Chapter 306
Qin Luoyi's heart beat even faster, and he secretly cursed evildoers.

"Senior brother's cultivation method?" Duanmu Changqing's face was a little ugly, his thin lips were pursed, and then he showed a dazzling smile: "I didn't expect that senior brother got another good thing, this is good, I don’t have anything to do tonight, so I’ll come and have a look.”

Qin Luoyi was dumbfounded.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Suddenly, a strange, extremely evil picture appeared in his mind... A layer of gorgeous peach blossom-like color appeared on the fair and pretty face, and the phoenix eyes were shining and charming, showing infinite style, charming and charming.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her, his heart sank suddenly, and he raised his eyes to look at the senior brother, but he happened to collide with his eyes that were slightly pulsing with inexplicable waves.

"I think "Supreme Sutra" is very good." Qin Luoyi twitched the corner of his mouth, vigorously waved away the unhealthy and evil images in his mind, said solemnly, then bypassed them, and went straight to the main peak.

Feng Feili chuckled lightly.

Gracefully followed.

Duanmu Changqing walked side by side with him.

After arriving at the main peak, Qin Luoyi did not leave in a hurry after asking his master about his safety. Instead, he brought out some problems encountered in cultivation to ask for advice.

Headmaster Ge patiently explained to her one by one.

She is a beginner in the Xuanfu. To Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing who have already cultivated the Yufu, these questions naturally seem simple and naive. She thought they would get bored and leave early. Sitting aside all the time, not speaking, pretending to be listening attentively.

Qin Luoyi felt his head hurt even more.

An hour later, Sect Master Ge's mouth was dry and he drank several cups of water. Seeing that Qin Luoyi and the other two disciples had been standing still and had no intention of leaving, a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes.

On the grounds that he had something to say to Qin Luoyi alone, he sent the first and second disciples out, and then looked at Qin Luoyi with a smile: "Do you have something to say to me?"

"Master, don't you old man have something to tell me?" Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened, a sly look flashed in his eyes.

Headmaster Ge looked at her with a half-smile, and then said slowly: "Oh, so I was wrong. I thought you had something to say to me alone. If that's the should step back."

Qin Luoyi doesn't want to go out yet, maybe if he goes out now, he will meet the senior brother and the second senior brother.

She doesn't want to see them now.

She has been practicing in seclusion for half a month, and they still haven't left the sect. No matter how dull she is, she still knows why they stayed in the sect.

It is naturally impossible to double cultivate with them. Originally, she planned not to meet everyone. She practiced and they went to busy with their own affairs. Gone together.

They are still brothers and sisters.

Regardless of whether they really liked her now, or it was just a temporary confusion, it should be easy to let everything disappear in the bud.

It's just that she obviously underestimated the patience of both of them.That being the case, she had to find a way to talk to them... Otherwise, she was worried that if she continued like this, she would not be able to control her heart when she faced those two evildoers every day, and they were extremely gentle evildoers.

It feels good to have two senior brothers, not to mention there is a master she likes here, this is the place where she will stay for the rest of her life, hundreds or even thousands of years... In this strange world, apart from Xie Ruyan and Qin Ling Yun, she has already regarded this place as her other home, she wants to become stronger, and she wants to protect everything she can.

"Hehe, Master, I knew that nothing could be hidden from your eyes." Qin Luoyi giggled, and took out the two pills he had prepared a long time ago from the storage space: "I tell you a good news, old man , I, your apprentice, have made alchemy a step further, and I am able to refine the twelfth-order elixir! Here, this is my disciple's filial piety to you, the old man. It is made with Jiuhuang fruit and black lotus in the ice field as the main ingredients. The twelfth-level elixir, you eat these two first, and I will refine some after a while to honor your old man..."

"You can refine the twelfth-order elixir?" Even Lao Cheng, who was as serious as the head of Ge, looked at the elixir in her hand that was extremely lustrous and had a powerful spiritual power, and he was so shocked that he let out a low voice, with excitement flashing in his eyes , ecstasy, and relief.

Qin Luoyi nodded vigorously, and then stuffed the elixir into his master's hands. Even the twelfth-level elixir is useful to Hei Di, so it should be extremely useful to his master.

"Haha, that's right, the twelfth-rank elixir, and it's still a twelfth-rank middle-grade elixir, you girl, you really have a great talent for alchemy!" Headmaster Ge took the elixir in his hand and looked at it carefully , the more she looked at it, the happier she was, and she was not polite to her, so she took out a pill bottle and put the pill in it.

He knew that Qin Luoyi had a lot of spiritual fruits and plants from the Ice Realm, and the age was very high. Last time at Yuntian Xiaozhu, she gave him many to bring back to the sect, not only in the Ice Realm, but also in the Ice Realm. Even the baby under the lion and tiger cliff, she probably won a lot, and he has always known about the fact that she quietly went down to the lion and tiger cliff with the spar.

Qin Luoyi smiled and rolled her eyes: "Master, there is something else I would like to ask for your help." With a thought, she summoned the Tsing Yi puppet from the bracelet space. It was the size of a fist, and it was left over from the last time he fought Sima Yu.

"Is there a way to restore it?" Although there is nothing wrong with the Tsing Yi puppet now, but if it is not repaired, she is really afraid that Tsing Yi's body will be crippled after a few more battles.

Headmaster Ge touched it with his hand, thought for a moment and said: "There are very few such puppets in the world now, and no craftsman can repair it."

Disappointment flashed across Qin Luoyi's face.

"But there is a method you can try." Master Ge thought for a while and said: "Refining puppets, especially high-rank puppets, will trigger Thunder Calamity, use Thunder Calamity to forge the body, let its The strength is stronger, you can put it in Lei Guang to try if you have a chance in the future, maybe it can be repaired automatically."

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he thought of the cave of the ancient holy master, isn't there a thunder tribulation circle there?

Maybe she should pick a time to take the puppet in Tsing Yi for a walk.

After half an hour, she walked out of the hall.

Except for some Tsing Yi disciples serving on the main peak, Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were not seen outside the hall, and they should have left long ago.

After walking down the main peak, Qin Luoyi didn't go back to Yuqing Peak. He was going to the natural pool far away from the main peak that he discovered last time. It's summer now, so it must be very cool to go there for a swim.

(End of this chapter)

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