Brother is too evil

Chapter 267 I Didn't Mean It

Chapter 267 I Didn't Mean It (2)
He wanted to help him a long time ago, but Duanmu Changqing said that this was his family matter and he wanted to solve it himself, so he declined his help.

"My lord asked me to protect Miss Qin!" Song Wuhen's eyes flickered, and he looked at Qin Luoyi who was standing silently beside him expressionlessly, his tone of voice was indifferent without any fluctuation.

The smile on Feng Feili's monstrous face has not changed, but Taohua's eyes are burning with fire, and he suddenly has a bad feeling in his heart. Is it really what he thinks, the second junior brother also has a good impression of Yi'er?
Back at Ruyi Inn, Qin Luoyi avoided Feng Feili and Qin Mo, and asked Song Wuhen with a dark face: "What are you following me for? Go back to your master!"

Song Wuhen looked at her for a moment, then bowed deeply to her: "Last time, thank you Miss Qin for saving my life!"

The twelfth-order healing pill, even in Xuantian Continent, is extremely rare, and each one is priceless. He has been with the young master for many years, and he is only lucky to see it once. It can bring people back to life. of rare treasures.

Until now, he still hasn't figured out why Qin Luoyi has a twelfth-order healing pill on his body, and even took it out to save his life without hesitation!

"You don't need to thank me. You were injured because of me. Naturally, I won't just watch you die. You can go. Don't follow me in the future. I don't need protection." Qin Luoyi waved his hand indifferently. wave.

"The last time Sima Yu saw you with the young master, I'm afraid he might have something against you." Song Wuhen said again after being silent for a moment.Qin Luoyi was almost injured. This time, the young master is cruel and wants to uproot those people. I'm afraid that some people will be impatient and jump over the wall in a hurry.

"I see." Qin Luoyi pursed her lips and didn't care too much. There are too many people who are trying to trick her. It is not certain who will win the deer and who will have the last laugh: "Let's go, go back to the second senior brother Go, he needs you more than I do, don't follow me anymore." After leaving this sentence, she turned and left.

Song Wuhen stood silently on the spot for a moment, sighed lightly, moved his feet, and swept out of the inn like light smoke.

Feng Feili, dressed in red, stood in the distance, with her hands gracefully behind her back, looking at the direction where Song Wuhen disappeared, Taohua's eyes flashed, and she whispered to the seemingly empty sky: "Go and check, What happened during my absence for more than a year?"


The branches in the distance trembled slightly, and a black shadow flickered lightly, then disappeared into the distance.

In the evening, Feng Feili took a book of secrets and walked gracefully to Qin Luoyi's door.Knocking on the door, without waiting for Qin Luoyi to invite him into the room, he walked in very actively, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and evil charm in his peach-blossom eyes.

Naturally, Qin Luoyi didn't miss the thing in his hand. There were black lines all over her forehead. After she closed the door, she walked over and said with a forced smile, "Brother, it's so late, what do you do?"

"Of course." Feng Feili smiled slightly, and sat on the soft bed beside him: "Didn't I tell you during the day that there is a kung fu that can speed up your cultivation several times, and it happens that there is nothing wrong now, senior brother brought it here for you."

He beckoned her to come and sit down, and then handed the light yellow book of Secret Strides to her hand.

Qin Luoyi took it suspiciously.

"Look, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask me." Feng Feili's eyes were burning, and she smiled gracefully and lazily.

Qin Luoyi looked at him, then at the secret striata in his hand.There is no word on the secret striata, and it is impossible to see what kind of secret striata it is from the outside.Standing up and walking to the middle of the room, by the candlelight, I opened the first page.

"This is..." After reading a few words, Qin Luoyi's face changed, and he closed the book abruptly, staring at Feng Feili, who was standing behind her and very close to her, with a The pretty face was instantly cold: "Elder brother, what do you mean?"

Feng Feili's eyes flickered, and she chuckled softly: "Yi'er, don't you understand what Senior Brother means?"

"I don't understand." Qin Luoyi was still expressionless. He didn't know why, but his heart was very disappointed.At first, I thought that the eldest brother was just evil-looking, but I didn't expect that he was also a dandy and romantic man, and there was a purpose for being nice to her.

Feng Feili looked at her icy pretty face, sighed lightly, got closer to her, held her shoulders with both hands, her peach blossom eyes were shining brightly, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Yi'er, go to Xuanyuan with senior brother." Tian Dalu, as the partner of the senior brother, from now on... let the senior brother support you for the rest of your life."

Qin Luoyi was stunned.

Senior brother... Is he inviting himself to double cultivate with him?At first, he thought that he took this Shuangxiu secret striata intentionally to tease her.

The slender eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she blinked, staring into his eyes, the charm in the peach blossom eyes was no longer, replaced by a rare seriousness, and there were traces of tenderness rippling inside.

"Brother..." Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, feeling a little parched, thinking about how to reject him so as not to embarrass him: "I..."

It is undeniable that such a monstrous man, who is still a monk of Yufu, said so seriously that he would double cultivate with her, which greatly satisfied her vanity, but this is different from agreeing to double cultivate with him.

Seeing that the icy expression on Qin Luoyi's bright and pretty face eased a lot, his eyes sparkled, and his whole body exuded a seductive charm unconsciously, Feng Feili chuckled lightly: "Yi'er, the past two years You are not with Senior Brother, Senior Brother really misses you."

Qin Luoyi hesitated to speak: "Brother, actually I..."

"Hehe, I know, you miss me too, don't you? I knew that Yi'er also had me in her heart, so she wouldn't miss me." Before she could say her refusal, Feng Feili gently embraced her. In her arms, and then printed a kiss on her forehead, which seemed intimate but not ambiguous, giving her a feeling of being cared for and loved.

Qin Luoyi was intoxicated for a short time, but the Hunyuan Dzi Bead in the Lingtai Cave started to heat up slightly, and a strange feeling rose from the bottom of her heart, which made her wake up quickly, knowing that the bead was about to start to play tricks again.Push hard, trying to push him away.


There was a crisp sound, but Feng Feili was not pushed away. He didn't know what happened, but he tore off two pieces of the clothes on his chest, revealing the white jade-like, shiny skin inside, and even his strong body. The abdominal muscles are also faintly visible.

Qin Luoyi, who was still tightly hugged by Feng Feili on his chest, was completely stunned. He looked at the two pieces of luxurious red brocade that were very irregularly cracked in his hands, and at the disheveled clothes in front of him, which looked even more enchanting and confusing. The senior brother couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.

Feng Feili was also taken aback, looking at her with extremely burning peach eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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