Brother is too evil

Chapter 341 Robbery of Heavenly Paradise

Chapter 341 Robbery of Heavenly Paradise (4)
"Cultivator of the Qing Manor!" The middle-aged man turned pale with shock, "You have actually cultivated to the Qing Manor, how is that possible!"

I still remember that more than a year ago, she was still at the peak of Wusheng, and now she is actually a monk of the Qingfu. What kind of terrifying cultivation speed is this?

Another middle-aged man standing beside him twitched the corner of his eyes, and then the two looked at each other, and they also showed the green mansion, Qi Qi rushed towards Qin Luoyi.

There were only two of them, and there were actually two strange beasts here—these two strange beasts were now famous all over the world, followed by a man in white. The sect wanted to subdue them secretly, but ended up paying a few Yufu monks.

It was their miscalculation. They didn't expect her to be with two strange beasts. If they had known this, they would have stayed far away. Both of them are Qingfu monks, so they are not the opponents of these two strange beasts at all. .

The only solution now is to catch Qin Luoyi and use it to threaten the man in white and the two strange beasts, maybe they can still win a way out.

How could Qin Luoyi give them a chance to restrain him?Seeing them all rushing towards him, he understood their trick.

The Qing Mansion continued unabated, and smashed heavily with the Qing Mansion of a middle-aged man, making a loud bang, the blue light was so bright that even the ground trembled.

As for the other monk in Tsing Yi, she was about to take the Qian Kun Clock out to deal with him, but the white clothed man had already pointed at him, the castration of the man in black stopped suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief, and then he fell heavily on the ground, already Exhausted.

Seeing this, the other man in Tsing Yi trembled with fear, and finally realized that this man in white was the scariest of the group.

His cultivation base is not high, about the same as Qin Luoyi's. At this time, he was panicked and fearful, and his combat power was greatly reduced. After a few moves, he was seriously injured by Qin Luoyi, and he continued to control the Qing Mansion. He was about to take his Life, Dahei suddenly smiled and stopped him.

"Dongtianfudi heard that there is a source of chaos, which is left in the secret place for the outstanding disciples of the sect to cultivate." It looked at the white clothes and smiled excitedly: "Aren't you interested in the source of chaos? Let's find out where the source of chaos is, and you went to the Paradise to fetch it?"

Although Dongtian Blessed Land also has a mountain protection formation, but compared to Piaomiao Sect, that formation is far worse. Since Piaomiao Sect can enter in white clothes, it must be easier to enter Dongtian Blessed Land. Take the source of chaos and kill it. Let's see if Dongtian Fudi dares to keep chasing and killing like this in the future.

"That's a good idea." A light flashed in Bai Yi's eyes.Raising his hand, he grabbed the only remaining man in Tsing Yi, without questioning, directly inspected his spiritual sense, and read the information he wanted to know from his spiritual sense.

The man in Tsing Yi was terrified, and he had no power to resist when he was caught... Bai Yi quickly let go of him, he already knew from his spiritual consciousness about the source of chaos in the Paradise of Paradise.

The freed man in Tsing Yi's feet trembled, regretting it very much, but he didn't dare to run. This is inside the formation, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"Dongtian Paradise does have the source of chaos." A flash of heat flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, and he had a fanatical desire for the source of chaos that he didn't even understand.

As long as there is news about the source of chaos, the blood in his heart will boil, and he wants to get that source of chaos!

"I'll take you there, as long as you spare my life!" The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi betrayed his teacher at this time in order to survive.

In any case, leave this ghostly place first, and after he gets out, he will find a chance to escape. If he can't escape, there are countless traps in the secret place where the source of chaos is placed. At that time, he only needs to use a little trick to escape his life. question.

Maybe he can use the sect's formation to let the sect head kill them all!At that time, he will be a great achievement.

Dahei watched his eyeballs keep rolling, obviously with malicious intentions, and couldn't help but sneered, "It's useless to keep your life, and you don't need to take that road!" He was furious.

Qin Luoyi only took one look, then looked away, seeing Bai Yi's hot eyes, he was clearly moved by Dahei.

"Dongtian Paradise is no different than other places. There must be the strictest protection there." Although she was a little moved, she was naturally happy to bet on Dongtian Paradise and let them bleed, but her reason was still there.

There was always a faint smile like a spring breeze on the corners of the white clothes' lips, which made people feel refreshed and happy: "Don't worry, let's take a look first." No amount of defense can stop him.

For the source of chaos, Bai Yi has unspeakable urgency, now it is dusk, Bai Yi is not even willing to wait until the next morning.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help being angry and funny. The source of chaos stayed in the secret place of Dongtian Paradise, and he wouldn't run away if he was late. He really didn't understand what he was anxious about.

This place is nearly a million miles away from Dongtian Paradise, which is at the southernmost point of Penglai Xiandao.The distance is too far, and Baiyi doesn't have a Baiyu Terrace. At their speed, it will take at least half a month for a million miles. Qin Luoyi now has a sapphire blue warship, so naturally he doesn't have to travel day and night in Yuhong.

She summoned the sapphire blue warship, Dahei and Heidi's eyes lit up, before she could greet them, they ran into the warship, looking around excitedly.

There was also a hint of surprise in Bai Yi's eyes.

"This warship is really a treasure!" Dahei beamed with joy and was extremely excited. He didn't expect Qin Luoyi to have so many treasures on his body after not seeing him for a few months.

Dahei is very interested in warships. After flying into the sky, he has been standing next to her, watching her maneuver the warship, as if he wanted to try his skills.

When Qin Luoyi saw it, he simply told it how to control it, and he was happy and relaxed.

The speed of the sapphire blue warship was very fast, and Dahei and Heidi took turns driving it, but within five days, they arrived near the blessed land of Dongtian, only a few hundred miles away from the blessed land of Dongtian.

Looking for a remote place, Qin Luoyi collected the sapphire blue warship. The appearance of Dahei and Heidi was too eye-catching, so she temporarily put them in the bracelet space.

After all, Dongtianfudi is a powerful sect with 10,000+ years of experience, Qin Luoyi naturally dare not take it lightly if he wants to infiltrate the sect's secret place.

It's fine to take it away quietly, but if you're unlucky and recognized by the people in Dongtian Paradise, I'm afraid it will bring unnecessary trouble to Piaomiaozong.

It's not too late to clean up after she becomes strong.Bai Yi is going to get the source of chaos, she can't use him selfishly to avenge herself.

After thinking about it, she took out a few boxes of ointment, smeared it in front of the mirror, and without much effort, she became a completely different person.

The face is slightly round, with a very sweet appearance, a pair of big eyes are black and bright, the lips have become thicker, and there are two dimples on the cheeks.

Sitting gracefully by the side in white, she watched curiously as she fiddled with her face, her eyes sparkling like shooting stars.

(End of this chapter)

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