Brother is too evil

Chapter 271 Who cheated who

Chapter 271 Who cheated who (3)
Didn't reach out to pick it up.

"Silver." The black eyes in white looked at her coldly.

Qin Luoyi suddenly thought of what he said that day, if he wanted money, he would go to pick the spirit fruit and the spirit plant, or kill the monsters and seize the demon pills, and couldn't help laughing.

"If you want to exchange money, just take it directly to the shop that sells spiritual plants. Your six-leaf danxinguo is an excellent spiritual fruit. One is worth a lot of money. If you are afraid that the shop that sells spiritual plants will cheat you, you Just take it to the auction shop and put it up for auction."

Liuye Danxinguo is a spiritual fruit that can be used to refine tenth-order spirit pills. It is not a problem to sell it for a few hundred thousand taels of silver in the Lingzhi shop. It can be even higher if it is brought to the auction house.

"I'll change it with you." Looking at her pretty face, Bai Yi spoke again, his voice was still clear and cold, but extremely pleasant.

Qin Luoyi rested his chin on his hand, looked at him with a smile and said, "Then how much money do you want to exchange?" There are shops selling Lingzhi everywhere, and there is an auction house in Ningwu City. She couldn't figure it out, what did he do? Well, I just ran over to find myself to change.

"Forty-five thousand taels." Bai Yi said again, without blinking his eyes.

Qin Luoyi almost fell off his chair: "Forty-five thousand taels? Are you sure?" This has to be brought to Lingzhi's shop, no matter how black the shopkeeper is, he can give at least 5000 taels, but he only wants forty-five thousand taels Two, hey, it seems that he has lost his memory, and the account is not clear.

Bai Yi nodded and urged her, "Hurry up, Yinzi."

Is it in a hurry to use money?That's why you came here to find her?

Qin Luoyi looked at him suspiciously, nothing could be seen from his face, and then looked at the six-leaf danxin in his hand that was so red that it seemed to bleed.

He took out the bank note from the storage space, counted out 5000 taels and handed it to him.He took the six-leaf red heart fruit.He thought to himself, who cares, he traded it, and it wasn't her cheating him, making money for nothing.

Bai Yi took the bank note and left.

Qin Luoyi looked at the background where he quickly disappeared, feeling very suspicious in his heart. After thinking for a moment, he simply followed, not knowing what Bai Yi was going to do with that bank note.

The white-clothed man has a high level of cultivation, although he walked fast, fortunately he did not go far, he did not leave Ningwu City, but arrived at Shuijiashifang which is not far from Leijiashifang.

Throwing down the silver bill, he picked up a stone as big as a millstone and left.

Everyone in Shuijiashifang recognizes him. After all, he made a farce in Leijiashifang a few days ago and wanted to take the rough stone without getting half of the money. Enough, no one stopped him.

"He's out of his mind, he chose waste stones, it's a pity for money." Some experienced monks who were selecting rough stones sighed.

"Could it be that the silver was given to him by Miss Qin? The shopkeeper, he has an unusual relationship with Miss Qin and Mr. Feng. You should tell him about your experience in choosing stones. The waste stones he chose, you It wasn't him who cheated, but Miss Qin." From their point of view, Bai Yi was not only mentally ill, but also had no money on him, so the money must not have been earned by himself, it was probably given to him by Miss Qin.

"Pfft! How dare the shopkeeper introduce his experience? Those rough stones that are likely to yield crystals don't cost hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands. I really told you. Stones, and you can’t get any silver, and the shopkeeper has to vomit blood!” Someone joked.

The shopkeeper smiled wryly.

And that's really on point.

They didn't want to offend Miss Qin or Young Master Feng, both of them were proud disciples of Piaomiao Zongge's head, Feng Feili was also a direct disciple of Feng's family in Xuantian Continent, and although Qin Luoyi's background was not as good as his, but However, at the age of 20, he was able to refine a ninth-grade top-grade pill. This kind of talent has already shocked the entire Penglai Immortal Island.

In time, if he refines the tenth and eleventh rank elixir, he will be the master of the elixir world, a figure who is respected and admired like Master Zuo Gu.

Buying rough stones requires strength, vision, and luck. Even if they deal with rough stones every day, they can't just hold a stone and accurately judge whether there are crystals in it. If he introduces the young man in white to buy high-priced rough stones, It's all right if the spar is produced, if Miss Qin finds out that the spar is not produced, she will definitely think that they deliberately cheated the young man in white, and they will not be able to tell by then.

It's not as good as it is now, anyway, it's not very valuable, and it doesn't cost much money, he will give it if he has money, and if he doesn't have money, they will naturally not go to war like the Leijiashifang that day, just let him go.

Qin Luoyi followed Bai Yi, and naturally heard the discussion of everyone in the Shuijiashifang, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch, the waste stone... If the people in the Leijiashifang knew that Baiyi opened the waste stone from that piece of waste stone... If it is the source of chaos, I am afraid that I will jump up with anger.

Today, this stone is called waste rock by the people of Shuijiashifang!

The price tag was not high, and he was picked by Bai Yi again, but he didn't know what he would find in it today.

Excitement flashed across Qin Luoyi's eyes, he didn't care to listen to the people in Shuijia Shifang's discussion, and followed Bai Yi out. This time, Bai Yi walked a long way and came to a remote mountain in the outskirts of Ningwu City before stopping. down.

He put the stone on the ground, and looked at Qin Luoyi's footsteps with cold eyes.

Qin Luoyi knew that he had been discovered, and he didn't feel the embarrassment of following him when he was discovered. He walked out generously, stood in front of him, and watched curiously as he used his sword to peel off the shell of the rough stone one by one.

"What's in here?" She asked Bai Yi, wanting to know whether he chose the source of chaos last time by relying on his eyesight or sixth sense, or that he was able to see through the stone and know what's inside.

Bai Yi paused, glanced at her and said, "It's the same."

"Same as last time?" Qin Luoyi opened his eyes wide in shock, and looked at him in disbelief: "How do you know?" Could it be that his cultivation is really high enough to be able to see through the things inside?Comparable to X-rays?
Bai Yi didn't speak any more.

Qin Luoyi's heart beat faster, and he looked at Bai Yi's hand without blinking, thinking to himself, if it is the source of chaos, then should she ask Bai Yi to go to the stone workshop to choose some stones for her?
Although there are many sources of chaos in her Hunyuan dzi, compared to what Bai Yi got from the stone last time, the source of chaos she obtained in the ice field is more than ten times larger.

It's a pity that the thing was absorbed by the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, so she could only stare blankly. If she wanted the power of chaos inside, she had to find a man to make fun of it... She didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

If she can also get a few pieces of the source of chaos... Not to mention a few pieces, even two pieces are fine. She refined it by herself, rushed from the third level of the Xuanfu to the peak of the Xuanfu, and even cultivated out of the Qingfu. Not much time.

(End of this chapter)

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