuddered.

Zhou Tian, ​​who is in the blessed land of the cave, is the master of the three brothers Murong Jue who died in her hands. He said that his cultivation base is extremely powerful, and he is extremely protective. He will come to the ice region because Murong Jue is buried here. .

In the past few months, she traveled outside and heard many comments, saying that Zhou Tian was unlucky this year, two disciples were unknown, and one disciple died in the ice field. There were only three disciples in total. thing.

Especially Murong Jue, Zhou Tian had high hopes for him, but at the age of a hundred years, he could refine a ninth-level pill, and his cultivation base was the strongest among the three disciples, not to mention Zhou God, even the entire Paradise of Paradise had high hopes for him. A dazzling new star that was rising had not had time to shine, and he did not expect to disappear like this. The blow to Paradise of Paradise was not insignificant.

"Elder Zhou Tian also said that he will definitely find Ning Qiu and you, miss, and thoroughly investigate the cause of his apprentice's death." The man in Tsing Yi said again.Worry flashed in his eyes, the so-called thorough investigation was probably just an excuse, Miss Qin took away Murong Jue's Purple Stove, Zhou Tian would definitely hold a grudge.

Thorough investigation?

Looking for her and Ning Qiu?
Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. With Xiao Tian's matter in front, there is no need to investigate at all. I'm afraid Zhou Tian will put all of this on her, he just needs an upright Just a reason to kill her.

Ning Qiu of Taihao Sect.

She had a good feeling for him before. This should not be a treacherous man, but he is just an ordinary Xuanfu monk. I don't know if Zhou Tian finds him and gives him both kindness and power, will he keep his previous words.

Qin Luoyi secretly raised his vigilance, smiled and thanked the man in Tsing Yi for his reminder, then turned around and left the top of Jinding Mountain, drifting away.

Walking down the main peak of Jinding Mountain, Qin Luoyi suddenly sensed the danger, and a blue shadow appeared faintly behind him, her cultivation base was very powerful, she was shocked, she accelerated her speed, and went towards the densely populated area outside the mountain together with Dahei. A big city, Ningwu City, left.

At this moment, the entire mountain forest suddenly darkened, a gust of wind blew violently, many plants and trees were broken, and a blue shadow flew past, blocking her in front of her, looking at her coldly.

"Qin Luoyi?" The man in Tsing Yi opened his mouth slowly, and a powerful coercion followed him, coming straight at Qin Luoyi. fall down.

The man in Tsing Yi looked only in his thirties, with a ruddy complexion and black hair, but his eyes were very vicissitudes, which did not match his appearance.

Although Qin Luoyi had never met him before, he had a very strong intuition in his heart that this was Zhou Tian, ​​the elder of Dongtian Paradise, and Murong Jue Xiaotian's master.

"Good girl, you are young, but you are so ruthless, you not only killed my apprentices Xiao Tian and Gao Yang, but even Murong fell into your hands, say, how on earth did you kill Murong!" the man in blue Said coldly, the evil spirit and pain in the dark vicissitudes of life flashed away.

It really is Sunday!
Qin Luoyi bent his lips and looked mockingly.

"Senior, you can't recklessly wrong me. I didn't kill those two apprentices of yours." She denied it without guilt: "It's just that I know how they died. They fell under the lion-tiger cliff. Torn into pieces by the beasts below, devoured into their stomachs, not even the bones left, their screams when they were bitten, alas, even now when I think about it, I feel terrified!"

"As for Young Master Murong!" There was a flash of contempt in her eyes, and she said in a cold voice, "Isn't it because he was greedy and ate too many tuckahoe fruits, that's why he couldn't come out?"

"Nonsense!" Zhou Tian was extremely angry, and because she said that the two disciples were torn to death by the beasts under the lion and tiger cliff, she was confused, and the blood in her heart was churning violently. Because, even if a strange beast is added, it should not be the opponent of his two disciples. They didn't die at the hands of Qin Luoyi, but he believed it.

"Who are you as an old man? I can let you fool me? Murong Jue eats more poria cocos fruit, how is that possible! He is not a fool." Zhou Tian snorted coldly. Among the three disciples, Murong Jue's death caused him the most pain. heartache.

Originally, he didn't want to do it himself, but Dongtianfudi sent out two groups of troops to stop her. They were all elites, and none of them came back alive. This result shocked him and the elders of Dongtianfudi. She was still holding a purple stove, so in order to avoid complications, he decided to kill her himself.

Qin Luoyi looked at his angry face, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ning from Taihaomen saw with his own eyes that several poria cocos were missing... I don't know if Murong is a fool, but you His master, I think you should know better than me."

Then he said to himself inadvertently: "Could it be that he is really a fool and has some brain problems, so he picked so many Poria cocos fruits to eat? It's a pity."

Zhou Tian was furious: "Stinky girl, I'll kill you!" He dared to slander his proud disciple as a fool, Zhou Tian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he raised his hand and slapped her.

"Because I'm getting angry, it turns out he's really a fool!" Qin Luoyi blinked, his pretty face was full of sarcasm, and with a thought, he took out a magic amulet, and brought Dahei towards Ning Wu quickly again. away from the city.

Zhou Tian slapped her empty hand, his expression became even angrier, looking at her disappearing back, he roared angrily, and chased after her: "Sure enough, there are tricks, no wonder you dare to fight against me, but no matter how tricky you are, it's just a mystery. You are just a monk in the mansion, the old man will kill you today to avenge my three disciples!"

Qin Luoyi has a magic talisman, but his cultivation base is much worse than Zhou Tian's, and he was quickly chased by Zhou Tian, ​​but he didn't kill her, but just followed behind her leisurely, his whole body A powerful and terrifying coercion exudes from top to bottom, like a cat catching a mouse, enjoying the pleasure of hunting her down.

After running for nearly half an hour, seeing that Ningwu City was already in the distance, Dahei and Qin Luoyi's expressions became more and more dignified, because they also knew that Zhou Tian had many opportunities to kill them along the way, so he didn't do anything. He clearly wanted to give them a heavy blow at the last moment, to let them see that hope was clearly in front of them, but it was always passing by... He wanted to see their despair as they fell from the clouds to the bottom of the valley.

Zhou Tian started to speed up, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"What a pervert!" Dahei glanced back and gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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