Brother is too evil

Chapter 281 Conspiracy exposed

Chapter 281 Conspiracy exposed (1)
With nowhere to vent his resentment, he slammed his palm towards the opposite mountain, and the hit mountain collapsed instantly. The loud sound was also very obvious in Feifeng Mountain amidst the roar of a huge waterfall.

His heart trembled, he let go of his consciousness and looked around.In the distance, in the direction of Dongyang City, several divine rainbows were shooting out quickly, rushing towards Feifeng Mountain... He didn't dare to delay any longer. The only trace left was a bloody corpse that had been strangled.

Qin Luoyi already knew that Baiyutai could cross the void. When he came to Piaomiaozong with his master, he sat on Baiyutai.

What she didn't expect was that the man in black looked extremely young, and he actually had a white jade platform... Thinking of the golden disc that could withstand the attack of the monks of the Yufu just now, she became even more curious about the identity of the man in black .

Baiyutai, which can fly hundreds of thousands of miles or even farther at a time, is an extremely rare thing on Penglai Xiandao, and generally only those who are proficient in runes can have it.In addition, every time the Baiyutai crosses the void, the spar consumed is extremely scary. There are only a handful of people who own the Baiyutai on Penglai Xiandao, and they are all the heads of several powerful sects. Once they got the White Jade Terrace, they would draw the dao patterns that would drive the Baiyu Terrace, and they would put those spent spars on the shelf and dare not use them lightly.

However, owning the Baiyu Terrace is equivalent to having an extra life during a battle. When encountering a powerful enemy who is incapable of fighting, relying on the Baiyu Terrace, you can escape hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant. It is impossible to get rid of the enemy's pursuit. question.


Bai Yutai had just come out of the void and landed on the ground. The man in black coughed violently, spat out a mouthful of blood, and sat down softly on the ground. His face was already pale, but now he vomited blood again. The bright red blood, against his handsome face, has a kind of enchanting beauty.

"Are you okay?" Qin Luoyi helped him up with a worried expression on his face, and let him sit leaning against a big tree.



The man in black coughed twice again, spat out two mouthfuls of blood, his face became even paler, but he shook his head at Qin Luoyi with a smile: "I'm fine, just rest for a while and I'll be fine." He took out a green The eighth-order healing pill was thrown into his mouth.

He crossed his legs and closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Qin Luoyi looked at his handsome and pale face, and there was a little glint in his phoenix eyes... When the man in black was fighting Commander Liu, he had never been hit by the opponent's Yufu. He seemed to be vomiting blood. Powerful, in fact, it's all because of using the magic disc magic weapon all the time, and was internally injured by the magic weapon. After taking the healing pill, there is no major problem.

Looking away from him, she stood up and looked around.

This is an isolated island, only a few square kilometers in size, surrounded by water, with no land in sight at a glance, it seems to have come to the deep sea of ​​Penglai Xiandao.

Dongyang City is at least 50 miles away from the seaside of Penglai Xiandao... If they are really in the deep sea now, Baiyutai has traveled at least 60 miles across the void this time.

In the blink of an eye, several figures arrived at Feifeng Mountain. Two of them quickly chased in the direction where Commander Liu disappeared, while the others landed on the ground. There was a corpse in white clothes, and everyone's hearts were tense, and they rushed over quickly.

"It's not Miss Qin!"

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. Although the body was bloody and bloody, his body was still tall and he could tell it was a man's figure at a glance.

Feng Feili's monstrous handsome face was frighteningly cold, and he squinted his peach blossom eyes to look around, covered with spiritual consciousness, from the abnormally messy appearance around him, one can imagine how fierce the previous battle was.

After a while, he found nothing, walked quickly to Su Yu, and asked her: "Have you sensed Sister Qin's breath?" After too long, she will be able to sense something.

"Sister Qin has indeed been here." Su Yu raised his head, and nodded with a sad expression on his face.

Su Jin frowned.

"Are you sure?" Feng Feili had a gloomy face, her phoenix eyes were like black ink, her eyes were like cold stars, and there was a green lake at the bottom of her eyes, and there was a terrifying sternness in the evildoer.

Su Yu had never seen Feng Feili like this before, and a touch of fear was added to his face of guilt and self-blame, and he couldn't help shivering, leaning towards his brother.

Su Jin also did not expect that Qin Luoyi's disappearance would cause Feng Feili to have such a big reaction, and he understood that Qin Luoyi's status in his heart might be unusual.

"I have already asked all the members of the Su family to go out to look for Miss Qin..." He patted Feng Feili on the shoulder, and his expression was very remorseful. If he hadn't seen him for many years and kept pulling him to talk and drink, Maybe nothing will happen to Qin Luoyi.

Feng Feili nodded, walked to the side of the corpse, rummaged through it himself, found a storage ring from him, and poked his divine sense into it.

A man in black fell from the sky with a blank expression on his face. He quickly walked up to him and bowed. It was Mo Han, the dark guard sent by his side to protect Qin Luoyi.

"Little Lord!"

Feng Feili looked at him coldly, with a rare gloomy and cold face on the evildoer's face, and shouted angrily: "I asked you to follow Miss Qin, where have you followed!"

Because he was worried about Qin Luoyi, he put two of the three hidden guards around him beside Qin Luoyi, plus Song Wuhen who had been staying with him all this time... Unexpectedly, the three guards from the Yufu... The monk followed, and Qin Luoyi had an accident!
As long as he thought of Qin Luoyi's life and death being unknown, his heart ached and he had the urge to slap him to death.

Mo Han already knew that something happened to Qin Luoyi, so he pursed his thin lips, not daring to hide it, and told what happened.

It turned out that they watched Qin Luoyi and Su Yu enter the inn, so they each found a hidden place to guard outside the inn.

Not long after, a figure came out from the inn. It was Qin Luoyi. As soon as she left the inn, she ran straight to the opposite side of Feifeng Mountain. Although they thought it was strange, they didn't ask any questions, just quietly followed.

Wuhen also found Qin Luoyi who had left the inn, and followed them, but the only person who stayed in the inn was the woman in black who was protecting Su Yu.

Qin Luoyi kept walking outwards, the speed became faster and faster, and she ran thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, and when they followed Qianxing Mountain, they completely lost her whereabouts for no reason.

The three of them searched there for a long time, but they couldn't find Qin Luoyi. They felt that something was wrong. After discussing with each other, the three of them decided to let Mo Han go back to Dongyang City first, and tell Feng Feili about the matter. Only when Mo Han came back did he find out. Something happened to the inn... Qin Luoyi disappeared, and the woman in black who was guarding Su Yu was killed in the inn.

(End of this chapter)

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