Brother is too evil

Chapter 270 Who cheated who

Chapter 270 Who cheated who (2)
"Yes, Mo, what's the matter with you?" He stared at Qin Mo with peachy eyes, and held Qin Mo's hand so hard that Qin Mo almost jumped up in pain.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" After struggling hard, he broke his hand out of Feng Feili's grasp, and glared at him angrily, damn it, he was so cruel, his hand almost fell apart.

"Is it really okay?" Qin Luoyi looked at his bluish-black face, still a little worried, and leaned over again, a little dissatisfied with Feng Feili's sudden interruption of her diagnosis.

"It's okay, it's okay." Under Feng Feili's cold and dangerous gaze, he didn't dare to let Qin Luoyi take half a step closer, he knew that Feng Feili was extremely angry at this time.

In order to prove that he was really okay, this time he held his chopsticks firmly, quickly finished all the crystal shrimp dumplings left in the bowl, and then took the initiative to pay the bill.

He promised Qin Luoyi to eat bean curd rice and steamed buns, and he naturally didn't forget it, but when eating, although Qin Luoyi still looked satisfied, he felt a little bit hungry.

Because although Feng Feili was laughing all the time, he felt cold sweat protruding all over his body, and he felt a horrible feeling of being ripped off by him.

Thousands of miles away from Ningwu City.

After a loud noise, a big tree that could only be embraced by several people fell to the ground with a bang, splashing violent dust, and two slender figures, one black and one white, who were fighting in the air, separated suddenly and fell from the air.

The one in the black robe was Qin Mo.

The other white figure was naturally Feng Feili.

After wandering around the street, when he returned to the Ruyi Inn, Qin Mo was dragged to the outskirts of Ningwu City by Feng Feili, who laughed so monstrously. Without saying a word, he shook his fist at him.

Except for the giant tree that was swept down just now, the valley is now in a state of chaos, with broken branches and broken grass all over the ground, and even half of the mountain on one side has been blasted down.

Qin Mo looked around and smiled wryly. Feng Feili would have misunderstood him for being abnormal at the dumpling shop today, so he can't blame him. Looking at Feng Feili's charming and handsome face, which made him break out in cold sweat, he had to explain again: "Li, don't get me wrong, I really don't have any other thoughts about Miss Qin."

Feng Feili snorted coldly, stared at him and said, "When are you going back to Xuantian Continent?" He still trusted his brother, but... before the dust settled on his relationship with Qin Luoyi, he I don't want to be extravagant.

Maybe Qin Mo doesn't have any ideas now, if he stays any longer, there's no guarantee that he will still be the same as now, because he tends to be soft-hearted towards Yi'er, which is very different from his previous cold personality, so he can't take it lightly.

This brother is just like him. He has lived for hundreds of years and has never been in love with a woman. They are the same kind of people.

It's fine if it's someone else, Qin Luoyi... She is his partner who has decided to double cultivate, and he knows that even if Qin Mo really fell in love with her, he would never let her go.

Qin Mo turned around twice on the spot a little anxiously.Then it stopped beside Feng Feili, looked at him with some unusual seriousness: "I'm leaving tomorrow."

Feng Feili heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"You also know the situation of our family. For hundreds of years, the population has always been thin. My parents have no children except me, and the second uncle's children, until now, do not know whether they are dead or alive. At this point, his expression became a little sad: "The old man has been looking outside for these years. I have been in seclusion for several years. I haven't seen him for nearly ten years. I don't know where he is now. .”

Hearing him talk about the family affairs, Feng Feili sighed, and patted his shoulder comfortingly, but couldn't say any words of comfort.

Not only the old man of the Qin family has been looking for it these years, but the entire Qin family has also sent many people to look for it. This continent is about to be turned upside down. If he is still alive, why can't he find it?
Qin Mo also knew that his sister, whom he had never met, was probably in danger, so he shook his head and smiled wryly: "When I see Miss Qin, I always have a strange feeling that she is like my sister." At first glance When he arrived at Qin Luoyi, he had an unusually cordial feeling. He really liked Qin Luoyi, but his liking was different from Feng Feili's.

Feng Feili would be jealous because of her liking, but he wouldn't... Even when he heard they were together that night, he didn't feel jealous.

"I'll go back tomorrow. It's been a few years since I left home, so I should go back and have a look. But before I leave, I want to recognize Miss Qin as my younger sister." A gleam flashed in Qin Mo's eyes.

"Recognize her as your younger sister?" Feng Feili was startled, frowned slightly, looked at him seriously and said, "This matter is not something to be taken lightly, you should go back and ask your family before making a decision."

The Qin family... is not an ordinary family.

If Qin Mo really recognized Luo Yi as his younger sister, and his family didn't like it, especially the old man, he didn't want Yi'er to be wronged.

And from his point of view, Qin Mo's sudden desire to recognize Qin Luoyi as his younger sister may have a lot to do with what happened today. He probably wanted to make himself completely at ease.

My heart suddenly had mixed feelings.

Qin Mo shook his head, and said with a smile: "No need, my parents still have the temperament of the old man, and it's not like you don't know it. Don't worry, they will definitely like Miss Qin very much." That sister, I don't have any hope of getting her back."

Feng Feili's peachy eyes flashed, looking at him thoughtfully, without hope... Could it be that he wants Yi'er to replace his sister, to comfort his father's pain of losing his son and grandson?

An elegant white shadow swept into the Ruyi Inn, and went straight to Qin Luoyi's room without a sound.

Qin Luoyi, who was leisurely kneading melon seeds in the house and thinking about waiting for Dahei and Heidi to come back tomorrow, left Ningwu City and returned to Piaomiaozong, gave him a hand, looked up at him and said, "Baiyi, what do you do?" Last time The ferocity with which Bai Yi directly swallowed the source of chaos really shocked her for a long time.

Although Bai Yi lost his memory and couldn't remember anything, even some common sense things, but his cultivation was too terrifying, so she decided that no matter who he was, she insisted not to use him He is not very close to his principles, and maintains a relationship with him that is as light as water between gentlemen.

Even if he remembered something in the future and they became enemies, she wouldn't have to bear the heartache and pain of being betrayed by her friends, and if he wasn't an enemy, if he didn't offend him, and didn't hurt him when he lost his memory, he shouldn't have to. He will make trouble for her.

Bai Yi stretched out his hand, and a bright red fist-sized spirit fruit suddenly appeared in his palm, and he handed the fruit to Qin Luoyi.

"Six Leaf Pill Heart Fruit?" Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, and his phoenix eyes looked at the handsome face in white clothes like a fairy inexplicably: "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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