Brother is too evil

Chapter 323: Love Brother

Chapter 323: Love Brother (2)
Feng Feili was also shocked, looking at her with a half-smile, she didn't come out of the Piao Miao Sect all day, and this twelfth-order healing pill could only have been obtained by her before.Unexpectedly, she would actually take out such a valuable elixir for him to use.

Qin Luoyi's pretty face collapsed, and he glanced at them with some dissatisfaction, and snorted: "Where did I get it, can't it be me who practiced it?"

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were completely speechless from the shock.

Originally, I thought that she could refine the ninth-grade top-grade pill, which was crazy enough, but I didn't expect that she could even make the twelfth-grade top-grade pill.

In Xuantian Continent, although there are more alchemists of the twelfth rank than the thirteenth rank, there are only a handful of them.

"You really made it?" Feng Feili took the elixir and turned it over and over in his hand, with some disbelief still on his face.

Qin Luoyi glared at him, then raised his chin slightly and said, "Except for me, who else on Penglai Immortal Island can refine a twelfth-order elixir?"

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at each other.

"Murong Jue was defeated by you, it's not wrong!" After a long time, Duanmu Changqing laughed loudly.

Feng Feili's pale face turned rosy because of being too shocked and excited: she couldn't help reaching out to caress her pretty face, and whispered softly with a smile on her face: "Yi'er, you are such a treasure!"

Qin Luoyi patted his hand away, smiled and urged him to heal quickly.

Feng Feili stood up, took the elixir bottle into the training room to practice, and with the twelfth-level elixir, his body could recover to its original state in at most half a month.

"Wuxiang Dafa is really a good thing, the Hunyuan Dzi is really restrained by it." After the senior brother left, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but rejoice and said to Duanmu Changqing.

Duanmu Changqing asked carefully.

Knowing that she was by Eldest Brother's side just now, and that Hunyuan Dzi Bead didn't have a single abnormality, he was both surprised and happy, his eyes lit up, and he tried himself, kissing Qin Luoyi so delicately that he was panting, and limp in his arms .

Facts once again proved that her consciousness is clear, Hunyuan Tianzhu can no longer control her lust.

Looking at the second senior brother with a look of horror on his face and fiery eyes, Qin Luoyi felt extremely regretful.

Although the Hunyuan Tianzhu is not abnormal, but her body's longing has been completely teased out by the second senior brother, it is very empty, there is an urge to be filled, if this is not the senior brother's cave, she really wants to desperately give up The second senior brother overwhelmed him and trampled him hard to see if he dared to be so complacent and arrogant.

On a big tree in the distance, a white figure quietly hides in the dense green leaves, looking coldly at the woman leaning on Duanmu Changqing's arms with glowing red eyes and sparkling eyes, deep eyes as if The boundless sea as far as the eye can see.

When his eyes fell on the bright red and delicate red lips, a dazzling light suddenly flashed from the bottom of his deep eyes. He stretched out his fingers and gently stroked his thin lips. A flash of light flashed in his eyes. eager.

But Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changqing didn't notice that there was another person on the tree in the distance at all, and they had a panoramic view of their lingering kiss just now.

Dahei and Heidi, who had disappeared for nearly half a month, rushed over from the outside like a gust of wind, and really headed towards Feng Feili's retreat.

Da Hei gritted his teeth and kept chanting Feng Feili's name, and Hei Di's expression was also very ugly.

Feng Feili was seriously injured. Even with the twelfth-rank elixir, it would take ten days and a half a month to get out of the customs, and she couldn't be disturbed at this time.

"What are you doing!"

Qin Luoyi stood in front of the practice room, frowned slightly, and looked at Dahei and Heidi, who were full of anger and obviously wanted to fight with the National People's Congress, with some puzzlement.

"Get out of the way quickly, I will definitely suppress that bastard today!" Dahei yelled, his eyes as big as copper bells flashed fiercely.

There was also a fierce light in Hei Di's eyes, and a huge palm print directly pressed towards the training room.

"Stop!" Qin Luoyi was startled, and his body shot out like lightning, blocking the place where its claws fell: "What happened, what are you doing?"

Duanmu Changqing jumped to her side, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words.

"What, are you saying that they have been trapped at the foot of the mountain by the senior brother's formation these days?" Qin Luoyi was very surprised.

That night, the senior brother and the second senior brother sneaked into her room and used their spiritual sense to look into her body, but they didn't see Dahei and Heidi coming out. She thought they had escaped from the Piaomiao sect again, but she didn't expect it to be that way at all. thing!
No wonder Dahei and Heidi got so angry.

"Did they know something?" Hei Di asked her sullenly, his sharp eyes fell on Duanmu Changqing, and then at Feng Feili in the training room.

Qin Luoyi didn't intend to hide it from them, so he nodded.

"There's no need to suppress them, these two will be wiped out together!" Dahei laughed back angrily, opened his mouth wide, showing his sharp teeth, and rushed towards Duanmu Changqing.

Duanmu Changqing stood there with his hands behind his back, with a slight smile on his handsome face and a lot of playfulness in his eyes. The breeze blew his skirt, making Tsinghua even more dignified and graceful.

"On Yuqing Peak, there are not only formations at the foot of the mountain." His voice was not loud, and he glanced around pointedly while speaking.

Dahei cursed in a low voice.

The raised paws were suddenly retracted, and Gu Lulu's eyes kept looking around.

It was trapped at the foot of the mountain, and it took ten days to escape with great effort, and when it broke the formation, it had already discovered that the formation was just a corner of a huge formation.

Hei Di also had scruples.

After all, Feng Feili, Duanmu Changqing, and Qin Luoyi are both disciples of Sect Master Ge.If it is really trapped in the formation, it and Dahei will only be at the mercy of others.

"That thing can't be known by too many people. If it is leaked out, the consequences will be disastrous." It looked at Qin Luoyi seriously, and reminded her: "This is not something they should know, they should forget!"

Qin Luoyi understood what it meant.

Even if you can't kill them because they are brothers from the same sect, it is actually very simple to make them forget about the Hunyuan Dzi.Just erase the memory of their spiritual consciousness.

However, if the memory is erased, the consciousness will definitely be seriously injured, and the future practice will also be affected.

To erase the memory of one party's spiritual consciousness, the performing party must have a much higher level of cultivation than the person being erased.

She knew Hei Di had this ability.

But she couldn't let Hei Di do this.

She looked at Hei Di, shook her head firmly and said: "This matter will not be leaked."

Dahei didn't quite believe it.

Hei Di also thought she was too naive.

If it's something else, it's fine, it's Hunyuan Dzi!

(End of this chapter)

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