Brother is too evil

Chapter 328 Extreme Shock

Chapter 328 Extreme Shock (1)
"There is an ancient warship in the sea...haha, that's great, tell me carefully where it is."

The silver warship was put away by Luo Shizu, and Duanmu Changqing was pulled aside, the two talked and drew in the snow.

Head Ge stood aside quietly.

Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili talked in a low voice, and she was very happy to see Feng Feili's face returned to normal, and there was no sequelae caused by the practice of the secret method.

Ask about Baiyi again.

"A few days after you retreated, Baiyi left, and Dahei and Heidi also left with him. They came back together two months ago, didn't stay for two days, and then left again."

Qin Luoyi was not surprised that Baiyi would leave, but he did not expect that even Dahei and Heidi would be seduced by him.

"Dahei said that it must learn the magic technique that Baiyi can see through the raw stone, and then go and buy all the rough stones with spar in Xiangjia Shifang." Feng Feili couldn't help thinking of Dahei's vowed words before leaving. Zhu wanted to laugh: "It also borrowed 100 million taels of silver from Duanmu as capital."

Qin Luoyi also smiled, his pretty face was like jade, his bright eyes were looking forward, and the smile on his red lips was as delicate as a peach blossom.

There were dark waves in Feng Feili's eyes.

Itching in my heart, I really want to hug her into my arms and love her fiercely, to relieve the lovesickness of these five months.

Hearing that there was an abandoned ancient warship in the deep sea, Luo Shizu was very excited, and pulled Duanmu Changqing to ask carefully about the location of the warship.

In these years, in order to refine ancient warships, he collected the treasures of heaven and earth for refining warships, and traveled to many places in the world. He has been to many caves abandoned by ancient powers, and he has also gone to many secret places that are rarely visited by people. A small ancient warship was refined, but the large ancient warship had not been successfully refined due to insufficient materials.

After confirming the approximate location, he couldn't stand anymore, and he was about to go with a smile on his face. Thinking of the vast sea area outside Penglai Xiandao, fearing that Duanmu Changqing's memory might be wrong, he planned to take Duanmu Changqing with him.

However, it is a big deal to go to the deep sea where monsters are rampant. Although Master Luo has a strong cultivation base, it is no better than other places. Headmaster Ge is not at ease, not only wants to follow himself, but also proposes to bring the elders of the sect.

If a warship capable of carrying hundreds of people is successfully refined, the combat effectiveness of Penglai Xiandao will definitely increase a lot, especially when facing a big battle.

"The elders of the sect can't all go with them, we have to keep a few guarding the sect." Master Luo agreed after thinking about it, and he didn't dare to push himself against the monsters dominating the open sea.

He has found almost all the materials that can be used to refine warships in the world. He does not allow any accidents to pick up abandoned warships this time. If you miss this village, there will be no shop here. It can also be used to refine other high-grade magical weapons. If the Piaomiaozong didn't succeed, but instead alarmed other powerful forces and was caught first, it would be a big loss!

Sect Leader Ge quickly summoned all the elders in the sect, except for Wu Shan and two elders who were not in the sect, one elder was practicing in seclusion, and ten elders were summoned.

All the elders were very excited to see the previous head who had not returned to the sect for hundreds of years.When they saw the finished small warship Qin Luoyi brought out, and the semi-finished imitation ancient warship brought out by Master Luo, they became even more excited, their eyes glowed surprisingly brightly.

They all knew that this ancient warship refining technique had long been lost, and it was extremely difficult to refine. Unexpectedly, Master Luo not only obtained the long-lost weapon refining technique, but also successfully refined one!
They are all powerful existences on Penglai Xiandao, and they know many secrets, which are recorded in Penglai Xiandao and Xuantian Continent. The existence of a giant like a giant in the world makes many top forces dare not easily provoke them.

The Piao Miao Sect is already the number one sect in Penglai Immortal Island, and its strength and power are superior to countless sects in Penglai Immortal Island. If there are ancient warships, the overall strength of the sect will surely rise to another level, which is enough to match the foundation of the sect. The deep and vast Xuantian Continent is comparable to the seven super families!
Elder Chen, the only female elder of the sect who had just left the gate, Elder Guo, and five elders including Elder Jiang, were left to guard the sect, while the other five followed Master Luo to the ancient warship in the deep sea.

Master Luo took Duanmu Changqing with him. Headmaster Ge thought about it and decided to take Feng Feili with him. Feng Feili is his eldest disciple. He is young and has already cultivated in Yufu. Although it is dangerous to go to the deep sea, it can increase He has a lot of actual combat experience, and like Duanmu Changqing, he is extremely smart, and there are many elders in the sect following him, so it will be of great benefit to them to practice with him.

Qin Luoyi also wanted to go.

Headmaster Ge frowned, and was the first to object.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili narrowed their eyes dangerously, unable to hide their anger and worry.

"Nephew Luoyi, I've been waiting for you to leave the seclusion for a long time. You finally came out of the seclusion. This time, let's have a good discussion on alchemy." Elder Jiang said with a smile.

The last time he watched Qin Luoyi concoct alchemy, he discussed alchemy with her and benefited a lot. In the past six months, his alchemy, which had been stagnant for a long time, broke through the bottleneck. Two months ago, he had successfully concocted alchemy. Tenth-order elixir!
Master Luo heard this and glanced at him.

Elder Jiang's alchemy technique is well known to Master Luo. Except that he is not as good as Master Zuogu of the Alchemist Guild and those two elders, his alchemy technique is also considered to be excellent on Penglai Xiandao. Although he is not proud of his daily life, he is There is also a bit of arrogance of an alchemist, but he did not expect to be so polite to Qin Luoyi today.

Curious eyes fell on Qin Luoyi again: "You can also make alchemy?"

Qin Luoyi smiled and nodded.

"She doesn't know how to make alchemy!" Elder Jiang smiled openly, and told the former head that Qin Luoyi was the No. The Purple Stove was also taken.

Master Luo was surprised.

He has already seen that Qin Luoyi is not very old. He did not expect that at such a young age, he would be able to refine the ninth-grade top-grade pill... Elder Jiang was able to refine the ninth-grade top-grade pill, but he was so focused on alchemy It took thousands of years to achieve such an achievement!
He was still wondering just now why there were so many crystals on her body... Now he finally understands that for craftsmen, alchemists and talisman masters, silver is easy to get, and it is not surprising to have many crystals.

Master Ge smiled slightly.

Qin Luoyi has made great progress in cultivation now, and has the Wuxiang Dafa that can control the Hunyuan Dzi. When the Hunyuan Dzi was promoted, the abnormal phase was also blocked by the bracelet. The peak is only a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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