Chapter 312
Feng Feili recovered from her contemplation, and seeing the strange smile on Qin Luoyi's pretty face, she quickly understood.

He couldn't help being angry and funny and said: "Luoyi..." After living for more than a hundred years, he has never been so interested in a woman, and even wants to form a double cultivation with her. He does not deny that he loves her body, but He likes her more, okay?Because I like her, I love everything about her.

Just as he was about to explain to her properly, he suddenly saw a stream of blood escaping from her red lips. Holding her face tightly, he shouted sharply: "Qin Luoyi, what are you doing?"

Qin Luoyi pursed his red lips tightly and did not speak. More blood escaped from the corners of his lips. He was in a trance just now. In order to stay awake, when he bit down hard, he was not sure of the strength.

"Luoyi, don't hurt yourself, never hurt yourself..." Feng Feili hugged her fiercely, then let go quickly, stood up, and stood far away from her. It's a heartache I've never had before.

It turns out...Yi'er has never liked him.The figure of the second junior brother Duanmu Changqing appeared in front of his eyes, a wry smile escaped from the corner of his lips.

It never occurred to them that the two senior brothers would fall in love with the same woman one day.

At this meeting, he could see that the second junior brother had feelings for Luoyi, and the second junior brother also noticed his strangeness, but neither of them revealed it. The decades of brotherly love were just a look, a movement, and they also Can know each other's thoughts.

Waiting for clothes to choose.

Then the other exits silently.

That way it won't hurt everyone's feelings.

He was the one who was reckless tonight, he didn't restrain his impulse, and let Luoyi use self-mutilation to stop him!

The more I thought about it, the more pain I felt in my heart, so I closed my eyes.

Yi'er must hate herself very much in her heart.

Thinking that in her heart, she was actually such an unbearable person... As long as she didn't want to, how could he force her.

And now that she resists herself so much, she doesn't hesitate to self-mutilate her body, her choice is self-evident.

Peach blossom eyes are gloomy, and the tall body is under the moonlight with an unprecedented loneliness. Looking at Qin Luoyi, who has already got up and sat down to adjust his clothes, he said with some embarrassment: "Little sister, although this pool is very secret, but you know There are quite a few people here, just because my second junior brother and I often practice here, and other people will not come here, but if you are not afraid of [-], you should take a closer look around before you go into the water."

Qin Luoyi was arranging her clothes with trembling fingers. After that moment of clarity, her mind was in a trance again. The Hunyuan Dzi Bead was extremely hot, and her body was also hot and soft. She focused all her mind on controlling herself She didn't look at Feng Feili, didn't jump at him, didn't hear what he said at this time, after putting on her clothes, she jumped into the water with some trembling.

The pool water was warm, but it couldn't relieve the heat in her body, so she simply buried her head in the water.

Feng Feili glanced at her silently, then turned around and jumped out, disappearing into the valley.


Qin Luoyi groaned, his skin seemed to be melted by the unstoppable heat, his complexion gradually turned crimson from the initial whiteness like jade, as if covered with a peach blossom-like luster , and then, the color gradually becomes darker.

After soaking in the water for a long time, her sanity became even more blurred, and the blood in her whole body boiled, and even chanting the incantation to purify her mind didn't work.

Qin Luoyi had a very bad feeling.

Feng Feili jumped out of the limestone cave, and a tall figure stood on the shore, it was Duanmu Changqing.

No need to think about it, he knew that he must have come behind Qin Luoyi, but to his surprise, he didn't go in, but silently guarded outside.

Is this why Yi'er fell in love with him?
Feng Feili's eyes darkened.

Duanmu Changqing looked at him, with waves rolling and turbulent at the bottom of his eyes, then he quickly looked away and looked into the pool.

Feng Feili knew what he was expecting, and said calmly: "She is playing in the water, and she is having fun, and I am afraid she will not come out for a while."

Qin Luoyi didn't come out of it until the next morning, and Duanmu Changqing's face showed a look of anxiety: "The pool inside is very deep, will there be any accidents?"

"Probably not?" Feng Feili was slightly taken aback, thinking of her familiar swimming posture, she instinctively denied it, but it had been several hours, it was indeed a long time, and he also felt a little uneasy.

After waiting for a while, Duanmu Changqing finally couldn't help it, pursed his lips and said, "No, I have to go in and take a look."

As soon as the voice fell, he jumped into the water with a splash.

Feng Feili stood up, hesitated for a moment, and jumped into the water too.

The whole pool is surrounded by mountains. To enter from here, you have to pass through a mountain wall, which is tens of meters long, but this distance is not a problem for Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili, and they will swim soon. Go over and into the pool inside.

The golden sunlight sprinkled on the water surface, shimmering, clear and tranquil, on the clear green water surface, a green figure of the West Lake floated, motionless, the jet-black hair loosened, and floated on the water surface .

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at each other, their hearts suddenly beating wildly.

"Little Junior Sister?"

Feng Feili tentatively called out.

The figure on the water was still floating motionless, without making a sound.

Both of them had a bad premonition in their hearts at the same time, and regardless of the messy and untidy clothes on her body at this time, they rushed over like lightning.

Qin Luoyi's eyes were closed tightly, his face was frighteningly red, there was a shocking bloodstain on his forehead, and his red lips were also bloodstained.

With just one glance, Feng Feili's face turned ashen, and he stood there in a daze, his fingers trembling slightly.

"Yi'er!" Duanmu Changqing rushed over and hugged her tightly, hugged her tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Yi'er, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you?"

His hands were hot, as if he was hugging a stove, but the fiery feeling made him suddenly ecstatic.His body was still hot, at that moment just now, he was afraid that what he came to embrace was a cold corpse.

Stretching out a finger, he put it in front of Qin Luoyi's nose, and a very faint breath brushed against his finger, Duanmu Changqing couldn't help but hugged the person in his arms even tighter.

He raised his head abruptly, and stared at Feng Feili angrily: "Senior brother, why did Junior Sister behave like this? What did you do to her!"

He and Feng Feili have been senior brothers for decades, and no one knows better than him what the senior senior is like. The senior senior seems to be romantic and affectionate, but in fact he is ruthless, and he doesn't bother to use any dirty tricks, but Qin Luoyi at this time The strangeness made him unable to suppress the flame of doubt in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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