Brother is too evil

Chapter 299 The Undercurrent Surges

Chapter 299 The Undercurrent Surges (1)
"Junior Sister, is what he said true?" Feng Feili stared closely at Qin Luoyi's eyes, as if to see through her.

Qin Luoyi's dark and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyelids drooped, and he didn't speak.Duanmu Changying smiled and took her hand, Qin Luoyi only glanced at him, but didn't break away.

Feng Feili stared at the hands held together by the two, her eyes were deeply locked, and it was difficult to see.

Duanmu Changqing's face turned livid.

When Duanmu Changying saw his appearance, the smile in his eyes became wider. It seemed that his intuition was correct. His cold brother really fell in love with Qin Luoyi.

Not only him.

Maybe there is also Feng Feili.

"Why doesn't junior sister speak?" Feng Feili looked at Qin Luoyi's fair and pretty face, and suddenly smiled: "Could it be that he threatened you? Don't be afraid, senior brother is here, you can say whatever you have, he I dare not do anything to you!"

Duanmu Changqing also looked at her.

However, in just twenty days, he didn't want to believe and didn't want to believe that Luoyi would fall in love with the unpredictable Duanmu Changying.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes were clear and bright, like the stars in the dark night, he shook his head and said, "Brother, he didn't threaten me. On Feifeng Mountain, Changying saved my life."

Then she told the story of what happened that night.

Yan Nantian, who had been neglected by everyone, had a gloomy face. There was actually a high-ranking monk from the Yufu chasing and killing Qin Luoyi... What happened during the few months after the Jinding Mountain Elixir Contest ended?

Ever since he saw Duanmu Changying yesterday, he didn't have the slightest affection for this person. He always felt that he was a dangerous person. He didn't expect that he was actually Duanmu Changqing's younger brother, and he accidentally saved Qin Luoyi who was being hunted down... It was a little too coincidental.

Looking at Duanmu Changying, there was a stern look in his eyes.

"Did he save your life?" Feng Feili raised her eyebrows and chuckled lightly, her peach blossom eyes were smiling, but it made people have a dangerous feeling of chills: "In this case, we have to thank Mr. Changying for a while." , Second Junior Brother, I will leave this matter to you, and you have not seen each other for several years, so I will take this opportunity to catch up on the past, and I will take Junior Sister back to the sect first."

He reached out to pull Qin Luoyi.

Duanmu Changying did not let go.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "This is not far from Piaomiaozong, let's go together."

Feng Feili's jaw tightened for a moment, and then she smiled even more wickedly: "You have been missing for nearly a month, master and his old man got angry in a hurry, and the person who set up a trap to harm you in Feifeng Mountain that day was also caught, master's mood Very bad..." He sighed at this point.

"I caught someone...who is it?" Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and he stared at the evil handsome face of the senior brother with burning eyes.She had already guessed that the person behind the scenes should be Liu Qingcheng, but she didn't know whether the person they caught was Commander Liu or a scapegoat.

Liu Qingcheng.

She is so scheming, she doesn't do it herself every time, it should be difficult to catch her, right?She was already prepared to fight him for a long time.

It's just that he didn't expect the master to know about her disappearance. He was so tired that the master was worried about him, and a deep sense of guilt flashed in Qin Luoyi's heart.

"You'll know when you go back and look." Feng Feili looked at Duanmu Changying and Yan Nantian on one side, but didn't tell her directly.

Qin Luoyi became curious.I really want to know who is the person they caught, and they actually let the big brother sell it, and they have to avoid Duanmu Changying and Yan Nantian.

Duanmu Changying was in a very good mood at this time.

He took the initiative to let go of her hand, and looked at her with warm eyes: "Luoyi, you go first, don't let your master worry, I'm talking to my elder brother, we have been far apart these years, and we rarely meet each other, so some misunderstandings occurred , just to make it clear now, I will come to Piao Miao Sect to find you again in a few days."

Qin Luoyi took a deep look at him, then smiled.That smile was so gorgeous that it instantly lit up Duanmu Changying's deep eyes, which made him so surprised that he couldn't bear to look away.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I should have made it clear earlier." Looking at Duanmu Changqing's cold handsome face, he didn't say anything else.

The chill on Duanmu Changqing's body was even stronger.

Yan Nantian is the young master of Moon Moon Pavilion, and he has known Feng Feili for a long time. Knowing that he is going to Piaomiaozong, Feng Feili didn't object, but just gave Qin Luoyi a half-smile look with peachy eyes.

The three of them set off on the road together, and Dahei was following them.

On the afternoon of the third day, they arrived at the Misty Sect.

Feng Feili personally sent Yan Nantian to Miaoyun Peak where the Piaomiao Sect entertained distinguished guests, and after explaining in detail, he and Qin Luoyi went straight to the main peak.

A handsome-looking disciple in Tsing Yi stood at the entrance of the main hall, saluted them, and said with a smile: "Master Feng, Uncle Qin, the head let you in."

Head Ge is sitting cross-legged on the futon in the main hall, his eyes are slightly closed, and his expression is serious.

Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili stepped forward and saluted.


Headmaster Ge opened his eyes, and his dark and deep eyes fell on Qin Luoyi. After a while, he pointed to the futon in front of him and said, "Sit down, too."

Qin Luoyi sat down cross-legged as he said.

Feng Feili sat beside her gracefully.

"Luoyi, the real culprit who caused you to fall off the Lion-Tiger Cliff last time has been found..." Headmaster Ge looked at her bright and pretty face, and opened his mouth slowly with a dignified expression.

"It's actually Fifth Senior Sister!" Qin Luoyi murmured with a shocked expression.Liu Qingcheng was the person behind the scenes, which didn't surprise her. What surprised her was that with Liu Qingcheng's careful thoughts, strong background, and many people who worked for her, she was caught out so easily.

"Hmph, she's not your senior sister anymore. My Piaomiao Sect doesn't have the kind of narrow-mindedness to mutilate the disciples of the same sect!" Headmaster Ge was furious, and with a slap of his palm, a small case next to him was almost turned into powder: "She has been Expelled from the Piaomiao sect."

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed.

Is it just to expel the Piaomiao sect?
I feel a little lost and sad in my heart.

At the beginning, Jian Yuyan and Xiao Tian were almost sent off Lion-Tiger Cliff just because they had a fight in the sect. In the end, she found her elder brother in front of her. Dangerous Wandering Forest.

Liu Qingcheng... It seems that the aristocratic families in the Xuantian Continent are really extraordinary, even a behemoth like the Piaomiaozong has to give them some face.

"Originally, the master wanted to abolish her cultivation, and sent her to the lion and tiger cliff. Later, Liu Qingcheng crushed a jade slip and moved out of the Liu family patriarch. The Liu family patriarch insisted on using the Green Wood Token in exchange for her life... ..." Feng Feili did not miss the faint silence in her eyes, and explained.

There were some things the master didn't say, but he didn't want Qin Luoyi to misunderstand the master.He also explained the reason for the Qingmu Order, and wanted her to understand that it was not that the master was unwilling to punish Liu Qingcheng, but in fact, the master also had reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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