Brother is too evil

Chapter 300 The Undercurrent Surges

Chapter 300 The Undercurrent Surges (2)
Qin Luoyi finally felt relieved.

Headmaster Ge smiled slightly, looked at his eldest disciple, and then looked at Qin Luoyi with gentle eyes: "Liu Qingcheng thinks very highly of himself, and if he is expelled from the sect this time, I'm afraid he will not be willing to seek revenge from you, although The ancestor of the Liu family has already said that she is not allowed to set foot on the Penglai Immortal Island, but the Liu family has many masters, so you must be careful when you go out to practice in the future. No matter what they promised, Piaomiaozong had to fulfill it for them. It was beyond my expectation that the Liu family could exchange Liu Qingcheng for the Qingmu Token. You are just at the beginning of the Xuanfu, and the ancestor of the Liu family doted on her so much that he used two green wood tokens on her. If something happened to her, he would definitely take all his anger on you. Your opponent, with your current cultivation base, unless you don't come out of the Piaomiao sect, you will always be found by him..."

Feng Feili's monstrous handsome face showed a dignified look.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed. She knew that her current strength was too low. Although there were Dahei and Heidi, there were still some talismans and puppets that could save her life at critical moments. After all, it was not her real strength. In the cultivation world, the strong are respected. Well, if she wants her life not to be regarded as an ant by those strong people and trampled on by others at will, she must become strong as soon as possible.

It's just that the Hunyuan Dzi is too weird.

Knowing that there is a lot of spiritual power and star power in it, she can only look anxiously, there is nothing she can do except to be with the man.Hunyuan Dzi has such weird properties, but she is not easy to tell her master. It seems that the secret of Hunyuan Dzi can only be found by herself slowly.

She wanted to know who had obtained the Hunyuan Dzi in the previous 500 years, and she wanted to find clues from other people, but because her senior brother Feng Feili was here, she had to give up temporarily.

Liu Qingcheng was placed under house arrest on Rising Sun Peak, and still lives in her original cave.

Uncle Wu and Jian Yuyan haven't come back yet. Apart from Liu Qingcheng, there are Ji Xuan and Rong Yunhe living on the Rising Sun Peak. Outside Liu Qingcheng's cave, Elder Tian, ​​the formation master of the Misty Sect, has already blessed a powerful formation. Outsiders can't go in at will, and the people inside can't come out naturally. Outside the formation, there are two personal disciples of Elder Tian watching.

After coming out of the main peak, Qin Luoyi went to Rising Sun Peak.

Seeing her coming, Liu Qingcheng was so angry that he almost vomited blood.In order to kill her, he now ended up being kicked out of the teacher's school, losing all face, but she was not injured at all, her face was rosy, and her face was shining brightly.

Qin Luoyi looked at her coldly.

Even under house arrest, Liu Qingcheng's body was still tidied up very delicately, her black hair was tied into a tall beauty bun, the delicate pearl flowers shone dazzlingly in the sun, and the pink rose-colored tight dress was luxurious and exquisite, making her look even more beautiful. She is delicate and charming, noble and enchanting.

She slightly hooked her lips, and a sneer appeared on her face.

Then turn around and leave.

Master is right.

Liu Qingcheng came out of the Piaomiao sect, so she will definitely attack her more brazenly in the future... But so what?
Soldiers come to block.

The water floods the soil.

Liu Qingcheng sent people to chase and kill her time and time again, trying to put herself to death. Their enmity, their grievances had already been forged, and she would have to settle this account with her sooner or later.

"Qin Luoyi!" Liu Qingcheng looked at her cold back, raised his chin arrogantly, and shouted angrily, "Stop!"

Qin Luoyi ignored her.

"Qin Luoyi, didn't you hear me when I told you to stop?" Seeing that Qin Luoyi was about to go out, Liu Qingcheng's eyes flashed a ruthless look, he moved his feet and stopped in front of her, and raised his palm About to fan her in the face.

"Liu Qingcheng, if you dare to drop your hand, I guarantee that even if the Qingmu order comes, no one can save your life!" Qin Luoyi looked at her coldly and said, with a strong evil spirit in his phoenix eyes. Gone.

"Haha!" Liu Qingcheng laughed smugly: "Then let's try it out!" He waved his hand towards her face again.

A slender hand suddenly appeared in the air, grabbed her arm, and then with a slight force, Liu Qingcheng was ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

"Liu Qingcheng, you really don't change your nature!"

A white figure gracefully descended from the sky, it was the senior brother Feng Feili, standing beside Qin Luoyi, his peach blossom eyes were extremely indifferent.

Liu Qingcheng fell to the ground, very embarrassed, staring at him incredulously, but forgot to get up.

Feng Feili actually made a move towards her!
For that woman, the elder brother she had always liked would actually attack her!Although she is no longer a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect, she is still the daughter of the Liu family, and there is a powerful Liu family behind her!
Looking at the astonished Liu Qingcheng on the ground, Qin Luoyi thought it was a pity to himself, and quietly put away the silver needle pinched between his fingers.

That's no ordinary silver needle.

When she was in the deep sea last time, she got a golden turtle by accident, and found that there was an extremely powerful chronic toxin in the golden turtle, so she extracted some and used it on the silver needle.

This kind of poison is colorless and tasteless, and when it first enters the human body, no matter how powerful the monk is, it is impossible to notice the abnormality, and it will take at least a year and a half for the poison to develop.

Since the Qingmu Order is so important to the Piaomiao Sect, of course she will not embarrass the master and the entire Piaomiao Sect, no matter how much she hates Liu Qingcheng, she will not take her life now.

"Eldest brother..." Liu Qingcheng finally stood up from the ground.

"Liu Qingcheng, you are no longer a disciple of the Misty Sect, and I don't have the good fortune to be your senior brother!" Before she could finish speaking, Feng Feili interrupted her, and her enchanting peach eyes narrowed in displeasure .

Turning around, she took Qin Luoyi and walked out, and disappeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.

"Haha..." Liu Qingcheng looked at the direction where they disappeared, and murmured frantically: "Qin Luoyi, I'll wait and see how long you can confuse senior brother!"

"Try to stay away from Liu Qingcheng in the future." Back at Yuqing Peak, Feng Feili didn't go back to her cave, but followed Qin Luoyi's courtyard. She looked at her with enchanting peach blossom eyes and said, "If you want to To kill her, it is best to wait for her to return to the Xuantian Continent after leaving the Piaomiao Sect, there will be many opportunities."

If there are no chances, he will create many chances.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, bent his lips, and nodded with a smile: "Brother, sit down first, I'll get you a cup of tea." Turning around, he walked into the house.

Feng Feili grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. There was a scorching heat in his evil eyes: "Yi'er, I don't drink tea."

He bent down to kiss her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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