Brother is too evil

Chapter 292 Interest

Chapter 292 Interest (1)
She doesn't know well.

If the monsters outside still don't leave, it's hard to guarantee that she won't rush over and eat Dou Changying.

An ambiguous breath circulated around, Qin Luoyi bit his lip and silently recited the mantra of pure heart, but even this still couldn't relieve the feeling of dry mouth, so he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his red lips.

Behind her, Dou Changying's breathing became heavier, and her gaze became even hotter.

"Miss Qin...I..." His eyes were so dark that he couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to touch her. At this time, her fair skin was glowing with a peach-like pink color, and her slender eyelashes trembled. Trembling, with his head slightly lowered, revealing his snow-white neck, he had the urge to hug her into his arms.

"Great, they're gone." Qin Luoyi's gaze brightened as he kept staring outside, as if he didn't hear what he said.

Dou Changying's fiery eyes moved out of the formation.

Sure enough, a dozen or so monsters had already left the island and headed north at an extremely fast speed.

Annoyance flashed in his dark eyes, and his outstretched hand fell down, clenched into a fist by his side.

Qin Luoyi, who had been paying attention to his actions all the time, secretly let out a long sigh of relief. In order to restrain the abnormality of the Hunyuan Dzi, she had exhausted all her self-control, and if he looked down on her like that again, she could hardly bear it anymore. .

After trying to wait until the monster retreated nearly [-] meters, Qin Luoyi came out of the formation. Because her hands and feet were weak, she almost fell down.

Dou Changying was quick to help her up.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, but his limp body dodged away at an incredible speed, not caring what Dou Changying would think, and quickly floated into the sea water, trying to let the cold sea water cool down the heat in her body.

Dou Changying stared at her slender back with dark and beautiful eyes, and was absent-minded for a moment. When Qin Luoyi looked at him just now, his eyes were rippling, lazy and charming, and the faint flush was stained on her delicate face. Unlimited style, very attractive.

Tongjin City was originally a small town, located in the east of Penglai Xiandao, built by the sea, because many monks went out to sea from here to kill monsters and seize monster pills. Over time, it gradually prospered and became a town with a large population. A city of hundreds of thousands.

After the monks killed monsters in the sea and obtained the demon pills, they naturally wanted to find people to trade. The Tongjin City near the sea took advantage of the location to create a huge market, with people coming and going every day, it was extremely lively, and there were many people. , Naturally, it will drive the prosperity of the whole town. Restaurants, teahouses, money houses, elixir shops, spiritual plant shops, as well as various positioning instruments and talismans necessary for going to sea, can be bought here.

It took Qin Luoyi and Dou Changying eight days to finally fly from the deserted island in the sea to Tongjin City on Penglai Xiandao with the Shenhong.

As soon as they fell from the sky, many well-dressed people warmly greeted them, wanting to buy the demon pills in their hands and the treasures they got at sea.

Dou Changying's sharp gaze scanned the crowd, picked a young man who looked no more than 27 or [-] years old, and followed him to a shop named Hanjiang Tower in Tongjin City.Seeing this, the others dispersed and continued to wait for the monk who returned from the sea by the sea.

Qin Luoyi was dressed in a light blue dress, with a fair and bright face, and his phoenix eyes were looking forward. Dou Changying was dressed in a white brocade robe with a jade belt around his waist, and his hair was tied up with a blue jade crown. They looked elegant and luxurious. Walking together, the handsome man and the pretty woman attracted many monks on the road to secretly look at them.

The Hanjiang Tower is only two thousand meters away from the seaside. It is a small two-story building decorated in a very simple and elegant way.

When returning from the deserted island, Dou Changying killed eight eighth- and ninth-level monsters on the road and obtained their demon pills.

Because the Yaodan was of a higher grade, only one of them could be exchanged for nearly 10 taels of silver. He sold all eight Yaodans and got a total of 78 taels of silver.

In addition to purchasing demon pills, Hanjiang Tower also sells crystal stones and spiritual plants. Dou Changying confiscated the money, and immediately made up another 120 million taels of silver notes, and got an egg-sized Zixuan stone.

After leaving the Hanjiang Tower, he immediately proposed to send Qin Luoyi back to the Piaomiao Sect on the Baiyu Platform. During this period of getting along, he already knew that Qin Luoyi was a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect.

Qin Luoyi smiled and declined his kindness.

A Zixuan stone is more than 200 million taels of silver, and Piaomiaozong is still a million miles away from Tongjin City. When the Baiyu Terrace is activated, one Zixuan stone is obviously not enough, at least three, that is more than 600 million taels For money, she and Dou Changying are not related, and spending millions of taels of money just to give her away, she feels uneasy.

And what Dou Changying said to her was probably a polite word. If she really climbed up the pole...others don't know what to think of her in their hearts.

That night, Dou Changying ran a full 80 miles across the void, and all the energy in the three crystals was exhausted.

Ever since he knew that they crossed nearly a million miles at once that day, Qin Luoyi was very surprised, because the distance crossed in the void has a lot to do with not only the energy of the spar, but also with the runes that manipulate the cultivators of Baiyutai. Accomplishments also have a great relationship.

Back when her master took her and Jian Yuyan from Shenglong Continent to Penglai Xiandao, they could only cross about 30 miles at a time. Of course, this distance has something to do with the route. There are too many monsters in the sea, so we have to take the safest route. , but later she learned from insinuations that the farthest distance her master traveled across the void was only eight or nine million miles.

Her master is an antique that has lived for thousands of years. He is a peak monk in the Zifu, while Dou Changying is just a monk in the Qingfu. He looks very young. According to her estimation, he is only a few hundred years old at most. His rune attainments It's so high, which really pleases her.

Since he came to Tongjin City, Qin Luoyi would naturally go to Tingfang City, which is famous far and wide in Tongjin City.

In Fangshi, there is a magic weapon for positioning monks to go to sea, but it is the size of a fist and the price is not expensive, 800 taels of silver each.

Qin Luoyi bought one for future contingencies.

In the few days when she went out to kill the monsters and seize the demon pills, she ran far enough. If it weren't for Dahei and Heidi, who were extremely sensitive to directions, she would probably get lost and couldn't find the place where Dou Changying stayed. It is a small island, so this positioning magic weapon is a must.

Seeing Xiangjia Shifang in Tongjin City, Qin Luoyi thought of Bai Yi, but it's a pity that Bai Yi is not here, otherwise they could make a fortune.I haven't seen him for more than 20 days, and I don't know how he is doing now. Does the lost memory remind me of anything.

After traveling for several days, his physical strength was exhausted. That night, Qin Luoyi stayed in Tongjin City, and decided to rest for one night before returning to Piaomiaozong.

She was afraid that the elder brother would be worried, maybe the elder brother was still looking for her in Dongyang City, so she quietly let Dahei rush to Dongyang City first.

(End of this chapter)

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