Brother is too evil

Chapter 290 Attack on a Deserted Island

Chapter 290 Attack on a Deserted Island (3)

The monster let out a scream, and its head fell from the air in an instant, splashing a huge wave several meters high. The blood flowed from its neck, and the entire sea area was dyed red in an instant.

"It happened!"

The man in black patted his head violently, with an annoyed expression on his face. After this fight, and the fact that the golden disk magic weapon obviously consumed a lot of spiritual power, his face became a little pale again.

Qin Luoyi rushed to his side, blinked his phoenix eyes, and looked at him suspiciously with his dark and vivid eyes: "What's wrong?"

"The monsters in the sea have the sharpest noses. The smell of blood here will definitely attract a lot of monsters. We have to leave here quickly."

The man in black took her hand, and Yu Hong headed towards the north. His fingers were slender but extremely strong, and it was very comfortable to hold her warmly.

"We don't seem to be able to leave." Qin Luoyi inadvertently pulled his hand out of his hand and pointed to the distance, where two huge figures were shooting towards them.

It has always been that monks on land and monsters in the sea are at odds. Whenever they meet, it will be a life-and-death struggle. Humans like to go to the sea to kill monsters and seize demon pills to hunt for treasures, and monsters also like to kill humans and monks to seize treasures. He likes to eat the bodies of human monks alive, refine the bottom mansions in the human body, and absorb them for their own use, so that they can advance faster.

In the sea, especially in the deep sea, as long as you encounter monsters, if you can't escape, you can only fight to the death. This is why when you go to the deep sea, the general monks go in groups and go deep into the sea alone. , unless one's cultivation base is particularly strong enough to disdain everything, otherwise there is only one dead end in the face of endless monsters.

I still remember that when she came to Penglai Xiandao from the Holy Dragon Continent, it was her master, the head of the Misty Sect, the peak monk of the Zifu, who also chose the oldest and safest route when he used the Baiyu Terrace to cross the void.

The man in black looked in the direction of her finger, pursed his thin lips tightly, and frowned slightly, then he smiled, his dark eyes shone like stars: "These bastards really have sharp noses, and they came so fast!"

But there was no fear on his face, and he was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he smiled and told Qin Luoyi his name: "My name is Dou Changying, what's your name?"

Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly and glanced at him, his eyes sparkled, and he didn't hide anything.

"It turned out to be Miss Qin... Either of these two monsters is more powerful than the one just now, we can't fight head-on, let's avoid it first." Dou Changying looked at her with a smile, although her face was pale, she looked a little happy.

Qin Luoyi nodded in agreement.

Dou Changying took out the white jade platform, put a few spars on it, the silver light reappeared on the fingers, printed complex symbols and patterns on the white jade platform, and the space around the white jade platform began to vibrate violently.

Qin Luoyi stood silently on one side, looking into the sea, watching the two monsters advance rapidly in the water, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the sea area below them. Their huge body soared into the air, and rushed towards them with a fierce expression. come over.

Dou Changying is still busy.

Qin Luoyi had no choice but to leave the mansion, holding the Qiankun Bell in his hand, ready to attack.

"All right!"

Just when the monster roared and was about to attack them, Dou Changying finally fixed the Baiyu platform, stretched out his hand and pulled Qin Luoyi, the two jumped onto the Baiyu platform quickly, and disappeared in place in an instant.

A moment later, Baiyutai emerged from the void.

It is still a small island, surrounded by the endless sea, the island is very barren, full of strange rocks, and no grass grows.

"Where is this?" Qin Luoyi didn't expect to cross the void again, and hadn't reached the land yet, so he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and turned to ask Dou Changying beside him.

Dou Changying sat down on the white jade platform, her face was frighteningly pale.Seeing Qin Luoyi turning his head to look at him, he rubbed his nose embarrassedly and smiled: "It's about [-] miles away from the small island just now, heck, I originally wanted to send the girl back to the mainland of Penglai, but my hands are a little out of control." gone."

Maybe it was because he was injured and was surprised by the monster and forced to leave the level, and he had another fight with the monster.

"Are you OK?"

Qin Luoyi stepped forward to help him up, with a worried look on his face.

"It's okay, just rest for a few days and you'll be fine." Dou Changying waved her hand optimistically, but a stream of blood escaped from the corner of her lips.

"It's okay!" Qin Luoyi glared at him, then took out a healing pill and handed it to him, it was an eighth-level healing pill: "Eat it."

Dou Changying looked at the elixir she handed over, a strange light flashed in her eyes, she shook her head and said, "Girl's healing elixir, let's keep it first, I still have the elixir on's all my fault, I just wanted to run away that night Stay farther away so that you won't be chased by others, and you end up in such a place where birds don't lay eggs, and it's so dangerous that there's no way to send you back right away...I'm really sorry." After talking, he looked The eyes of Qin Luoyi were full of guilt.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Luoyi looked at him with a smile that was not a smile: "You were injured because you saved me, you say mean to make me feel guilty, don't you? You don't even need any pills."

There was a faint layer of anger on the beautiful and pretty face, and the hand holding the healing pill was held up like that, and did not take it back.


Dou Changying looked at her pretty face with anger and anger, and lost his mind for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he couldn't help coughing violently again, and the corners of his lips were stained red again with blood.

"Hurry up and eat it!" Qin Luoyi forced the healing pill into his hand, with a very firm attitude: "Hurry up and heal your injury, you also know that this is a place where birds don't lay eggs. Well, we can leave sooner."

Looking at the snow-white slender hand that forcibly stuffed the elixir into his hand, the fingers were round and slightly pink... There was a soft luster in Dou Changying's beautiful eyes, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, Showing the curvature of the crescent moon, he threw the elixir into his mouth.

Qin Luoyi withdrew his hand, a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of his lips.Dou Changying's heart fluttered slightly, and she thought of the delicate and soft feeling when she held her hand when she jumped on the Baiyutai before... her eyes dimmed.

"There is no cover at all on this small island... You sit and heal your injuries first, and I will look around to see if I can find a hidden place. It would be even better if I could find a cave." Qin Luoyi didn't notice Dou Changying's identity. Strangely, he looked up and looked around, then walked out.

Dou Changying opened her eyes and silently watched her walk away.

The small island is not big, so Qin Luoyi quickly walked all over it, and even dived to see the underwater surrounding the small island, not to mention a cave, and she didn't find many snake caves as big as a fist.

When she came back, she could see from a distance that Dou Changying who had taken the Healing Pill not only did not meditate to heal his injuries, but bent over, kept walking and busy, his face was a little paler than before.

(End of this chapter)

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