Brother is too evil

Chapter 310 Misunderstanding

Chapter 310 Misunderstanding (1)
The power of the Black Emperor was beyond Duanmu Changying's expectation, and his expression became extremely solemn. He took a deep look at Qin Luoyi, took advantage of the moment when the Black Emperor was entangled by many monks, he took out the white jade platform, and wanted to cross the void and go.

"Damn, he wants to run!"

Seeing this, Qin Luoyi and Dahei wanted to stop them, but they were also rushed over to stop them. They could only watch him and Chen Ba leave helplessly.

Hei Di became ruthless, and all the people who desperately entangled it without regard for their lives were slapped out. More than a dozen people died immediately, and others were seriously injured.

Duanmu Changying had already left, and they were no longer in love with fighting. Taking advantage of the moment they were photographed flying away, they flew away in all directions under the control of Shenhong.

It's just that the fighting here is too noisy, and it's so close to the Piaomiao Sect, it has already alarmed the disciples of the Piaomiao Sect. Many disciples rushed over, and when they saw Qin Luoyi and a corpse, they immediately understood, and they all turned to think about it. The fleeing men in black attacked.

After a chaotic battle, except for Sima Yu and Triangle Eye who slipped through the net and escaped, all the rest were killed. There were two survivors, but seeing that they could not escape, they bit their teeth and died of poison .

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili also came.

Duanmu Changqing recognized the identity of the man in black at a glance, his expression changed instantly, his expression was extremely gloomy, his phoenix eyes were sharp, and the cold air around him could freeze three feet.

Feng Feili's demonic peach blossom eyes were full of evil spirits: "What happened? Is Duanmu Changying going to kill you?"

"It's not that he wants to kill me." Qin Luoyi shook his head and said with a smile: "The person he wants to kill is Second Senior Brother."

Duanmu Changqing was silent.

He was not surprised that Duanmu Changying wanted to kill him.

What puzzled him was that when he saw the two of them last time, Duanmu Changying looked very complacent and said that he and Luoyi were in love with each other, but Luoyi didn't deny come it was only half a month , They fought each other?

Feng Feili was equally puzzled.

The movement here alarmed Sect Leader Ge, and called Qin Luoyi to the main peak to question him personally.


Hearing that Duanmu Changying had controlled Qin Luoyi with the soul-stirring technique, and wanted her to seek a chance to kill Duanmu Changqing, Sect Leader Ge's expression changed immediately.

Originally, he thought it was because the members of the Liu family were dissatisfied with Liu Qingcheng being expelled from the sect, and after taking Liu Qingcheng away, he unscrupulously troubled Qin Luoyi... Or maybe it was someone from the Paradise, never thought that this matter would be related to Duanmu Changqing There are relationships.

He had never heard of soul-stirring.

Then he asked carefully.

Qin Luoyi explained the soul-hunting technique.

Headmaster Ge's face became even colder, and his eyes were sharp and deep... Fortunately, Qin Luoyi's soul power is strong, if he really succeeds, his two disciples may be ruined because of it.

Looking at Qin Luoyi's pretty face, Duanmu Changqing was also shocked.

Feng Feili's lips rippling with an upside-down smile, but his eyes were extremely cold. "Second Junior Brother, I didn't expect the Duanmu family to have such a powerful secret technique."

"This is not the secret technique of the Duanmu family." Duanmu Changqing pursed his lips and shook his head: "It's the first time I've heard of the soul-hunting technique today."

"What's the matter with you brothers? I remember that you only have this younger brother, right?" Headmaster Ge looked at him with blazing eyes.

Qin Luoyi's Qingling gaze also fell on him, and she also wanted to know what was the reason that made Duanmu Changying try every means to take his life, and even set his mind on her.

Duanmu Changqing smiled bitterly: "He is my only younger brother. Although he is a half-brother, and we used to have a good relationship, but ten years ago, he suddenly changed and began to see me as a thorn in the side. Change Benjali, and keep sending people to attack and kill me."

"Does your father not care about these things?" Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, what kind of father would watch two biological sons fratricide and ignore them.

"Changying is very cautious in doing things. In front of my father, he doesn't reveal anything, and he also bribed many people around my father to help him cover up."

Headmaster Ge sighed, this is his disciple's housework, and it's not good for him to intervene. Fortunately, Duanmu Changying didn't succeed: "As for your younger brother, you have to be on guard in the future."

Duanmu Changqing nodded.

"Since he knows the soul-stirring technique, will he also cast spells on your father and the people around him?" Feng Feili asked.

If this is the case, things will be troublesome.

Qin Luoyi shook his head: "Probably not. Soul Constipation is very harmful to soul power, and it is difficult for people with low cultivation to perform this technique on people with high cultivation, and there is a danger of backlash. "

A flash of relief flashed in Duanmu Changqing's eyes.

Back at Yuqing Peak, Qin Luoyi sat down on the swing for a while, feeling a bit lost. She almost got the Baiyu Terrace.

If he had known earlier, he should have asked Hei Di to catch him first and take the things away.Without Baiyutai, she doesn't know when she will be able to return to the Holy Dragon Continent.

After freshening up, she lay on the bed, closed her eyes, but couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, Duanmu Changying's figure appeared in her mind from time to time, his beautiful eyes looked at her, but he spoke cruel words in his mouth.

"Only when he dies can we be together... I want to be with you forever, Luoyi, kill him, okay? Kill us so we can be together."

"Damn it!" Qin Luoyi cursed in a low voice, sat up suddenly from the bed, put on his clothes, and ran out of Yuqing Peak, heading towards the mountain behind Piaomiaozong. After half an hour, he reached the valley halfway up the mountain on the hill.

Escaping the limestone cave under the valley, she swam to the big water pool behind the mountain.The water in the pool is clear and emerald green, and the moonlight is softly sprinkled on the water surface, and the silver light is shining.

Standing on the boulder in the center, Qin Luoyi took off his outer shirt, leaving only his exquisite apron and underwear of the same color, plunged into the water, and swam with his limbs free.

She swam a few laps in the lake, and when she was about to climb up the boulder in the lake, a pair of warm arms suddenly wrapped around her slender waist from behind.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head abruptly. At some point, Feng Feili, who was dressed in white, actually swam behind her, looking at her with enchanting peach blossom eyes.

Qin Luoyi, who was hugged tightly by his slender waist, was startled, and then looked at his monstrous handsome face with a smile that was not a smile: "Brother, why are you here?"

Feng Feili curled her lips into a smile, bowed her head and planted a kiss on her forehead as light as a butterfly's wing, then let go of one hand, and pointed to the side wall covered with vines: "There is a senior Piao Miao Sect who came out of it. The retreat cave."

Qin Luoyi looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a piece of verdant greenery, but he didn't see any caves. He released his consciousness to look carefully, and found a cave entrance behind the vines. Yan Shishi, no wonder she didn't notice anything unusual when she came in last time.

(End of this chapter)

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