Chapter 305
He couldn't help stretching out his hand and touched her cheek. It was cold, not the delicate and gentle memory that made him linger.


Gently stretched out his hand to caress her face, then put it down quickly, for fear of disturbing her cultivation.

After a long time, he left the top of the mountain.

After he left, an equally tall figure came out from the other side. The crescent-white brocade robe was swaying in the wind, and the enchanting face was covered with a faint golden brilliance by the snow-colored sunlight, watching him leave. The direction of the peach blossom eyes is deep and unpredictable.

It has been two days since the power of cold tan absorbed in the body was completely refined. Qin Luoyi did not go down the mountain, and continued to jump into the cold pool. After a while, he jumped out again and buried himself in the snow again.

This went on and on again, and half a month later, the spiritual power in her body had reached saturation, and she could no longer absorb the spiritual power in Han Tan.

If you want to continue to absorb spiritual power, you must break through the barrier of the third level of the Xuanfu, and advance to the fourth level of the Xuanfu.And the power of the stars in her body has not yet reached, and there is no way to make a breakthrough.

And in the past half a month, the spiritual power she absorbed from the cold pool was astonishing. According to her estimation, it was at least the spiritual power of three tenth-level pills. At the third level, the required spiritual power is almost doubled!
"Does this mean that the power of the stars required to advance to another rank is double that of before?" Qin Luoyi raised his head slightly, looking at the blue and cloudless sky, and murmured softly.

The higher the cultivation level, the more spiritual power is needed for cultivation. In order to advance, many monks, especially casual cultivators, will try their best to find spiritual plants, kill monsters, seize demon pills, and even go on missions in exchange for pills. Medicine and spar, etc. are the treasures of heaven and earth for cultivation.

And when she arrived at Penglai Xiandao, she found that those demon pills could not only be used to refine weapons, but also be used to refine alchemy. With the help of special medicinal materials, people could absorb the spiritual power inside.

Few people can directly swallow the demon core. A large part of the powerful power of the monster is stored in the demon core. The power is very violent and domineering, and it is more terrifying than directly swallowing the spiritual fruit and spiritual plant.

The spiritual fruit is just that the power in it is too strong, and those who are not strong enough to swallow it directly, one is not easy, and the spiritual power inside is completely digested and wasted, and the other is that the spiritual power in the body soars in a short period of time, and the meridians cannot bear it. It is easy to explode and die.

And the demon pill is not only powerful in its own spiritual power, but also more or less retains some of the violent nature of the monster itself. Swallowing it directly in the body will cause immeasurable damage to the body and meridians. Destruction is irreversible.

Because of the strong spiritual power in the demon pill, many pills, especially those with higher grades, need to be refined with the demon pill.

Qin Luoyi had never tried alchemy with demon pills. This time, she got a lot of demon pills in the sea outside Penglai Xiandao, and she planned to have time to try it.

Back in the cave, it was almost dusk, Qin Luoyi washed up and went to bed.The next day, she woke up at dawn and meditated in the training room. When the sky was bright, she left Yuqing Peak and walked towards the main peak.

When I got to the 99th jade steps at the foot of the main peak, I saw senior brother Feng Feili and second senior brother Duanmu Changqing walking on the jade steps. They were walking very slowly, talking while walking.Seeing her coming, they all turned their heads, stopped, and looked at her with a bright smile.

Looking at their smiling faces, Qin Luoyi's heart tightened.

Both Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili are bright dragons among people, but at the age of a hundred years, they have both cultivated the Jade House. They don't have the perverted cultivation cheating device like Hunyuan Tianzhu like her, maybe they The power behind them is so powerful that they have used a lot of natural and earthly treasures since they were young, but there is no doubt that their cultivation talents are rare in the world when they cultivated Yufu at the age of a hundred!

There were two of them standing there, one was dressed in purple and looked monstrous and dignified, the other was dressed in elegant white and looked brilliant, both of them were magnificent and charming, taking the most of the wind, just standing there, almost taking away the brilliance of the sun. Compete with the sun.

It's just such two men with a sky-high posture who both proposed to double cultivate with her... Naturally, she was very surprised.

When it comes to cultivation, she is only a beginner cultivator of Xuanfu, they are monks of Yufu, and when it comes to appearance, although she is not ugly, she still has a bit of beauty, but she will not be so arrogant that she thinks that she can overwhelm the world and conquer the world. Men are fascinated.

And in terms of appearance, Feng Feili is a monster, Duanmu Changqing is cold, but they are all god-like characters. Every time I face them, I am dazed and dazed, but they are old gods.

In the past, Duanmu Changqing was okay, with a cold face, she only wanted to be on guard against him, and naturally ignored his appearance, but now it's different, since he opened his acupuncture point, he didn't take that cold His face turned to her, and it was difficult for her not to pay attention to him.Especially when he smiled softly, it really made her little heart jump up and down, so hard.

The only thing she can do is alchemy.

But it was just a ninth-level alchemy technique. It was Jian Yuyan who knew her true alchemy strength, not them. She didn't believe that the ninth-level alchemy technique could impress them.

After thinking about it left and right, I can't think of the reason why they want to double cultivate with him, especially Duanmu Changqing, he jumped down to save her from Lion Tiger Cliff without hesitation, and when he was attacked near Yuntian Xiaozhu, the first thing he thought of was himself , at such a critical time, he actually ordered Song Wuhen to protect her and leave first... because she was so engrossed in thinking that she didn't even know she was in front of the two of them.

If it wasn't for Duanmu Changqing's sudden move to stop her, she would have almost crashed straight into Feng Feili's arms.

"Yi'er, what are you thinking about? You're so fascinated." Feng Feili looked at her pretty face, with a bright light shining in her peach eyes, and said jokingly: "Let's listen, and we'll help you think about it too. Make up your mind."

Qin Luoyi blinked, his eyes were as black as lacquer, shining brightly, he stepped back half a step imperceptibly, and said with a smile: "Eldest brother wants to find a way for me, I can't ask for it... I was just thinking, what's the matter?" The method can make my cultivation speed faster. In the past two days in the cold pool, my spiritual power is enough to advance, but the power of the stars..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Feili's eyes lit up, and a bright brilliance flashed across.Duanmu Changqing's cold black eyes were equally astonishingly bright.

Qin Luoyi suddenly regretted it, and wished he could slap himself.Isn't she the one who doesn't open the pot?

"The mind-training book I gave you last time is pretty good, why don't you come over and study it with you tonight, senior brother." Feng Feili stroked her chin, smiled ambiguously, and looked at her peach blossoms Eyes, extremely lingering.

(End of this chapter)

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