Brother is too evil

Chapter 291 Impulse

Chapter 291 Impulse (1)
"Dou Changying, what are you doing?" Her pretty face sank, she stood behind him, gritted her teeth and said sullenly.

"Set up the formation." Dou Changying, who was moving a stone, turned her head and smiled at her. The sweat on her handsome face shone with crystal luster in the sun: "When I finish the formation, we will go in together later, outside The demon beasts will no longer be able to find our whereabouts."

The formation was quickly set up, and Dou Changying got in. Qin Luoyi stood outside the formation, and found that not only was Dou Changying's figure hidden, but also his figure was no longer visible on the deserted island, and even his breath was also hidden. Strictly speaking.

Couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Dou Changying got out of the formation, and stretched out her hand with a white face and a smile to pull her in.

Qin Luoyi moved his feet, his body was like a butterfly, and he avoided it very gracefully, his phoenix eyes were slightly raised, and a teasing smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "You know formations, why are you on that small island just now?" Do you want to do it?"

"Cough! Cough!"

Dou Changying couldn't help coughing twice, her eyes flickered, an abnormal blush appeared on her pale, sweaty face, she opened her mouth, and stopped talking.

Qin Luoyi looked at him with a half-smile.

Seeing that she insisted on making it clear, Dou Changying pursed her thin lips, blinked her eyes and said in embarrassment: "This... I am not good at studying the formation, and the space inside is a bit small. That small island It is located in a remote place, so I estimate that it will only take a few days for me to heal my wounds, and I should not encounter any monsters."

Obviously his calculation was wrong.

Qin Luoyi curled his lips secretly.

She is nothing, she is not worth it for him, not to mention that he was forced to stop healing, and even took out a golden disc magic weapon to forcibly fight the enemy, making his internal injuries that were not good already worse, this is not ten days and a half month, he never thought of recovering.

After walking into the formation and taking a look, Qin Luoyi couldn't help rubbing his forehead and moaning.

Not only is it a little small!

"Can't you make it a little bigger?" The space inside can only accommodate one person standing, stretching out his limbs is no problem... But if two people stand in it, they have to touch their feet instead of shoulders, it is really crowded panic.

Seeing her surprised little face, the embarrassment and embarrassment on Dou Changying's handsome face finally receded, he shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "I will study the bigger formation next time... now I can only It’s so big, it’s enough for me to use it by myself on weekdays.”

Qin Luoyi was completely speechless.

Emotionally, he studies formations, just enough for his own use?
"You were born inside to recuperate, I'll go out for a walk." Qin Luoyi tugged at the corners of his lips, turned around and walked outside, not interested in squeezing salted fish here with him, and wanted her to stay here for a few days , must suffocate her to death.

Dou Changying grabbed her arm, the smile on Junyi's face faded, and he finally felt a bit dignified. He looked at her and said, "It's a little small...but for safety, Miss Qin, you should stay in the room." Here it is. If monsters attack the island again, we will be in trouble."

"I'll be careful." Qin Luoyi looked back at the extremely small space around him, broke free from his hand, and walked out resolutely.

She has Dahei, Heidi, and a puppet in Tsing Yi by her side. Even if the sea is dominated by monsters and beasts, she is confident.

I have never released them before, but I was wary of Dou Changying, and I wanted to see what purpose he had in approaching me.

After walking around the island a few times, Qin Luoyi had to admit that although Dou Changying's formation was small, it was really powerful. She knew that there was a formation, and even if she deliberately felt his breath through the formation, Can not find the slightest clue.

Turning around and looking into the depths of the sea, with a smile on her delicate lips, she murmured slightly: "It's rare to come to this sea once, so I have to look around anyway." Yu Shenhong shot it into the air.

Dou Changying is now protected by formations, and no one can find him. She is not just wandering around thousands of miles like last time, but flies straight into the deep sea for tens of thousands of miles.

After she left, Dou Changying walked out of the formation, looking in the direction she left, with a wicked and playful smile on Junyi's face.

If Qin Luoyi was here, he would definitely be shocked. At this time, Dou Changying's face was as white as jade, and the jade tree was facing the wind, standing with his hands behind his back. There was no trace of the pale and weak state just now.


Several black shadows fell from the sky, one of them was Sima Yu who had fought with Qin Luoyi, Duanmu Changqing, and fled in embarrassment: "Should we case she runs away..."

Dou Changying's black brocade robe fluttered with the wind, his handsome face was covered with a dazzling brilliance by the sunlight, his eyes flashed a bright light like a shooting star across the sky: "Just go out for a walk, that's all. She will come back... Hehe, she has a powerful puppet on her body, so it's no wonder she can't stay still, remember to stay away, don't get close to this small island, and don't be discovered by her." Later, his smiling face Become very cold and severe.


The three of Sima Yu agreed in unison, and Yu Shenhong quickly left the island. When they were thousands of miles away from the island, one of the young men who was tall and thick couldn't help but open his mouth in doubt.

"This woman's cultivation level is so low... Although there is a puppet, let's work together to control it, and it will never escape from the master's palm. Why is it so troublesome now?"

It is really unnecessary to use the Baiyu Terrace.

The man in white clothes standing beside him is tall, but with a pair of triangular eyes, he smiled obscenely: "Chen Ba, you don't understand this, the woman Duanmu Changqing likes, hehe, of course the master has to spend more time." .”

Sima Yu also narrowed his eyes with a smile, but there was a gloomy and cold look in his eyes.

Chen Ba frowned, and snorted, "So what about the woman he likes? She's just a woman, so it's not worth the master's troubles. According to me, you have to use force when dealing with women."

"Pfft, you really are from Lu, you don't know style." Triangle Eyes and Sima Yu looked at each other and laughed.

In the afternoon of the next day, Qin Luoyi returned to the island where Dou Changying was healed. In nearly two days, she and Heidi Dahei killed several monsters, obtained their demon pills, and found one of them. In the beast's lair, I found several precious spiritual plants and some crystals, which can be said to be a rewarding experience.She also caught a lot of brightly colored corals under the sea. Although they have no spiritual power, they are very beautiful. She plans to take them back and put them in the house as decorations when she returns to the Misty Sect.

The island was quiet, so she went into the formation to take a look. Dou Changying was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. After two days of meditation, his complexion obviously improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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