Brother is too evil

Chapter 322 Phaseless Dafa VS Hunyuan Dzi

Chapter 322 Phaseless Dafa VS Hunyuan Dzi (3)
Qin Luoyi finally controlled the Hunyuan Dzi, he was in a great mood, his phoenix eyes sparkled, and the corners of his lips were smiling, seeing her undisguised joy, the cold eyes in Bai Yi flashed like shooting stars across the sky Through a bright light.

It really was the right decision not to take her Hunyuan Dzi Bead!

Qin Luoyi looked at him, his black eyebrows like distant mountains lingered with the breath of Tsinghua, and his red lips like cherry blossoms raised his confident and charming style.

With a movement of Bai Yi's fingers, a piece of crystal stone placed on the desk suddenly flew over, and he handed the crystal stone to Qin Luoyi's hand.

This time Qin Luoyi didn't refuse, took it directly, held it in the palm of his hand, then closed his eyes again, opened the Supreme Sutra, and started to absorb the spiritual power in the spar.

The breath on her body soared at a speed visible to the naked eye. After half an hour, she absorbed all the spiritual power in the spar into her body, and her cultivation reached the fifth level of Xuanfu in one fell swoop!

When she opened her eyes again, if there were no people in the room, she really wanted to give Bai Yi a bear hug!Knowing that she had the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on her body, the hesitation in Bai Yi's eyes let her know that he actually wanted the Hunyuan Dzi Bead too, but he didn't do it in the end, instead he passed on the technique of controlling the Hunyuan Dzi Bead to her... ...The little grudge in his heart disappeared long ago with the change of his attitude.

He even guessed in his heart that Bai Yi's cultivation base was too strong, spar or ordinary geniuses and earth treasures were useless to his cultivation, and the only thing that could make him improve was the source of chaos. It can be seen that one can directly devour the source of chaos.

She got the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, so she can't let Bai Yi suffer. There are many sources of chaos in the Chaos Dzi Bead, and the piece of Chaos Source that she got in the ice field last time is amazing.

The Chaos Dzi Bead is just like Bai Yi, and she should also like the Source of Chaos very much. She is naturally responsive to the Source of Chaos... Now that she has been able to control the Primal Chaos Dzi, if there is a source of Chaos in the future, she decides to leave it to Bai Yi. with.

Headmaster Ge curiously called her to the main peak, and asked her carefully how she practiced before when she didn't control the Hunyuan Dzi.

Qin Luoyi was embarrassed, talking about it from left to right.

Headmaster Ge was even more surprised and continued to ask.

Qin Luoyi could only play Tai Chi with him.

Until she left the main peak, she didn't tell about the fact that she was controlled by the Hunyuan Dzi before. If the master knew that she had a relationship with her two senior brothers, she was afraid that the old man would not be able to bear the excitement.

After leaving the main peak, he ran into Yan Nantian not far away.Yan Nantian hasn't seen her for half a month.

Head Ge clearly refused to marry Zhaiyue Pavilion, the result was within his expectations, but it still made him very uncomfortable.

He has never liked someone so much, he likes her so much that he wants to double cultivate with her, and want to be together for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect such a result in the end.

Qin Luoyi looked at Yan Nantian who was standing in front of her in black clothes, a look of displeasure flashed in his phoenix eyes, and his expression was very indifferent.

"Luoyi, are you really unwilling to double cultivate with me?" Yan Nantian looked at her indifferent pretty face, feeling slightly bitter in his heart.

Qin Luoyi's face darkened: "Yan Nantian, do you still remember what I told you at Jinding Mountain?"

Yan Nantian's Junyi's face was saddened like never before, how could he not remember?Just don't give up.

Two handsome figures rushed over from a distance.

Qin Luoyi left him straight away, and greeted the person with a smile.

"Big Brother."

"Second brother."

Duanmu Changqing glanced at Yan Nantian coldly, and when he looked at Qin Luoyi again, his cold gaze became extremely soft.

Feng Feili walked towards Yan Nantian gracefully, with a hint of evil in Taohua's eyes, an invisible pressure emanated from him, and said with a faint smile: "So Mr. Yan is here, there is a girl surnamed Xiao who is here At the gate of the mountain, she was crying and fussing and looking for you, saying that she is your cousin, and also the partner of the young pavilion master appointed by you in the moon picking pavilion..."

Faced with the invisible coercion unleashed by the monks of Feng Feili's Yufu, Yan Nantian was still able to remain calm, but when he heard that the girl surnamed Xiao claimed to be his partner for dual cultivation, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help it. He took a quick look at Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi was talking to Duanmu Changqing. She didn't know what Duanmu Changqing said, which made her smile all over her face, and her phoenix eyes shone with charming water.

Hearing that Cousin Xiao was here to make trouble, he was already in a bad mood, but now seeing Qin Luoyi's appearance, he felt even more dejected.

Yan Nantian left quickly, and Qin Luoyi didn't care much about his departure.

She was more concerned about Feng Feili.

Although Feng Feili was as evil as before, her face was obviously abnormal, with a touch of sickly paleness.

She knew that he would do this because she was restrained by white clothes and he cast a secret method in a hurry.Although the secret method can increase the cultivation level by three times in a short period of time, it consumes a lot of blood and requires several months of retreat, and it may take several years to fully recover. If you want to recover quickly, you need to heal your wounds Pill support, the higher the grade, the better the effect of the healing pill.

"Eldest brother is worried about you, and he hasn't retreated. He only took a tenth-order elixir, so the injury hasn't improved much." He tried to persuade, but it didn't work, even the master's persuasion didn't work. He knew that the elder brother was I want to watch Yi'er wake up, otherwise I don't feel at ease to go to retreat.

"Eldest brother, I'll make alchemy for you, and when I finish refining the alchemy, you can go to retreat, okay?" Qin Luoyi walked up to Feng Feili, looked at his pale handsome face, and his heart ached.

Feng Feili raised her eyebrows, the ninth-grade top-grade pill was of no use to his injuries, but she couldn't bear to go against her kindness, so she nodded with a smile.

Back at Yuqing Peak, Qin Luoyi entered the bracelet space, and spent nearly ten hours refining a twelfth-order top-quality healing pill.

She took the elixir and came to the elder brother's cave. The elder brother was sitting elegantly in the pavilion, wearing a black brocade robe, holding a white jade cup in his hand, sitting and drinking with the second senior brother. , she smelled a very strong aura.

Seeing her coming, the elder brother smiled and beckoned her to go and sit down: "Yi'er, you came just in time." A white jade cup was conjured out of thin air in his hand, which was exactly the same as the one in his hand.After filling up the spirit wine, he handed it to Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi sat down, drank it with a smile, then took out the pill bottle, handed it to his hand, and said with a smile: "Eldest brother, wait for you to leave the customs, and the junior sister will drink with you again, you go first It's important to heal."

Feng Feili reached out to take the pill bottle, and smiled lightly. Although her face was pale, this smile was still very enchanting.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled.

"Yi'er, you've worked hard in alchemy, come, brother, I'll toast you again." He picked up the jug and filled her glass again, while he put the alchemy bottle on one side.

(End of this chapter)

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