Brother is too evil

Chapter 311 Misunderstanding

Chapter 311 Misunderstanding (2)
Fortunately, she doesn't have the habit of swimming naked. Although she doesn't wear much clothes, she still wears them, and the person inside is Feng Feili. If other disciples or seniors from the sect were inside...she would want to cry without tears .

But even so, Qin Luoyi's expression was not very good-looking. This time it was Feng Feili, but when I was here last time, was there anyone there?
Seeing the annoyance in her eyes, Feng Feili smiled lightly, her fair face had a natural blush after swimming a few laps, making her beautiful face even more charming and alluring.Gently pinched her cheek.His hands were as delicate as fat, which made him reluctant to let go.The hand around her waist felt extremely soft. He tried his best to keep his eyes on her face, not at her curvy body, otherwise he might not be able to bear the impulse and directly press her down. Under the body fiercely love some.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, pulled off his hands that were messing with his face, and slapped the hands on his waist, then turned around and jumped onto the boulder in the pool, and took out another Putting a dry skirt on her body, she let down her wet hair and rubbed it with a special white handkerchief.

The spring that was full of eyes was covered, Feng Feili's eyes darkened, and he secretly said it was a pity.With a splash, he jumped out of the water gracefully and landed beside Qin Luoyi. The wet clothes stuck to his body, outlining his perfect and vigorous body.

Qin Luoyi paused for a moment with his hand rubbing his hair, only glanced at it, and hurriedly moved away. Feng Feili's appearance was already attractive enough, but she was really afraid of her appearance at this moment with infinite sex appeal. If I take a few more glances, the Hunyuan Dzi in the Lingtai Cave will play tricks again.

A faint light smoke rose from Feng Feili's body, and in the blink of an eye, his body, which was still wet just now, instantly became clean and refreshed.

He sat down beside Qin Luoyi, with a smile on his lips, and gazed at her with tender and charming peach blossom eyes with a touch of heat.

I just feel that her beautiful and beautiful face is more crystal clear under the bright moonlight, her eyes are shining like black gemstones, her black eyebrows are curved, and with a slight frown, there are thousands of styles, like green onions and white as jade Gently rubbing the black and beautiful hair with his fingers, the hair was swaying, and his heart was also swaying with the swaying hair.

Peach Blossom eyes gradually became deeper, leaning over, he stretched out his hand to take the handkerchief from Qin Luoyi's hand, and said softly, "Let me help you get it."

Qin Luoyi wished to stay away from him and keep a safe distance from him, so why would he want him to rub his hair?That was too intimate.

"No need." He tried to snatch the handkerchief from his hand.

Feng Feili easily dodged away, Qin Luoyi was a little depressed, and reached out to snatch it again. After several disputes, the clothes she casually wore on her body gradually slipped off, revealing her delicate collarbone, and the faintly visible Half of the shoulders and even the bellyband were faintly visible.

Feng Feili's peach-blossom eyes suddenly became hot, Ren Qin Luoyi snatched the handkerchief over, pressed her curvaceous and graceful figure under him, and gently kissed her red cheeks. lip.

Qin Luoyi was stunned.

After regaining his senses, his face darkened, and he shouted coquettishly, "Brother, what are you doing, let me go!"

Feng Feili had long been teased by her inadvertently charming style, and since seeing her with Duanmu Changying, his heart has been anxious and worried, fearing that she would really fall in love with that unpredictable Duanmu Chang Ying.

Today the truth came to light, and he could finally let go of his worries. Originally, he was practicing in the cave on the cliff. When he saw her come in and swim in the water, he didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to come down and talk to her, but this At that time, I really couldn't help it anymore, I just wanted to kiss her fiercely, to relieve his lovesickness and worries during this period.

Hearing Qin Luoyi's words, not only did he not let go, but he kissed her even more passionately, tossing and sucking, without the slightest intention of letting her go.

Qin Luoyi's breathing began to be rapid, his chest heaved violently, his phoenix eyes were misty and gleamed with water, how could the Hunyuan Dzi in the Lingtai Cave be able to withstand such a tease?Already started to move, a warm fiery feeling penetrated into her limbs, making her just want to cater to his kiss, entangle with him, and want more.

This is not right.

This kind of love that is restricted by the Hunyuan Dzi, although she can easily get the power of the stars to advance, it always makes her feel uneasy.There are also Fei Fengli and Duanmu Changqing... She can no longer let herself be entangled with them like this.

With blurred eyes open, she looked at Feng Feili's head tied with suet jade hairpins, and bit her tongue vigorously.

The pain hit her, and she regained consciousness for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "Brother, do you like me?"

"Fool." Feng Feili finally raised her head, looking at her with enchanting peach eyes, "Of course I like you."

"Then what do you like about me?" Qin Luoyi just lay under him, with a dazzling smile on the corner of his lips, and her slightly blurred gaze, making her look even more coquettish and alluring.

Feng Feili stretched out her fingers and stroked her face, her eyes were deep.

What do you like about her?
At first, he was curious.

A 17-year-old girl who was cultivated as a venerable would make an exception and be accepted as a disciple by a master who has always been extremely strict in accepting apprentices... He approached her because he wanted to know what was so special about her.

Then he finds out that she is indeed special.

Of course, it's not about cultivation. Below Xuanfu, the Piaomiao Sect has the cold pond water, and she got the second junior brother's Ice Spirit Orb. It is inevitable that her cultivation will improve rapidly.

What he found was that she was different from the female monks he had known before. When she looked at him, she would also have surprise in her eyes, would be flattered by his approach, and would be embarrassed, but that was all. Treating him with sincerity and enthusiasm but not too eager to please him, being kind but not intentionally getting close to him...

Such a little junior sister, who was not confused by his appearance, made him gradually have a strange liking for him. Later, he gradually liked to see her panicked and calm because of his approaching, and he liked her even if she repaired it. She is not high, but she also looks full of confidence every day, and likes the cunning that radiates from her eyes at any time... she never wavers in her steadfast cultivation, and smiles to see that all kinds of hearts in the world are attached to her because of her, especially her cultivation, and he returned During the year and a half in Xuantian Continent, her figure often appeared in front of his eyes inadvertently.

Seeing him sinking into thought, stroking his face but remaining silent for a long time, Qin Luoyi lost his mind, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

A self-deprecating smile floated on her lips, shouldn't she be honored that her own appearance can still catch the eyes of the enchanting senior brother?
(End of this chapter)

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