Chapter 309
Soul Constipation is a secret technique, which is rarely known in Xuantian Continent and Penglai Immortal Island, but Qin Luoyi actually called out its name, no matter what, he can't keep her life.Unexpectedly, a woman that rarely interested him would now be destroyed by his own hands.

In just a moment, the blood on his body had stopped, his eyes locked on Qin Luoyi's, and he walked towards her.

"Do you want to kill me?" Qin Luoyi smiled, his phoenix eyes twinkled, and his expression became even more mocking.

Duanmu Changying raised her eyebrows, her black eyes gleamed with a little gleam, and there was a wicked smile: "Hehe, Luoyi, I didn't expect your soul power to be so powerful, but it's only the Xuanfu's cultivation, and you can actually Resist my insanity, unfortunately, you are too smart, since you know my secret now, I can only kill you."

A look of regret.

Qin Luoyi snorted disdainfully: "Hey, you still have to find a reason for killing people. Do you think that if I dare to come to see you like this, it's because I really didn't have any preparations in advance?"

Duanmu Changying's expression changed.The beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, looked at her dangerously, thoughtfully, then quickly summoned the Xuanfu, turned into a dazzling long sword, and slashed towards Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi didn't even move.

Two huge figures, one black and one white, appeared suddenly. It was Dahei and Heidi. Dahei stood in front of Qin Luoyi, while Heidi slapped Duanmu Changying fiercely with his paws. past.

"Master, be careful."

Chen Ba, who was guarding his side, shrank his pupils, jumped out, and stood in front of him. The paw prints of Hei Di covered the sky and covered the sky, and even he felt extremely dangerous.

"Hei Di, just slap them half to death, don't beat them to death with one palm." Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows coldly, and spoke with a cool smile, his eyes were cold and indifferent.


Chen Ba was slapped flying, and fell heavily to the ground, spitting blood out of his mouth, and it took him a long time to stand up from the ground.

The moment Duanmu Changying saw Heidi and Dahei coming out, an extremely dangerous intuition rose in his heart, and he quickly took back the Yufu that had turned into a long sword and attacked Qin Luoyi, protecting the already He also summoned the golden disc magic weapon and covered it above his head. The extremely dazzling golden light flowed down and covered the whole body, forming two layers of extremely tough protection.In addition, with Chen Ba standing in front of him, he was not seriously injured, and he only staggered back a few steps before stabilizing his body.

Dahei looked at the top of his head, his eyes were astonishingly bright, and he yelled excitedly: "Haha, this magic weapon is good, I want it." He rushed towards Duanmu Changying fiercely.

Hei Di was speechless.

Qin Luoyi hooked the corners of his lips, and a smile appeared on his pretty face, which was fleeting.She didn't stop it either, she knew that Dahei had been coveting the golden disc artifact for a long time.

Based on Duanmu Changying's deception and schemes against her... She really wished that Hei Di could slap him to death with one slap to vent her anger.It's just that Duanmu Changying is the younger brother of the second senior brother after all, and the two are blood brothers. Although there is suspicion and hatred, it is up to the second senior brother to decide how to deal with him, whether to kill or beat him.

Dahei ate several snow ginseng pills, and his life essence recovered a lot. During this period of time, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Although he is still not as good as Heidi, he is not on the same level as before. Duanmu Changying, a powerful magic weapon, did not lose the slightest bit.

Regardless of his serious injury, Chen Ba rushed over with a stern drink.

The two of them instantly fought into a ball.

Qin Luoyi raised his exquisite chin slightly, and looked coldly at Duanmu Changying's tall figure in the battle circle.He thought to himself, if he wanted to snatch the magic disc, Bai Yutai couldn't let it go.Duanmu Changying dared to set her up and plot against her... She was going to make him bleed profusely today, loot him and hand him over to the second senior brother.

With the Baiyutai, she will study the runes carefully... Dahei is very proficient in the formation method, maybe it also has research on runes. When the time comes to use the Baiyutai, she can go back to the Holy Dragon Continent.She has been in Penglai Xiandao for more than two years, and she doesn't know how her father, mother and elder brother are doing now.

Chen Ba was seriously injured, Duanmu Changying was first stabbed by Qin Luoyi, and then slapped by Heidi. Although the injury was not serious, it was also affected a lot. After a fierce battle, he gradually lost the wind .

Dahei fought more and more bravely, his eyes were astonishingly bright, he approached Duanmu Changying and stretched out his claws to grab him on the head. After a fierce battle, the golden light on the magic disc had dimmed a lot, and it was impossible to touch it anymore. create a threat.

Duanmu Changying snorted softly, dodged to one side, a ruthless killing intent flashed across his eyes, and threw a elixir into his mouth, the already dim golden light on the magic disc suddenly rose sharply, He slashed fiercely towards Dahei.

Dahei hurriedly backed away, being hit by the golden light, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.Seeing this, Hei Di's eyes were full of displeasure, and his tall figure walked towards Duanmu Changying, like a king, with an unparalleled arrogance, he wanted to snatch the magic weapon in his hand with his own hands.

Duanmu Changying's face became extremely serious.

With a low curse, Chen Ba took out a signal flare from his bosom, and threw it fiercely into the sky. A gorgeous five-color firework exploded in the air, and then dozens of tall figures rushed from the direction of Xinglong Town. Looting out, standing in front of Duanmu Changying, countless magic weapon mansions flashed with a terrifying aura, and they all attacked Heidi.

Chen Ba led Duanmu Changying back quickly.

Qin Luoyi's lips curved into a mocking smile.Surprisingly, there are so many people following him... Among them is Sima Yu who came to attack Duanmu Changqing last time.

It seemed she was really naive.

She thought that at the foot of Feifeng Mountain, he was really injured in order to win her trust. It turned out that everything was fake, and it was just a bitter trick.

Looking at the swarming mansion, Hei Di looked contemptuously. Among the dozens of people who came out, the one with the highest cultivation level was no more than middle-level Jade Mansion.

With a light wave of its claws, it sent dozens of mansions flying away, and then its claws suddenly became bigger, stretching directly to the top of Duanmu Changqing's head, and easily took the golden disc magic weapon on his head into his hand, Without even looking at it, it was directly stuffed into Dahei's hands.

Dahei couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After reading it over and over twice, he handed it to Qin Luoyi: "You should keep it." Having said that, there was a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows with a surprised expression.

"Now there are too many people who don't like you and want to make things difficult for you. It's better to put a few more powerful magic weapons on your body." Dahei explained, and then added after a pause: "When you become stronger in the future, you can do it again." Give it back to me."

Qin Luoyi laughed, took the magic weapon and put it away.

(End of this chapter)

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