Brother is too evil

Chapter 287 Aoki Order

Chapter 287 Aoki Order (2)
Old Ancestor Liu's complexion changed drastically, he stood in front of Sect Leader Ge fiercely, and said angrily: "That's enough, can I exchange her life with the Aoki Token?"

"Aoki order?"

Sect Master Ge's raised hand stopped, and he looked at the ancestor of the Liu family with an uncertain expression, the shock in his eyes flashed away.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the ancestor of the Liu family and the head of the Piaomiao Sect were close friends. The two had a very close relationship. They once traveled together to explore countless dangerous places in Penglai Xiandao and Xuantian Continent. There are rivals.

Later, a demon appeared on Penglai Xiandao, who practiced an extremely powerful evil art. He cultivated from Xuanfu to the peak of Zifu in a short period of time, which was comparable to the head of Piaomiao Sect.

After the devil's cultivation became stronger, his ambitions swelled, and he established a big religion, known as the Mingjiao, which snatched and controlled a lot of monks, and killed other uncontrolled monks and sects. All the original ancient sects on Penglai Xiandao ruled the world, and he was the only one.

There were also people in the Piaomiao Sect who were controlled at that time, and they were still very trusted by the head of the sect. As a result, the head of the sect was accidentally plotted by the devil, and was seriously injured and almost died.

At a critical juncture, it was the ancestor of the Liu family who fell from the sky and desperately took away the head of the Piaomiao sect and a group of elites from the Piaomiao sect. Penglai Xiandao.

The head of the Piaomiao Sect finally went to the Liu family in Xuantian Continent to recuperate his injuries. Because of his serious injuries, he almost died several times. It was the ancestor of the Liu family who rescued him. Among them, he used a lot of rare spiritual plants and spirit pills in stock. .

A year later, the head of the Piaomiao Sect finally recovered, and his strength returned to its peak. He brought everyone who broke out with him to Xuantian Continent and returned to Penglai Immortal Island, vowing to destroy Mingjiao.

But after all, there were too few of them. At that time, Penglai Xiandao was already dominated by Mingjiao. Many martial arts sects or powerful casual cultivators who did not want to surrender all left Penglai Xiandao and went to Xuantian Continent. Afraid that he would lose money, the ancestor used all his connections to contact the other super families in Xuantian Continent, told them how powerful he was, and finally succeeded in bringing the top experts from the seven great families to help him. In just a few years, Mingjiao was annihilated, the devil was beheaded, the entire Penglai Xiandao was saved from the bloody rule of Mingjiao, and countless disciples who were tortured by Mingjiao's control, including countless Disciple of Piao Miao Sect.

In order to express his gratitude, the senior head of the Piaomiao Sect personally made two green wood tokens to the Liu family, and vowed to do two things for the Liu family. No matter when, the Liu family only needs to come to the Piaomiao sect with the green wood token, and the Piaomiao sect will do everything possible , do it for them.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at each other, they both had heard about Qingmu Ling as members of the Seven Great Aristocratic Families.

The Aoki Token has two pieces in total. The senior head of the Piaomiao Sect once swore that as long as the Liu family came to the door with the Aoki Token, everything would be done for him with all the strength of the Piaomiao Sect. , I don’t know how many times it has grown, and there are countless disciples. I never thought that such an important token, Liu Patriarch would use it to save Liu Qingcheng’s life!
I heard that the ancestor of the Liu family dotes on Liu Qingcheng... It seems that the rumor is true.

Tightening their thin lips, the two of them stood there with their arms folded, their slender figures tall and straight like pines, neither of them spoke.

"Have you thought about it clearly?" Headmaster Ge put down his hand and stared at Old Ancestor Liu closely, with a serious expression on his face.

Old Ancestor Liu nodded heavily.

"Last time you used a green wood token to let her join the Piaomiao sect. This time, I hope you will think carefully... Do you really want to use that green wood token to exchange her from punishment?" Headmaster Ge worked hard Controlling the excitement in her heart, she said indifferently: "If you think it over clearly, let someone come to the Misty Sect with the Aoki Token, and when I see the Aoki Token, I will let her go back to Liu's house!"

Speaking of Liu Qingcheng joining the Misty Sect, Old Ancestor Liu was so angry that he snorted and said, "Naturally, I thought about it clearly. Qingcheng was confused for a while and did this wrong thing. I hope that Piaomiaozong will treat her kindly." His eyes swept over Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing seemingly absently, and he naturally did not miss the evil spirits on them.

Liu Qingcheng has outstanding aptitude. He cultivated to the peak of Martial Saint in his twenties, but he just wanted to join the Piaomiao Sect. At the beginning, the surname Ge refused to accept her as a disciple. Standing out, he didn't let go.

When he came to Piaomiaozong, the status of the direct branch of Qingcheng Liu family was semi-public. With the influence of Liu family, if the head of Ge didn't accept him, the other elders would definitely not accept him either, and they were not worthy of being Qingcheng's master. Such an outstanding disciple of the Liu family is only a registered disciple, so people can pick and choose. In the end, no one dares to choose. Isn't this a slap in the face of their Liu family, making their Liu family lose face and being ridiculed?
Back then, Feng Feili from Feng's family and Duanmu Changqing from Duanmu's family all worshiped Old Man Ge.

The members of Shan Taliu's family went, but they were left there... Isn't that embarrassing and a joke?Qingcheng is also stubborn, and she persuaded her many times. Now that she has stood out from the crowd of new disciples and earned enough face, when Ji Liu bravely retreated, she took the initiative to say that she would no longer join the Piao Miao Sect. At that time, old man Ge refused to accept her, embarrassing her.

As a result, she insisted on refusing.

So in the end, he was cruel and took out the Qingmu Order, telling Sect Master Ge to accept her as a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect.

As a result, this unsavory thing, after reading the Qingmu Order, turned around and pointed Qingcheng to his junior brother Wu Shan, because at that time, in a hurry, he actually said that he accepted Qingcheng as a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect, not the palm of his hand. Disciple.

He was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Fortunately, the two senior brothers are very close, and their disciples are not separated from each other, and they are even ranked together. In addition, he did not accept other people as disciples at the time, and Liu Qingcheng must join the Piaomiao Sect, so he had to agree.

Liu Qingcheng was able to worship Wu Shan as his teacher because the ancestor of the Liu family brought the Qingmu Token. In the entire Piaomiao Sect, except for the head, Wu Shan, and the elders of the sect, no one else had heard of it. It was the first time for Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili, who are the head disciples, to hear about it.

And Ji Xuan and Rong Yunhe who were on the side looked at Sect Master Ge in surprise, and then at Liu Qingcheng.

It was also the first time Liu Qingcheng heard that she joined the Piaomiao Sect because of her ancestor's Aoki Token, and even the Aoki Token. Although she didn't know what the Aoki Token was, she always thought that joining the Piaomiao Sect would be a He didn't worship the master as his teacher, it was because the master didn't want to accept disciples at that time, so he joined Wu Shan's sect.

(End of this chapter)

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