Chapter 342
Qin Luoyi finished fiddling with his own face, took the ointment again, walked up to Bai Yi, and said with a smile: "You have to change your face too."

Bai Yi looked at her smiling face. Although her face was not as good-looking as before, it was very cute, and the smile in her eyes was even stronger: "I don't need it."

"No." Qin Luoyi glared at him: "There are quite a few disciples in Dongtian Paradise. Although they did a lot of nasty things in private on Penglai Xiandao, they pretended to be very decent on the surface. Among the famous sects, there are still quite a few influential ones, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, to deal with such villainous sects, we need to reserve more skills."

He stretched out his hand very forcefully, fixed his face, and made him look up slightly: "That's it, don't move, I'll change your face right away."

Bai Yi's eyes became dull, and there was a flash of light in the bottom of his eyes, and he looked at her in a daze.There was a strange feeling on the part of his face that she just touched... It was such a daze that he forgot to resist. He really raised his head slightly and just stared at her steadfastly.

Qin Luoyi prepared the ointment on the side, imagining what it would look like to disguise the white clothes.

Bai Yi is unparalleled in beauty, floating like a fairy, he can't make it too ugly, if it is too ugly, Bai Yi might think she is deliberately teasing him.

As she was thinking, she turned her head and looked at the face in white, but suddenly bumped into his shining eyes.

The corners of his eyes twitched violently.

What kind of picture is this of a beautiful boy tussocking and kissing!

The handsome and perfect face, the skin like jade, the black eyes burning brightly like obsidian, the thin lips gently pursed, the chin is delicate and perfect, the way the head is raised slightly, is so beautiful and moving, the perfect The red lips were pursed lightly, as if waiting to be picked.

"Close your eyes."

Seeing his eyes, Qin Luoyi suddenly had the urge to commit a crime.

I couldn't help cursing in my heart, I knew the white clothes were beautiful, but I was usually shocked by his strength, every time I saw him, I didn't pay much attention to his appearance.

Looking up at her quietly now, it's hard for her not to pay attention.

Bai Yi blinked her slender eyelashes, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her lips. She didn't miss the light in Qin Luoyi's eyes just now. He only saw it when she looked at Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing before. Pass.

She didn't expect that her eyes would glow when she saw her now, not because he ate the source of chaos, nor because he found the spar.

The eyelids drooped down, and he closed his eyes obediently. The slender eyelashes were fan-shaped, casting a faint light and shadow under the eyelids.

"Don't laugh, how can I change your face when you laughed!" Qin Luoyi couldn't help but twitched his eyes again, and the white clothes with a smile on his closed eyes and lips were not as strong and cold as usual, and actually looked more charming.

Why is it that the men she met... are more monstrous than each other!

Qin Luoyi shifted his gaze to his hands, rubbed them a few times, and then quickly applied the ointment to Bai Yi's face.

The white clothes with ointment on his face were finally no longer so seductive, Qin Luoyi let out a sigh of relief.

The skin was a little darker, the nose was a little bigger, and the face was a little fatter. Soon, a completely different face appeared in front of her.

With only a few changes, Bai Yi looked more mature and ordinary. If she hadn't done it, she would not have been able to associate Bai Yi's current face with his original face.

Qin Luoyi was very satisfied.

She clapped her hands and said to Bai Yi, "It's ok."

"So fast?" Bai Yi opened his eyes with a flash of disappointment.

Qin Luoyi turned out the mirror and showed him his new face. When he saw the white clothes with his eyes open, he almost stroked his forehead.

She obviously tried her best to make him unobtrusive, his skin was dark, and he should be an ordinary middle-aged man when he walked out. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes at this time, this ordinary face appeared He also looked so dazzling, and the elegance and nobility emanating from his bones made him unable to hide it even with an ordinary face.

Bai Yi leaned over to have a look, then looked at her face, and frowned slightly: "Why do you draw me so old?"

She looked less than 20 years old, but he looked like he was in his 30s. Walking together, he looked exactly like a father and daughter, which made him feel a little depressed.

Qin Luoyi didn't expect that he would care about this, so he couldn't help being a little annoyed and funny: "Do you want me to disguise you as a teenage brat?"

Bai Yi thought that if he was like Qin Luoyi, he would only be in his teens... There was a chill on his back, he shook his head violently and stood up: "That's it."

The two of them walked out, one mature and steady, the other cute and sweet, with very ordinary looks, not very conspicuous in the crowd.

This place is not far from the Paradise of the Heavens, only a few hundred miles away, and there are many disciples of the Paradise of the Paradise in the city walls of the town.

Qin Luoyi also saw a few familiar faces, and even saw an Elder Zhang, after a little inquiry, he found out that Elder Zhang was called Zhang Tianxing.

His eyes turned cold, Zhang Tianxing's son, Zhang Ji, actually tried to rape and kill her with a lot of drugs.Someone who can raise such a son must not be a good bird!
When they arrived at a small town called Dong'an near Dongtian Fudi, it happened to be dusk. In order not to attract attention, they planned to go to Dongtian Fudi at night, so they asked for two rooms in an inn.

When I paid the deposit and went upstairs, several joking and laughing young men walked up to me, including an acquaintance.

Ning Qiu of Taihao Sect.

When they passed by each other, Ning Qiu glanced at her quickly, indifferently, and then quickly looked away.

Counting it, Qin Luoyi hadn't seen him for more than a year, and she liked Ning Qiu quite a bit, but she didn't expect him to be with the disciples of Dongtian Paradise now.It's just that although he was puzzled in his heart, he didn't care too much, and walked away naturally.

"Young Master Ning, you really know how to keep secrets. We have known each other for so many years, but we didn't even know that the head of Taihao Sect is actually your father." .

"That's right, Mr. Ning is young, but only a hundred years old. He has cultivated to the eighth level of the Xuanfu, and he is also a ninth-level alchemist. The head of the Taihao Sect is also your father. His future achievements will definitely be limitless." The woman said. voice, with a contrived softness.

Turning a corner, Qin Luoyi turned his head gently, glanced at the group of people who had gone away, and looked thoughtful.

Ning Qiu.

Unexpectedly, he was actually the son of the head of the Taihao Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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