Brother is too evil

Chapter 268 Big Brother

Chapter 268 Big Brother (3)
And she was actually controlled by a bead... The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Qin Luoyi's consciousness landed on the green Hunyuan Dzi Bead, stared at it for a long time, and then condensed A powerful spiritual force slammed into it fiercely again.

She is now at the third level of the Xuanfu, and her spiritual power is several times stronger than before at the second level of the Xuanfu. A full blow, even without the power of the stars, is enough to seriously injure a cultivator at the peak of the Martial Saint , but the Hunyuan Dzi did not move at all.

Unwilling to give up, I tried a few more times, but still failed.

Qin Luoyi had no choice but to give up, and secretly decided in her heart that when she returned to the Misty Sect, she must ask her master to find out who the people who had obtained the Hunyuan Dzi were. This kind of reaction, or all the people who get the Hunyuan Dzi, are particularly easy to be aroused and controlled by the Hunyuan Dzi.

Opening her eyes, her mind was still on the Hunyuan Dzi, but she suddenly looked into a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes, because she was so close, she almost jumped up from the soft couch, her slender eyelashes trembled, She said angrily, "Brother, why are you still here?"

Feng Feili also sat cross-legged on the soft couch, dressed in red, she looked monstrous and noble, her eyes flickered, and she said with a smile: "I'll always be here with you."

But in my heart I was really depressed.

From that night onwards, she actually retreated for four days, completely treating him as air, ignoring him extremely thoroughly.What surprised him even more was that during the four days, her aura became much stronger, and her cultivation had obviously improved again.

Qin Mo walked into the yard from the outside of the inn, and saw Feng Feili and Qin Luoyi walking out of the house together. After saying hello, he carried Qin Luoyi on his back, and quietly teased his brother: "I spent four days together , you are finally willing to come out."

He thought he spoke in a low voice, and Qin Luoyi couldn't hear him, but who knew that Qin Luoyi's hearing improved a lot after his cultivation base was promoted to another level, and he actually listened to his words verbatim, He must have known what happened that night.

It's only been four days... This misunderstanding is huge!

The pitch-black phoenix eyes glanced at the elder brother Feng Feili, only to see that his evil face was full of smiles, but he didn't mean to explain at all.

Looking away, Qin Luoyi's mind was full of black lines.

Song Wuhen came back with Qin Mo, so he naturally saw Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili coming out of the house together, looked at Qin Luoyi expressionlessly, then at Feng Feili, with indifferent eyes There is repressed anger.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Qin Luoyi walked in front of him, frowning slightly.

"The young master told me to follow the girl and protect the girl, so naturally I can't leave." Song Wuhen looked away from Feng Feili's face and said to her indifferently.

Qin Luoyi rolled his eyes secretly, knowing that he couldn't talk to him, he would only listen to Duanmu Changqing, so he simply ignored him and walked past him.

Feng Feili is a cultivator of the Xuanfu, and his five senses are extremely keen. Although Song Wuhen's anger was suppressed, he still felt it, and his peach blossom eyes dimmed.

Yi'er is not a virgin... Could it be that the relationship between the second junior brother and her has reached that point of intimacy?That's why he sent the most important Song Wuhen by her side to protect her?

He doesn't want to believe it.

Looking at Song Wuhen with a stern expression again, the heart that has been calm for a hundred years can no longer be calm for the first time, and becomes extremely depressed.

Qin Mo also knew Song Wuhen, knew that he was Duanmu Changqing's confidant, seeing Song Wuhen's attitude towards Qin Luoyi and what he said, he suddenly frowned slightly.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing both studied under the same master and were both born in the Xuantian Continent. They have similar family backgrounds and similar ages. They have always had a good relationship in private. If they really fell in love with Qin at the same time Luoyi, things are really troublesome.

Qin Luoyi walked out of the Ruyi Inn, Qin Mo and Feng Feili followed closely from left to right, and Song Wuhen followed Feng Feili as he watched Feng Feili's back.

It was the morning at this time, and there were many pedestrians on the street. They were one woman and three men walking on the road, which was extraordinarily eye-catching.

Qin Luoyi wore a sapphire blue long skirt with high pull-up blue silk, a delicate pearl hairpin inserted obliquely in his hair, a jade belt tied up his slender waist, and his white face was as white as jade without makeup, looking fresh and elegant, peerless, While looking around, the phoenix pupils that were as black as stars flashed with a bright luster like glass, making them even more beautiful and moving.

Beside her, Feng Feili was tall and slender, with a jade tree facing the wind, her black and thick hair was pulled up high by a jade crown, and her enchanting peach eyes were full of passion, which made people fall into it if they were not careful.With a straight nose and a dazzled smile around his moderately thick red lips, he would turn sideways and talk to the woman beside him with a gentle smile from time to time.

As for Qin Mo, who was wearing black clothes, he was also handsome and majestic, and he was clearly not an ordinary person at a glance.

It was Song Wuhen who stood at the end, although his face was expressionless and his eyes were a little cold, which made people dare not look at him, but he was also handsome and handsome.

A group of four people walked through the street, causing many people to stare at them, but few people dared to stare at them, because they all had an unusually dignified aura faintly exuding from them. Be in awe of them from the bottom of my heart.

Qin Luoyi didn't care about the different eyes around her, she just stared at her surroundings, and when she arrived at a snack bar that looked very clean, she walked in without hesitation.

Feng Feili paused for a moment, Taohua looked around indifferently, and then followed in with a smile, but before he sat down, with a thought, he cleaned the tables and chairs around him again with the whisk technique.

Qin Mo frowned: "In front is Juxianlou, Luoyi girl, if you want to eat, you should go to Juxianlou." His eyes scanned the surroundings again, and his brows furrowed even tighter.

"Brother Qin, although this shop is small, it tastes good, especially the steamed dumplings they make. They are famous far and wide. You will regret it if you don't eat them." Qin Luoyi smiled and said to him.

Qin Mo hesitated, looked at her a few times, and finally walked in, but like Feng Feili, he cleaned the surroundings again with the whisk technique before sitting down. When he came in, he took Song Wuhen Also pulled in.

Qin Luoyi has been to this small shop twice already. She has a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament. The owner of the small shop recognized her a long time ago, and hurriedly approached her. The air pressure made it difficult for him to stand still, he only dared to lower his head, and didn't dare to look at them a few more times.

Qin Luoyi asked for crystal shrimp dumplings, but seeing that the shop owner was too embarrassed to ask them, she had no choice but to ask Feng Feili and the others for him.

(End of this chapter)

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