Brother is too evil

Chapter 289 Attack on a Deserted Island

Chapter 289 Attack on a Deserted Island (2)
It's huge, but fast.When it whistled, it was still [-] meters away, and in the blink of an eye, it was only a few thousand meters away from her.


It's a monster!
Qin Luoyi pursed her red lips tightly, and her phoenix eyes shone with a cold and sharp light. She immediately called out the black mansion and put it on her head. Wisps of black light fell down, protecting her inside.

Facing this gigantic monster, Qin Luoyi did not dare to take it lightly, so she summoned the Qiankun Bell.

It has been more than two years since she joined Penglai Xiandao. Although she did not come to the depths of the sea to see the power of monsters, she has heard a lot. The sea is the world of monsters. Many monsters have extremely powerful cultivation. Mansion, even the peak monks of Zifu, they also have the power to fight.

The huge and ferocious monster rushed hundreds of meters in front of her in the blink of an eye. With a roar and a slap of its tail, the sea water formed waves several meters high and rushed towards her, trying to pull her into the bottom of the water.

Before the sea water hit, Qin Luoyi quickly backed away, holding the Qiankun Clock, aiming the direction of the bell's mouth at it was a ruthless blow.


The melodious bell rang, and the powerful sonic attack caused the huge body of the monster to stagnate, and then roared, and the whole body twisted, and the huge wave, which was higher and stronger than before, crossed again, forming a huge wave. The vortex seemed fierce enough to devour everything.

With a movement of Qin Luoyi's figure, the elegant Yuhong flew into the air.

Huge waves hit the small island, destroying everything they passed, uprooting all the trees, and they were about to sweep away the man in black who was meditating under the tree.

After Qin Luoyi was stunned, he turned around and rushed down. With such a huge vortex, the man in black was still meditating. If he was hit and swept down, there would be no way out.

Seeing this, the monster grinned grimly.

With a movement of the body, another big wave hit the island.

Then its huge body leaped into the air very nimbly, and rushed towards Qin Luoyi, with its mouth wide open, wanting to bite her to death.

Qin Luoyi threw back a Wind and Thunder Talisman.

The monster's mouth is too big, and it opened its mouth wide to attack. This wind and thunder talisman was just thrown into its mouth so that it could not die. In an instant, there were bursts of thunder, lightning flashed, and then a billow of blue smoke flowed from its mouth. popped out.

Qin Luoyi took advantage of the situation and rushed towards the man in black again, and lifted the man in black violently at the moment when the big wave just hit.

The big waves came too fast, her movements were quick enough, but she was still hit by a wave, and both of their clothes were wet, but at this moment, Qin Luoyi didn't care about these things, and wrapped the man in black with Shenhong, Just rushed into the air.

The monster kept screaming and rolling in the air. At this time, not only smoke was rising from its mouth, but it was also accompanied by bursts of burnt meat.

Its body was originally covered with hard black phosphorus flakes, its whole body was invulnerable, and its flesh was very strong, but the mouth was different, there was no phosphorus flakes to protect it. The talismans made of pills are several times more powerful than ordinary talismans. The monster was severely injured by this unexpected blow, its tongue was burnt, and its mouth and even its stomach were blasted. It was so rotten that even the teeth were chipped off a lot.

It rolled and struggled in the air for several times, watched Qin Luoyi lead the people into the air, and was about to go to the distance, roared angrily, and chased after enduring the pain, with a frenzied fierce light in its eyes.

Qin Luoyi glanced back, Shenhong speeded up, and picked up the Qiankun Clock in his hand again.Just when she was about to attack the monster with the Qian Kun Clock again, the man in Tsing Yi opened his eyes. He was woken up by the huge wave and forcibly retreated from the cultivation state.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a huge monster chasing after him frantically, but Qin Luoyi took Shenhong and led him to escape quickly, a cold light flashed in his black eyes, and a wicked look appeared on the corners of his perfect lips. smile.

"Girl, step aside first, I'll deal with this beast."

Perhaps he was so shocked that he forcibly retreated from the cultivation state. Although he was smiling, that smile made people feel a sense of horror.

Qin Luoyi blinked, and smiled slightly as if he was relieved. A thin layer of sweat floated on his fair and pretty face because of the fast driving of the rainbow, and it was glowing with a layer of pink like a peach blossom. color.

"Are you hurt or not? I'll take care of it."

The man in black waved his hand at her chicly, and rushed out of her magic rainbow, with the blue mansion on his head, and strands of blue light wrapped his whole body, holding the golden disc technique in his hand. The instrument is as handsome and dazzling as a god's mansion that fell from the sky.

"Damn human! Go to hell!" Seeing the black-clothed man wake up, the monster rushed towards him instead of running away. With a roar, he left Qin Luoyi behind and attacked him. The two men, It will not let go!

The man in black chuckled lightly, and the savagery in his pitch-black eyes flashed away, and his eyes were full of contempt: "Beast, you are still so rampant when you are about to die!"

He was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of the monster in the blink of an eye, and the golden disc magic weapon in his hand flew out, dazzling golden light flickered.

The monster was not afraid, and greeted it with a shake of its head and tail.The scales on its body are extremely tough, and a magic weapon with average self-confidence can't do any harm to its body at all, and it was completely accidental that Qin Luoyi injured it just now.


The golden disc magic weapon collided with the body of the monster, and the tough phosphorous pieces were ruthlessly twisted off by the golden light. Where the scales were not protected, the bright red tender meat was exposed, and the tender meat was hit by the golden light again. In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, which was extremely terrifying.

The monster screamed.

The body retreated quickly, the big copper bell eyes stared at the golden disc in horror, regretting in his heart, he actually saw it wrong, this is not an ordinary magic weapon, this should be an incomparably powerful magic weapon right!

Qin Luoyi stood not far away, holding the Qiankun clock in his hand, and was also very surprised. He glanced at the man in black, and then at the horribly injured monster.

Compared with the white-clothed man who died under the gold plate last time, this monster is much more regrettable... It seems that the man pretending to be white-clothed was not completely crushed by the golden light, and a whole body was left behind because of the black-clothed man. The man fought against Commander Liu for a long time, and the power of the mansion in his body was consumed too much.

The embarrassed monster wanted to escape.

The man in black sneered and chased after him.

The magic weapon in his hand was shot again and again, but within a short time, the tough scales on the monster's body were peeled off by the golden light, and it was dripping with blood, screaming and wailing, it was really miserable.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly.

The man in black saw it out of the corner of his eye, paused in his hand, and turned the golden disc magic weapon that was about to hit the monster again, and landed on its neck.

(End of this chapter)

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