Brother is too evil

Chapter 327 Ancient Warship

Chapter 327 Ancient Warship (2)
2000 years ago, when he was traveling abroad, he accidentally got a copy of "Ancient Artifact Refining Art", which recorded many lost methods of refining weapons, and was able to refine very powerful warships. As far as he was concerned, he was naturally overjoyed, and immediately passed the position of master to the eldest disciple, and ran out to search for the materials needed for the refining tool, while slowly studying the records in the book.

However, because the refining process of warships is extremely complicated and requires a lot of raw materials, it took him hundreds of years to study the refining techniques of warships, and it took him hundreds of years to gather the required raw materials. It has just been refined.

He also took out a bronze-colored two-meter-long very simple refining furnace, and with a snort, a ray of golden flame emerged from the palm of his hand, and the refining furnace was ignited, and a raging flame burst out.

The sapphire blue warship was thrown into the fire.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the Huangshi Jingyuan into the fire, and picked a few spars and put them in. Under the golden flame, the Huangshi Jingyuan and the spar began to melt slowly, seeping into the blue treasure ship, and gradually integrated into one.

Half an hour later, the Huangshi Jingyuan was completely integrated into the sapphire blue warship. Master Luo held the warship in his hands and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the more proud he was: "With the Huangshi Jingyuan, the combat power of this warship It should be more than doubled, and the defense will also increase a lot..."

"Yi'er, you can choose two from the treasure house of the Piaomiao sect." Headmaster Ge watched helplessly as his master snatched his apprentice's things for use. Warship, but he felt guilty towards his apprentice.

Huangshi Jingyuan.

If it's something else, he can just return it to her, but Huangshi Jingyuan is not in the treasure house of Piaomiaozong.

Master Luo glanced at him, a playful smile flashed in his eyes, and then handed the warship in his hand to Qin Luoyi: "Girl, this warship is given to you as a gift from master."

Qin Luoyi was flattered.

Look at the warship that exudes precious light, the phoenix eyes are shining, the hands in the sleeves are clenched into fists, resisting the urge to take it: "Thank you, master, but this warship is too precious , you'd better keep it to yourself."

Just now when Master was refining the weapon, she already knew a lot about this warship from Master, knowing that Master had spent nearly a thousand years refining this warship.

Headmaster Ge took it for her directly, and said with a smile on his face: "You girl, the master gave it to you, you can take it quickly, I haven't heard of the gift from the elders, can you resign?"

Master Luo glanced at him with a half-smile.

The smile on Master Ge's face didn't change, so he pretended he didn't see it.

It was also the first time Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing saw this master today, and seeing him snatch Qin Luoyi's Huangshi Jingyuan by force, both of them were very upset.

Both the Feng family and the Duanmu family had detailed records of the former head of the Piaomiao sect. Although Master Luo was informal, he was not the kind of greedy person... It is precisely because he knows this that he suppresses the dissatisfaction in his heart. Yue, wanted to see what he was going to do, seeing him send out the warship, they were happier than Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on his body, and there will definitely be many people prying on him in the future. With this warship by his side, it is just right for self-defense.

Naturally, Master Luo did not forget the two of them. One of them gave them a very delicate soft armor, which was refined from extremely tough monster skin. On the body, the strength will also be reduced a lot.

Holding the sapphire blue warship in his hand, Qin Luoyi couldn't hide his excitement as he stepped forward to thank his master.

"After you recognize the master with a drop of blood, refine it into the mansion, and use the power of the stars to warm it up. The longer it is warmed up, its fighting power will continue to strengthen..." Luo Shizu pointed his finger, and the battleship suddenly became bigger , is ten meters long and can accommodate more than a dozen people.

There is a row of cannons on the battleship, which can blast an extremely powerful monster into pieces, and its powerful defense is difficult to break through when encountering a group of monsters.

It can be large or small, and it can fly high into the sky without being afraid of the strong wind and strong energy in the high altitude. The monk Yuhong flies too high and needs to resist the violent strong wind, so the speed will become very slow, but this kind of warship But it can fly freely in the sky.

It can also sail on the sea surface, even dive into the sea, fly or sail on the sea surface, and it can also automatically absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth, so no matter how far it flies, its speed will not be affected.

However, when attacking the enemy, it will be subject to certain restrictions, because it consumes a lot of energy when attacking. When the spiritual power absorbed and stored is used up, it can no longer attack. However, in an emergency, you can use crystals to replenish spiritual power .

The more Qin Luoyi listened, the more surprised he became.This ancient warship is really powerful. With it, even if you encounter a powerful enemy and cannot defeat it, you should have no problem in escaping smoothly.

"This is the first time I have refined a test product. I didn't dare to make it too large. It can hold a dozen people at most..." Master Luo said with some regret.

"The first refining..." Headmaster Ge's heart skipped a beat, he looked at him with burning eyes and said, "Master, have you refined the warship?"

"Of course, but it hasn't succeeded yet." Master Luo took out a silver warship that was also only the size of a palm, and threw it into the air. The silver warship instantly inflated hundreds of times, enough to accommodate hundreds of people!
There is only one cavity, and some things are scattered in it, and some important places are still vacant.

A gleam flashed in Ge Zhangmen's eyes.

Penglai Xiandao is near the sea, and the monsters in the sea often conflict with the monks on the island, and sometimes there will be a wave of monsters, and countless monsters attack the island, although the monks protect the island every time. Xiandao drove the monsters back to the deep sea, and the monks on the island also paid a heavy price.

If this warship is built, Piao Miaozong should be able to reduce a lot of casualties when facing the attack of monster beasts in the future.

"The warship is too big, and it consumes nearly a hundred times more materials than that small warship. I have searched many places over the years, but I can't make enough." Master Luo looked at his semi-finished warship and sighed heavily. in one breath.

Headmaster Ge also felt a little regretful, but there was not enough material, so there was no rush, and we had to take our time.

Duanmu Changqing picked up Qin Luoyi's sapphire blue warship for a closer look, and then thoughtfully said: "I know a place that has it."

"Where is it?" Master Luo swayed, and suddenly appeared in front of him, staring at him with glowing eyes, his expression a little excited.

"In the deep sea of ​​Penglai Xiandao, there is a disused ancient warship hidden. If you get it, you should be able to extract a lot of useful things." And he will know, thanks to the last time he was hunted down by Sima Yu , It's just that there are many powerful monsters occupying it, and it may be difficult to take it out smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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