Chapter 343
Like Piao Miao Sect, Dongtian Paradise is also a sacred place for cultivation. The closer you get to Dongtian Paradise, the more you can feel the spiritual energy there, beautiful trees and lush green cages, flowing springs and waterfalls, and a peaceful atmosphere everywhere, just like a fairyland on earth.

After staying in the inn in Dong'an City until midnight, Bai Yi took Qin Luoyi straight to the depths of Dongtian Paradise.

The goal of walking against the rainbow at night is too big, the white clothes only wrap Qin Luoyi with a soft breeze, and his actions are as chic as the wind, leisurely, as if he is not going to rob, but to go to a wonderful place Play in general.

The mountain gate of Dongtian Paradise was built extremely magnificently, with dozens of disciples taking turns guarding it. When passing by the mountain gate, the white clothes did not fly very high, but none of them noticed that someone had broken in.

Behind the mountain gate is the cultivation center of Cave Heaven Paradise. Under the moonlight, the spiritual mist is misty and hazy, and exotic flowers and grasses are everywhere.

After a while, they saw a relatively small hill in the depths of Dongtian Paradise. The hill was surrounded by water, and several houses were built on the water.

Those houses looked very simple and well-proportioned, and in each room there was a disciple from the Paradise of Heaven and Paradise who was meditating with his legs crossed.

The white clothes flew her through the air, over the houses and the water, and landed directly on the top of the mountain.Qin Luoyi looked around, there was a strong power of stars emerging from the foot of the mountain, obviously the source of chaos was here.

"This is it?" Qin Luoyi blinked, leaned closer to Bai Yi and whispered: "Why do I feel like this is a tomb?"

The corners of Bai Yi's lips curled slightly, and he said with a smile: "This is a big tomb. Below is the tomb, and above is a powerful magic circle. The source of chaos is in the magic circle."

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened. Looking left and right, he finally saw some ways. No wonder there was no one on the mountain. The meditating disciples built houses on the water. No one dared to run here come up.

"Putting the source of chaos in the grave, it's really perverted...Could it be that he still wants to turn into a corpse?" Qin Luoyi couldn't help curling his lips mockingly with a soft snort.

Bai Yi couldn't help laughing, looking at her with shining eyes: "Don't worry, there are only a few broken bones left, and he can't change it even if he wants to."

Qin Luoyi suddenly looked at him with a strange expression: "Can you see the bottom?" Thinking of how accurately he could see the rough stone, he couldn't help but take half a step back, stretched out his right hand, and seemed to be lingering in front of him.

Bai Yi's pupils flickered, and after realizing it, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching: "I can't see it, I saw it from the spiritual consciousness of that monk."

"Oh, so that's the case." Qin Luoyi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, pulled the corners of his lips, and gently lowered his arms.

The mountain is lush and lush, and the vegetation is very luxuriant. Because the breath is hidden, none of the disciples on the water has discovered their existence.

Bai Yi turned his eyes away and stared around, the skirt of his clothes fluttered with the wind, exuding an unpredictable feeling of blending with the world and looking down on the world.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flashed.

Bai Yi quickly raised his hand, there was a faint golden light flickering in the palm of his hand, it was very faint at first, then gradually became deeper, and the more strange dao pattern kept flickering in the golden light, after a while, he saw A white light group shot out from the tomb, the size of a fist.

"The source of chaos!" Qin Luoyi blinked, and there was a glass-like luster in his phoenix eyes. He didn't expect Bai Yi to take out the source of chaos so easily, and a smile appeared on his pretty face: "It's a pity, little A little bit."

It's not as good as the one she got in the ice field, let alone the one in the ancient warship.

The Hunyuan Dzi, which was not suppressed by the Wuxiang Dafa, moved a little. She was about to meditate on the mental method, and the Chaos Dzi quickly quieted down again.

Bai Yi held the source of chaos in his hand, looked at it over and over again, and then put it in his mouth to swallow.

Qin Luoyi looked at the house built on the water with cold eyes, and the smile on his face became wider. Without the source of chaos, the cultivation speed of the core disciples of Dongtianfudi should be much slower.

"Zhou Tian is not far away." Bai Yi looked at her sideways, pointed to a huge mountain in the east direction, and said, "Let's go, let's go and get him out."

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and then he shook his head again: "No need, let him go for now, anyway, he can't make any big waves."

The blessed land without the source of chaos is enough for them to be in chaos for a while. As an elder, Zhou Tian probably won't have the time to trouble her for a long time.

Many of Dongtianfudi's disciples knew the grievances between themselves and them, lost the source of chaos, and maybe they didn't think of her or even Piaomiaozong, but if Zhou Tian also disappeared, I'm afraid Dongtianfudi would have doubts in his heart.

Bai Yi looked at her beautiful face that looked crystal clear and jade-like under the moonlight, with the corners of her lips curled up, and smiled slightly: "If you are afraid that they will suspect, you should kill a few more, or just wipe out this sect All right."

Qin Luoyi's pupils suddenly shrank when he heard this.

Although Bai Yi still has amnesia, it is different from the ignorance of the world when he first woke up from the desert. After more than a year, he is already familiar with this world.

Survival of the fittest and survival of the fittest in the cultivation world, the law of the jungle is the unspoken rule that everyone knows well... It's just that Dongtian Paradise is powerful, there are many strong people, and there are more than tens of thousands of disciples!

Destroying the Paradise of the Heavens and Paradise... When Bai Yi said these words, it seemed too calm and clear, as if destroying them was just crushing an ant to death.

If it was someone else, she would directly give him a disdainful roll of the eyes. Such a big talk is not afraid of flashing her tongue, but Bai Yi...she knows that he has that strength.

Master also said that the white clothes made him feel very dangerous. If he fought with the white clothes, he might not even have a [-]% chance of winning.

The idea of ​​destroying the blessed land made her excited, but she quickly suppressed the surging excitement.

Baiyi has amnesia, although he thinks it's not a big deal to erase Dongtian Paradise, but she can't do it... After all, Dongtian Paradise's reputation and status are there now, one mistake will ruin Bai Yi's reputation, and maybe others will think he is a demon cultivator. This mouth joins forces to kill him.

"Taking their Source of Chaos is enough for them to suffer. Don't rush to kill them now. If they chase me again, I will ruin their reputation first, and it will not be too late to kill them then." Qin Luoyi Shaking his head, there was a flash of cold light in the phoenix eyes.

Bai Yi didn't care.

In his opinion, such a despicable sect that seeks fame will be destroyed if it is destroyed, and there is no need to care about what the world thinks, but since Qin Luoyi doesn't want to be destroyed now, he will save their lives first, and wait for one day when she figures it out It's never too late to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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