Brother is too evil

Chapter 340 Robbery of Heavenly Paradise

Chapter 340 Robbery of Heavenly Paradise (3)
If Bai Yi also has Hunyuan Dzi, does that mean that Qin Luoyi, who becomes stronger in the future, can also be like him?
Not to mention the source of chaos, the key is the method of looking at the original stone.It's a pity that it and Hei Di followed Bai Yi for more than half a year, but they couldn't see any way.

"No." Qin Luoyi shook his head, his phoenix eyes were full of doubts: "There is no Hunyuan Dzi, and there is no mansion."

"No mansion?" Hei Di's pupils shrank, and he suddenly thought, isn't Bai Yi a human at all?
Human beings absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth and the power of the stars to cultivate the mansion, and use the mansion as the carrier to continuously advance.However, monster beasts are different from their spirit beasts. They are born with blood inheritance in their bodies.As their cultivation base increases, they can receive various inheritances in their bodies and practice various secret techniques.

It's just...whether it's a monster or a spirit beast, on this continent, there is no one that can transform into a human form, and even in the past 10,000+ years, I haven't heard of it.

It and Dahei looked at each other in blank dismay.

The light in the eyes is astonishingly bright.

If the white clothes are really transformed from beast race...then can they also transform into human form one day?

Qin Luoyi thought of another possibility.

For a long time, people on the cultivation continent have stopped at the peak of the Purple Mansion, and it is difficult to advance an inch. No matter how strong the cultivation base is, what kind of heaven-defying methods are used, the lifespan is at most ten thousand years. Could it be that the white clothes have already broken the purple mansion? The existence of the pinnacle of the government?

Thinking of this, her gaze at Bai Yi became extremely fiery.

Whether anyone in this world has become a fairy, whether anyone has broken through the peak of the Zifu and entered another completely different realm, no one knows, because there are no records in various astronomical and unofficial histories.

If Bai Yi is, then Bai Yi can provide her with a real reference. With her cultivation speed, at most a few hundred years later, she will be able to cultivate to the peak of the Purple Mansion. At that time, she will have to face her master. Break through the bottleneck!

"You no longer have the source of chaos in your body... Bai Yi, you have absorbed so many sources of chaos, do you feel any different?" Qin Luoyi approached him and asked with a smile, his bright phoenix eyes were full of The color of curiosity.

She couldn't hide her excitement in her heart, she was very glad that she gave Bai Yi all the source of chaos, so that she could discover such a big secret of Bai Yi.

"Does it feel different?" Bai Yi squinted his eyes slightly, his eyes sparkling with a thrilling beauty.

"Yes." Qin Luoyi smiled brightly: "Do you feel any fever on your body, what did you use to refine the source of chaos, and where did your source of chaos go?"

Bai Yi's eyes flashed with a deep smile.

The only strange feeling he had was when he looked at her.

Whenever he looks at her, he feels his heartbeat speed up. He likes to see her smile, especially when she smiles at him. At that time, her eyes will be shining, shiny, extraordinarily beautiful and seductive. people.

The first time he woke up from the desert, he saw her, saw her eyes, and then he followed her unconsciously.Seeing that someone was going to hit her, he endured the strange pain and discomfort in his body, and rushed out.

"The source of chaos melts when it enters the body, and the power of the stars is scattered in the body and meridians." Facing Qin Luoyi's eyes, he did not hide anything, and he didn't feel that there was anything to hide.

Qin Luoyi felt a little guilty.

This should be the secret of cultivation, but she actually asked Bai Yi Amnesia when he was unprepared against him... just asking, and it won't hurt him.She kept chanting to herself in her heart.

"It melts into the body..." Dahei staggered and almost fell to the ground. What kind of weird kung fu is this?
Hei Di was already a little numb from shock.

Bai Yi suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and stretched out his hand to the sky with a light touch.




Several black figures suddenly fell from the void, and fell heavily on the ground, accompanied by the sound of miserable screams.

"After Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing left just now, these people were wandering around, they were looking for you." Bai Yi's voice was cold, but there was a hint of sarcasm on his handsome face: "It's a disciple of Dongtian Paradise .”

Dahei often talked about the grievances between Qin Luoyi and Dongtian Paradise, so he also paid special attention to the disciples of Dongtian Paradise.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

She stood up and walked over, her pretty face was cold and her eyes were as sharp as a knife.

There were three people who fell down, two middle-aged men and one young man, she had seen that young man before, it was Qi Yun who followed Murong Jue on Jinding Mountain.

The two middle-aged men's cultivation bases were slightly higher, and their injuries were not serious, but Qi Yun was different, but with the peak cultivation base of a martial sage, he was severely injured when he was pointed into the formation by a sharp finger in white.

The two middle-aged men quickly stood up and looked at her warily. "Qin Luoyi, what are you going to do?"

Unexpectedly, there are powerful people here. A few days ago, they discovered that Feng Feili, Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changying were haunting this place, and they kept paying attention. Today, Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili left, but Qin Luoyi did not. After leaving, they felt that this was an opportunity, a chance to kill Qin Luoyi.

Elder Zhou Tian and the head of the sect have already said that those who can kill Qin Luoyi and bring them back to Zihuolu will be rewarded by the sect, and they can practice in the secret place for five years.

This kind of temptation is extremely tempting. The speed of cultivation in the secret place is at least ten times faster than the usual speed of cultivation!
He quickly glanced at Dahei, Heidi, and the man in white standing beside Qin Luoyi, feeling very regretful.

"What do I want to do?" Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly: "I will do whatever you come here for."

As soon as he raised his palm, even the Qingfu didn't show it, and slapped Qi Yun to death with one palm.

"Qin Luoyi, Piaomiaozong and Dongtianfudi have always been friendly brother sects. What are you trying to do by killing my sect's disciples indiscriminately? Do you want to provoke a war between the two sects?" Without hesitation, he shot at Qi Yun, and one of the middle-aged men shouted sternly.

"Hehe, do you think that I won't kill you if you bring out the relationship between Dongtian Paradise and Piaomiao Sect?" Qin Luoyi chuckled: "I will go to Dongtian Paradise sooner or later, and you keep chasing and killing me again and again. I have to come to ask for justice, right? Now that I am going to kill you, you say that the two factions are friendly brother sects. When you killed me, why didn’t you think about it? It is to provoke a war between the two sects. The culprit is also your cave, not me!"

As soon as the words fell, she quickly summoned the Qing Mansion from her body, and slammed it hard at him.She doesn't need to be soft on the disciples of Dongtian Paradise.

(End of this chapter)

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