Brother is too evil

Chapter 324 Crazy Promotion

Chapter 324 Crazy Promotion (1)
There are too few people in the world who can face this bead without being moved.

Duanmu Changqing looked at Qin Luoyi with a gentle expression.

Qin Luoyi felt his gaze, turned around, and smiled brightly at him, his pretty face bloomed like spring flowers, and his watery pupils shone like glazed brilliance.

Duanmu Changqing's eyes were more gentle, full of pampering.

Dahei and Heidi looked at each other.

Could it be that she was so confident that she would not be leaked out because both Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili had feelings for her?

Hei Di didn't think so.

It's just one, and both of them have an unusual relationship with her, which is even more dangerous. Maybe one of them will take the opportunity to retaliate because of resentment.

Qin Luoyi brought Dahei and Heidi back to his small courtyard. As soon as he walked in, he saw white clothes sitting quietly on the swing frame, his long eyebrows slanted into his temples, and his cold eyes were a little strange. looking at her.

It was already evening at this time, and the sun was setting, and the surrounding houses were covered with a layer of golden light, and the body in white clothes was also covered with a faint golden halo, which complemented his already handsome appearance. The figure is even more magnificent, like a fairy.

Dahei was overjoyed at first, Baiyi was able to see clearly which raw stones had the strange talent of spar, it was envious of all kinds.It's just that he looked at Qin Luoyi with a strange gaze, but it made his heart skip a beat.

"Did he know it too?"

It can't be blamed for being suspicious, because more and more people know about Hunyuan Dzi, it can't help but think in the worst direction.

While murmuring, it glanced at Qin Luoyi, with anticipation in its eyes.

Let's hope it's not what it thinks!
Bai Yi is not a good person, his cultivation is very unpredictable, and his appearance is also very strange.

Qin Luoyi rubbed its head, smiled and nodded.

Dahei only felt that his whole body was completely cool, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his body, and not only his body was cold, but his heart was even colder, as if the sky was about to fall.

Hei Di couldn't help but twitched his eyes, completely speechless, staring at Qin Luoyi with the urge to catch her, and then unceremoniously throw Shi Huya down.

Before she becomes completely strong, only there is relatively safe there, and if the exposure continues at this speed, the Hunyuan Dzi on her body will soon be known to the world.

Seeing their extremely anxious appearance, Qin Luoyi couldn't bear it, and hurriedly told Bai Yi to her Wuxiang Dafa, and now she was able to control the Chaos Yuanzhu and release the stars at will.

Dahei staggered and almost fell.

Seeing the dozens of priceless crystals given by Bai Yi again, the light in his eyes was so hot that it was a bit piercing.

"You go to practice, Mr. Bai and Hei Di will greet you." Then it quickly ran to Bai Yi's side.

Hei Dili remained calm and walked over slowly.

Qin Luoyi smiled.

Shaking his head, he walked over to talk to Bai Yi with a smile for a while, and personally sent him to Duanmu Changqing's cave after dark.

During this period of time, he didn't live in Miaoyun Peak, which was originally arranged, and stayed in Yuqing Peak every day, so the master arranged him in the second senior brother's mansion.

"I'm going to retreat tonight."

Before leaving, she said to Duanmu Changqing.

Xuanfu's cultivation is too weak after all, she has to get stronger quickly.You can't use external force every time.

Now that I have Wuxiang Dafa, I can take advantage of this opportunity to practice as soon as possible, and strive to improve my cultivation base. Only in this way, I will no longer be afraid of the revenge of Dongtian Paradise, and I can return to Shenglong Continent to visit my parents as soon as possible.

Duanmu Changqing strongly agrees.

Looking at her softly, he put the Ice Lingzhu into her hand. "Hold the Ice Lingzhu first, and don't use the spar to replenish your spiritual power for now, the spiritual power in the cold pool is now enough for you to advance..."

After entering the Profound Mansion, the spiritual power required for each rank is much higher than the previous rank. The cold pool of the Misty Sect is extremely rich in spiritual power, and it is not a dead pool. There are springs under the pool for a year. The four seasons cycle continuously, so there is no need to worry about absorbing too much, which will reduce the concentration of spiritual power inside.

It's just that after entering the Jade Mansion, the spiritual power required is too huge. At that time, it would be difficult to advance to the next level only by absorbing the spiritual power in the cold pool. It must be matched with spiritual plants, spiritual pills and crystals to speed up The speed of practice.

Qin Luoyi nodded, smiled and put the Ice Lingzhu away, then waved to him, and Yuhong returned to her small courtyard.

Ordinary monks practice, as long as they use the exercises, they absorb the spiritual power and the power of the stars together. After Qin Luoyi thought about it, he decided to practice in the cold tan.

For the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, she has already controlled it with ease. With just one thought, it can release the power of the stars. While absorbing the power of the stars, it can absorb the spiritual power in the cold Tan at the same time, which should save a lot of training time.

She wanted to see if she could do it.

Yuhong came to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is still a piece of ice and snow, which does not melt all year round. The brilliance of the bright moon sprinkles on the snow, making the already beautiful mountain top look like a dream, very beautiful.

The cold pool is deep and quiet, without any waves.

Under the moonlight, Qin Luoyi jumped in with the Ice Lingzhu, and carefully explored inside.

The middle of the cold pool is the deepest, and there is a fist-sized hole that goes straight to the ground. The edge is the shallowest, and the shallowest point reaches her waist. overhead.

I chose a place with a suitable depth inside, and took out a jade table from the storage space, and placed it under my body.

She sat cross-legged on the table, the water was just up to her chest.Close your eyes, hold the Ice Lingzhu in both hands and put it in front of your body, and while urging the Hunyuan Dzi to release the power of the stars, use the "Supreme Sutra" to absorb the spiritual power in the refining cold Tan.

Because it was her first attempt, her speed was extremely slow, and the power of the stars released from the chaotic pearl was also very little. She was ready to jump out of the cold forest immediately and stop her cultivation as soon as she felt something was wrong.

She is currently at the fifth level of the Xuanfu. For her, the spiritual power in the cold pool is still too strong. After a while, her body becomes hot. Fortunately, she has the Ice Lingzhu, but she just feels a little hot, not as hot as before. An extremely uncomfortable feeling that the skin is about to be stretched.

As time passed slowly, the spiritual power in her body began to soar.

The power of the stars is also continuously released from the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, perhaps because the non-phase Dafa only acts on the Hunyuan Dzi Bead and does not operate in the meridians. The two kinds of exercises are running in the body, and there is no confusion. Controlled contingencies.

Qin Luoyi was overjoyed, and began to try to speed up the release of the power of the stars bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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