Brother is too evil

Chapter 282 Conspiracy exposed

Chapter 282 Conspiracy exposed (2)
"That inn was set up with a magic formation...Miss Qin obviously came to Feifeng Mountain, but you followed to Qianxing Mountain. Could it be that someone pretended to be Miss Qin and lured you away?" Su Jin frowned and said, Since Su Yu said that he found Qin Luoyi's aura here, then Qin Luoyi must have been here. "I don't know who Miss Qin offended. Those people dare to do something under your nose."

Feng Feili's peach-blossom eyes became even darker, and a cold light flashed away. She turned to Su Yu and said, "Yu'er, look around again, can you find out which direction Sister Qin left from?" There was only one corpse at the scene. The monk from the Yufu fled, but he was alone. He would rather believe that Qin Luoyi was actually left under the protection of Dahei and Heidi.

"Yeah." Su Yu said in a hurry, Feng Feili's cold look made her a little scared, but she was very happy to be able to help, in her heart she felt that Qin Luoyi's disappearance was all because of her, if it wasn't for her Drunk, and arguing to talk to sister Qin, sister Qin is with brother Feng and brother now, nothing will happen at all.

Seeing Su Yu running away quickly, looking around with a serious face, Feng Feili looked at the bloody corpse under his feet again, and said coldly: "Please take a look at this man, do you recognize him?" material ring, but did not find any useful information in it.

Cultivators not only distinguish people by appearance, but also have extremely sensitive intuition. Many people who have seen them can still recognize them even if they are bloody.


Mo Han responded and squatted down.

Feng Feili was not idle either, and looked around with a cold face, but apart from the extremely fierce fighting marks and this corpse, there was nothing left at the scene.

His heart was even more anxious, and his thin lips were pursed even tighter. There was no news from Dongyang City, which proved that Luoyi hadn't returned to Dongyang City at all.Normally, if she escapes danger, he is in Dongyang City, so she should go to him.

"That person has a very high level of cultivation, at least a high-ranking Jade Mansion. I have already placed a tracking mark on him!" Mo Yu and another Yufu monk from the Su family came back from a distance. , Relying on the magic talisman, he caught up with the fleeing man, even fought him, and while he didn't realize it, he moved his body.

It's a pity that his middle-level cultivation in the Yufu, and the Su family who caught up later was also a middle-level monk from the Yufu, the two of them joined forces, but they couldn't keep that person. After the talisman failed, he ran away.

It turned out that it was a high-ranking monk from the Yufu who came to deal with Yi'er... Feng Feili heard this, and her cold handsome face became even colder.The only gratifying thing is that the Feng family's secret tracking seal has successfully landed on him, who is behind the assassination of Yi'er will soon be revealed!

Song Wuhen and another dark guard, Mo Bei, were found from Qianxing Mountain by the people sent by Su Jin. Knowing that they were following a counterfeit, Song Wuhen's face was ashen, and he waved his hand on the spot to flatten a mountain in the distance .

Mo Bei's face was also very ugly, with angry fire shining in his eyes. The three Yufu monks followed him for thousands of miles, but they didn't notice anything strange... they still walked around the mountain stupidly for several times!
Su Yu ran over very frustrated, bit her lip and said, "Only here is the aura of Sister Qin, I can't find where she came from." The aura... It seemed to have disappeared suddenly, and there was no more. search everywhere.

"How could this be?" Su Jin was shocked. He knew the miraculous feeling of his sister best. As long as she cared about something, no matter how well it was hidden, he could find it.Seeing that the corpse on the ground is still warm, it should have died not long ago, and the one who left just left... How could my sister not notice the aura of Qin Luoyi leaving?
It's too weird.

"Yu'er, if you take a closer look, why did you suddenly disappear?" At this point, he suddenly stopped, looking at Feng Feili's evil but incomparably cold handsome face, an incredible thought flashed across his mind.

Could it be...was the corpse destroyed by someone?That's why the breath suddenly stopped here, and I can't find it anymore?
Su Yu was about to cry: "I've looked everywhere, and it really disappeared...Sister Qin should be the Phoenix Stone who arrived first, she stayed on it for a while, and then arrived at the place where we stood, where the breath is the strongest , she stayed here for the longest time, and then...then she suddenly disappeared, woo, brother, was Sister Qin killed? "

"Shut up!" Hearing Su Yu say that Qin Luoyi had been killed, Feng Feili couldn't help but burst out, her peach blossom eyes were flushed, and an unstoppable pain spread from the bottom of her heart, and her eyes were full of tears. Ruthlessly, he glared at her and yelled, "She'll be fine."

There is Dahei and Heidi beside her... She also has the high-level talisman made by Jian Yuyan, so nothing will happen to her!

"Ugh!" Su Yu's eyes widened from his fright, her face turned pale, and she didn't dare to cry anymore. The sound of crying was choked in her throat, unable to move up or down, but her shoulders couldn't help but twitched, almost Suffocated by that breath.

Su Jin was taken aback.

He has known Feng Feili for many years, and he has never seen Feng Feili so out of control, angry and violent. Su Yu is her younger sister, and Feng Feili has always treated her as a younger sister. Unexpectedly, today, because of Qin Luoyi, he treats Feng Feili like this. shouted at Su Yu.

Mo Bei's heart also tightened.

As the young master's secret guards, no one knows better than them that the young master cares about Miss Qin.

Two years ago, Mingming Feng's family had many matters waiting for the young master's decision, but he put everything aside and accompanied Miss Qin to travel around the mountains and rivers.

Miss Qin's cave in the Misty Sect was built by the young master herself, and she has to visit it at least once a day... Has such a thing happened before?Even his own cave in the Piaomiao Sect and the renovation of the courtyard of the Feng family, the young master has never cared about it, and only cares about the final result.

And this time I met Miss Qin again... The young master's kindness to Miss Qin shocked them even more. Knowing that Miss Qin was hunted down, he sent him and Mo Yu to follow her without hesitation. around.

Song Wuhen's face was expressionless, but the fists in his sleeves were clenched tightly, and his back was stiff.

Mo Yu walked over quickly, holding a piece of paper with a portrait drawn on it, and handed it to Feng Feili respectfully.

Feng Feili's eyes were like knives, and his eyes staring at the portrait seemed to want to scratch him ten thousand times. Mo Yu drew the face of Commander Liu.

Su Jin also came over to take a look.

Su Kun, the patriarch of the Su family, was also alarmed, and personally brought several strong men of the clan to Feifeng Mountain.

After knowing what happened, he asked people from the Su family to help him search carefully, and the scope of his search expanded to hundreds of miles around Feifeng Mountain.

Feng Feili remained silent.

He has already searched around here. He used his spiritual sense to search carefully when he first arrived here, but there was no trace of Qin Luoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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