Chapter 344
Just like when he came, Baiyi used the light wind to quickly take Qin Luoyi out of the blessed land of the cave, and did not return to Dong'an Town, and fled directly in the direction of Piaomiaozong.

After traveling thousands of miles, Qin Luoyi released Dahei and Heidi, and summoned the sapphire blue warship.

Dahei originally planned to rob the Piaomiao Sect, but he didn't expect that there would be no use for it. Before he went, he stayed in the bracelet and walked thousands of miles before getting out of the bracelet again. He couldn't help being very depressed.

Qin Luoyi rubbed the black hair on the top of its head, and comforted him with a smile: "You guys look so special, as long as you show your face, you will definitely be recognized by people from the Paradise of Heaven."

Dahei also knew that what Qin Luoyi said was reasonable, but after all, he was a little unwilling. On the way back, passing by several big cities, he encouraged Qin Luoyi and Baiyi to sweep around Xiangjia Shifang, and harvested nearly two After ten spars, my mood finally improved completely.

A few days later, when the group of them had arrived at Piaomiaozong, Penglai Xiandao was suddenly filled with wind and clouds.

The disciples who kept having a blessed place kept heading towards the important place of the sect, all of them looked serious and full of evil spirits, pulling out again and again.

Many monks on the island naturally sensed the strangeness of the Paradise of the Heavens, and people kept going towards the Paradise of the Paradise, to find out what happened, and the Paradise of the Paradise made such a big move that almost all the disciples outside the sect were summoned. go back.

The major sects on the island are paying close attention to the movement of Dongtian Paradise.

"Something happened!"

Paper can't hold fire, and gradually some well-informed monks got some very important inside information.

"There is a secret place in Dongtianfudi. In the secret place, there is a source of chaos, the most precious treasure of heaven and earth obtained by the founder ancestor of Dongtianfudi. Dongtianfudi has been using the source of chaos for core disciples to practice. A few days ago, the source of chaos in the secret place Suddenly it disappeared."

The news of the source of chaos in Dongtianfudi has been hidden very deeply, but for a long time of 10,000+ years, there are still many strong people who know about it, and many people want to seize it, but Dongtianfudi hides the source of chaos. The law was so powerful that no one who rushed in came out alive.

Penglai Xiandao is boiling!
Many powerhouses were born quietly, not only the powerhouses in Paradise Paradise are looking for those who steal the source of chaos, those powerhouses are also quietly looking for them.

The disciples of the Piaomiao Sect were also talking about it. Qin Luoyi didn't deliberately inquire about it, and he also knew that Dongtian Paradise discovered the theft of the source of chaos that night, and then quickly and quietly sealed off tens of thousands of miles around, so that everyone People, no matter they are monks or ordinary mortals, can only enter but not exit.

The formation was not damaged, and there were no casualties. In addition, Dongtian Paradise has a large formation to protect the mountain. The head of Dongtian Paradise and the elders first suspected that they had been attacked by internal thieves, and they checked all the disciples in the sect, especially the important people. , no results, and then began to search outward carpet.

These were all within Qin Luoyi's expectation.

If it wasn't for the Hunyuan Dzi in her body, and the grievances with Dongtian Fudi, she would really want to stay and see how they jumped in a hurry.

Headmaster Ge looked at Bai Yi thoughtfully, with a deep light in his eyes.Qin Luoyi knew that Headmaster Ge had doubts about Bai Yi, but he didn't ask, so she just pretended not to see it.

Master Luo has been refining weapons in the secret place. The ancient warships are too old, many things have been damaged, and there are only fragments left, which cannot be repaired at all. We can only cut off those very rare materials and refine them again.

The ancient altar has been preserved.

The most important function of the ancient warship newly refined by Luo Shizu is for combat, and during the war, there will naturally be no altars installed in it. The source of chaos is rare. For 10,000+ years, the Piao Miao sect has never obtained the source of chaos. .

The altar was placed in the treasure house of the Misty Sect.

Qin Luoyi found the master and wanted the altar, and she planned to install the altar on the sapphire blue warship.

With Hunyuan Dzi, it is not difficult for her to get the source of chaos. Put the source of chaos on the altar, and then set up the same formation, it can be used for people to practice. The power of stars in the source of chaos is too strong , if there is no special formation like the Paradise of the Heavenly Paradise, you can only use your cultivation to strip it out one by one, and slowly refine and absorb it.With this altar, it is different. The altar can directly decompose the source of chaos, and the speed of cultivation can be many times faster.

Head Ge personally installed the altar on the sapphire blue warship, and also set up a layer of extremely powerful formations on the outside. When practicing, he should avoid being disturbed. With the formations, even if there is an accident, he can quickly get it Quite a lot of coping time.

Qin Luoyi has never been in contact with refining equipment, so she is naturally very curious about refining equipment. Master Luo is a real master of refining equipment. After returning to the sect, she spent nearly half of the day in the secret place watching Master Luo refining device.

When the white clothes fell from the sky and appeared in the secret place, Master Luo's expression changed drastically, and the purple mansion with radiant radiance was attacked towards him, trying to suppress him.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Yi directly turned the terrifying attack into invisible, his expression was indifferent and calm.

Master Luo was so shocked that his jaw almost fell. He is a top cultivator in the Purple Mansion, and there are not many people in the world who can fight him. They are all top experts in the cultivation world. He did not expect this white-clothed man who appeared suddenly to be so terrifying. With a full blow, it was easily dispelled.

When did such a powerful person appear on Penglai Xiandao?
Just as he was spinning the mansion and continuing to attack, Qin Luoyi hurriedly stopped him: "Master, Baiyi is my friend."

She was not surprised that Bai Yi would appear here, these secret places protected by numerous formations were not secret places at all.It's just that he deflected Luo Shizu's attack as soon as he raised his hand, which really shocked her.

"Your friend?" Master Luo's pupils shrank, and he blew his beard and stared at her: "Why did you bring your friend here!"

This is the secret place of the Piaomiao Sect, that is, among the sects, no one can enter except the head of the elder, let alone this person is not a member of the Piaomiao Sect.

Headmaster Ge just walked in, saw the white clothes here, raised his brows, and walked up to Master Luo, and told him about the white clothes in a low voice.

"The mountain protection array is useless?" Luo Shizu murmured, his eyes widened suddenly, and the light in his eyes looking at the white clothes was astonishingly hot.

Bai Yi signaled Qin Luoyi to go out with him.

After walking out of the secret place, Qin Luoyi looked at his handsome face and said with a smile, "Why did you come here?"

"There is no source of chaos on Penglai Xiandao, and I will leave in two days to find the source of chaos." Bai Yi's cold gaze became much warmer when looking at her.

(End of this chapter)

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