Brother is too evil

Chapter 286 Aoki Order

Chapter 286 Aoki Order (1)
"Master Ge, long time no see. It's been more than ten years." Old Ancestor Liu said this with a smile on his lips, and his expression burst into sighs.

Headmaster Ge withdrew his hand, put his hands behind his back, and nodded: "It's been 13 years." The last time they met was when Liu Qingcheng joined the Piaomiao Sect.

After Liu Patriarch had a pleasant exchange of greetings with Sect Leader Ge, his dark and deep eyes fell on Liu Qingcheng who was kneeling on Sect Leader Ge's body, and he said with displeasure, "Girl Qingcheng, why are you surpassing me?" Da Yue is ignorant, the jade slips I gave you can be used indiscriminately?"

Liu Qingcheng gritted his teeth, ran to stand beside his phantom, looked at Sect Leader Ge in fear, and shouted with a pale expression: "Old Ancestor, save me... Master Sect Master wants to abolish my cultivation base... and even kill me... Sent off Lion Tiger Cliff..."

Headmaster Ge didn't stop her from talking to Patriarch Liu, but just stood there with her hands behind her back, her skirt fluttering, and the powerful aura of the high-ranking monk leaked out, majestic and sacred, people dare not offend at will.

"What's going on?" Hearing that Headmaster Ge wanted to abolish her cultivation, Old Ancestor Liu's expression became extremely serious, looking at Headmaster Ge who had been icy since meeting him: "Qingcheng is stubborn and willful, If there is anything wrong, Sect Leader Ge will teach him a lesson, but the abolition of cultivation... This is not a child's play, and how can the lion and tiger under the cliff, with Qingcheng's cultivation, stay for a month?"

Face full of disapproval.

"Of course I know that abolishing my cultivation is not a child's play, but this time she murdered her fellow sect with vicious intentions. I have decided to expel her from the Misty Sect. She will no longer be a disciple of my Misty Sect. As for the abolition of her cultivation and the punishment of the lion Huya... If it weren't for the luck of the person she killed this time, and she didn't succeed, I would have taken her life! If she can come out from the Lion-Tiger Cliff in a month, she can naturally leave here , if she is buried under the Lion and Tiger Cliff, it will be a lesson she deserves, this is the rule set by the founder of my Piao Miao Sect, and no one can violate it!"

"Assassinate the same sect?" Old Ancestor Chen was furious, and glared at Liu Qingcheng, knowing that this was a big taboo of the Piao Miao sect, how could she do such a thing.And with her cultivation base, even if she wanted to kill someone, she would have to be solved secretly, how could she be known so unwisely by the head of the sect?

I was really angry at her for not being up to date, but now the key is to let head master Ge calm down, so I asked Liu Qingcheng carefully about what happened.

Liu Qingcheng didn't dare to hide anything, so she came one by one.

Old Ancestor Liu listened, and the more he listened, the angrier he became.

He stared hard at Commander Liu, who had only one breath left. A monk at the peak of Yufu can't do anything to a monk of Xuanfu, so what if his talent is high?Not just a Xuanfu monk.Something that is not enough to accomplish anything, but not enough to cause trouble, actually caused such a big mistake for their Liu family!

He glared at Liu Qingcheng angrily again, taught her a few words, and then looked at Headmaster Ge with a guilty face: "This is all Qingcheng's fault, but fortunately the big mistake was not made, and that Miss Qin was rescued." Gone... Sigh, this girl Qingcheng has always been in love with Feili. Back then she knew that Feili was a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect, and she vowed to join the Piaomiao Sect. She was also deceived by love... Headmaster Ge, you Just for the sake of this old man, let her be spared this time, as for Miss Qin, how about this, my Liu family will take out a tenth-rank elixir as an apology to her."

Tenth-order elixir?

A faint sneer crossed Master Ge's lips. His closed disciples can now refine eleventh-order pills. What are they going to do with those tenth-order pills?
No one except Dahei and Heidi knew about Qin Luoyi's ability to refine twelfth-level alchemy, so he always thought that Qin Luoyi was now an eleventh-level alchemist.But even so, if a 20-year-old eleventh-level alchemist is known, it will be an extremely terrifying existence.

Liu Qingcheng saw that the master master was unmoved, and hated him so much, he hurriedly reminded in a low voice: "Patriarch, my junior sister is a top-ranked alchemist of the ninth rank. In this alchemy competition on Jinding Mountain, my junior sister has made a top-ranked alchemy master of the ninth rank." Elixir."

Patriarch Liu was stunned for a moment, his shining eyes darkened, and he suddenly understood why Liu Qingcheng had to go to Qin Luoyi to die: "It's actually a ninth-level top alchemist, so young, so amazingly talented!" Yan, I'm afraid that the Piaomiao Sect will produce an alchemy genius in the future. In this case... My Liu family has an eleventh-level healing pill. The alchemy world shines."

Hardened, he decided to give away the eleventh-rank elixir in exchange for Liu Qingcheng's life. Although Liu Qingcheng made such a big mistake, he was still his favorite offspring, and he couldn't bear her to be deposed just like that.

Headmaster Ge's eyes flashed, he sighed, and shook his head: "The Piao Miao Sect strictly forbids disciples from fighting, let alone murdering fellow sects. If there is any grievance, the sect has its own Law Enforcement Hall, and if you say it, the Sect will definitely punish you." Handle it impartially, Liu Qingcheng has joined my Piao Miao Sect for more than ten years, and I have watched her step by step from the peak of Martial Sage to the peak of Xuanfu, her cultivation talent is not bad."

It's just that her character is not very good, so at the beginning, no matter what, he didn't accept her as his disciple.

"She did such a thing because of jealousy, it really made me extremely sad, in front of all the disciples of my Piaomiao sect, if I spare her today, where will my Piaomiao sect's rules be? Where did the Kaishan ancestor who set this rule be? How can he convince the tens of thousands of disciples of the Piaomiao sect!" Looking at Liu ancestor's eyes that were smiling attentively but looked very deep, Sect Master Ge shook his head very much. It is a sad way.

Liu Qingcheng's face turned pale.

The master master in charge was so cruel, even the ancestor of the Liu family came forward, he did not let go.

Turning her head to look anxiously at Old Ancestor Liu, her eyes were filled with anticipation and begging... She doesn't want to be abolished, it's no different from a crippled person!
Old Ancestor Liu was also angry.

Cursing secretly, the old man Ge Rong is simply not able to get in, if he really wants to protect someone, can't he think of a way to cover it?What sect rules, what ancestors, and even involving disciples, these are all excuses, obviously he doesn't want to!

His expression became a little ugly. "Old Ge, I owe you a favor today. Anyway, please forgive Qingcheng this time. I will bring her back to Liuli and discipline her strictly! I will never let her set foot in Penglai Xiandao again, otherwise, I will Destroy her with your own hands!" This is the tacit consent of the Piaomiao Sect to expel her from the Piaomiao Sect.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at their master, their thin lips were pursed tightly, and there was an undercurrent surging in their dark eyes.

Headmaster Ge glanced at them, and then looked at Patriarch Liu's phantom standing in front of him and said, "Patriarch Liu, you are also the master of the sect, so you should know the difficulties of this old man."

Then he stopped looking at him, walked directly in front of Liu Qingcheng, raised his hand, and the terrifying aura that had just passed away began to condense in his palm again, and then slapped it down on Liu Qingcheng's head.

(End of this chapter)

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