Brother is too evil

Chapter 345 The Eternal Mark

Chapter 345 The Eternal Mark (1)
"Where are you going?" Qin Luoyi was taken aback, he was leaving Penglai Immortal Island?
"Let's go to the deep sea to have a look first." Bai Yi smiled and smiled.

The sea is the territory of monsters!
There was a trace of solemnity in Qin Luoyi's eyes: "It's too dangerous for you to go to the sea alone. Could it be that you can only cultivate with the source of chaos?"

After knowing each other for more than a year, she has already regarded Bai Yi as a friend, and she doesn't want him to take risks alone.

A look of bewilderment flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, he blinked, and the bewilderment disappeared quickly, his eyes were like flowing water lines, scorching and flickering: "I need a lot of sources of chaos."

It seems to be his instinct to suck the source of chaos, and there is a trace of urgency in his heart.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, not missing the flickering glow in his eyes, and the worry on his pretty face was even more intense: "Do you know where there is the source of chaos? The sea is so big, do you want one place for each?" Can't find the place?"

"Whether there is a source of chaos, I can sense it within a hundred miles." Bai Yi smiled slightly, not worried about this.

"Why don't you go to the Xuantian Continent first, in the sea... you'd better wait, it won't be too late when you remember the past." Qin Luoyi persuaded, eyes full of disapproval.

"Go to the sea first." Bai Yi shook his head, a strange light flickered in his pitch-black eyes, and his attitude was very firm.He knew that Qin Luoyi was about to go into seclusion, and he used the cold pool water and Hunyuan dzi to practice. Headmaster Ge and the white-bearded old man had urged her several times.

When she was retreating, it was just right for him to go to the sea. After a year or two, when she reached the Jade Mansion, the spiritual power in the cold pool water would not be able to meet her cultivation needs. He should have returned from the sea by then , She needs a lot of spar pills to practice again, and it happens to go to Xuantian Continent together.

Qin Luoyi didn't know Baiyi's plan, so he persuaded him twice, but he couldn't dispel his idea of ​​going to the sea first, so he had to give up depressed.

Looking back, just in time to see Headmaster Ge coming out of the secret place, Qin Luoyi had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and said with a smile: "Why don't you leave a soul jade slip with me?"

"Okay." Hearing the words, Bai Yi's eyes lit up, as if inhaling the splendor of the sun and the moon, his handsome face was smiling, and he took out a piece of jade slip without hesitation, and after refining, he shared a strand of soul seal go in.

Qin Luoyi carefully put the jade slips into the space of the bracelet. The disciples of the master, the disciples of Uncle Wu Shan, the elders and some core disciples all left the soul jade slips in the Misty Sect. , Yu Jianjian will be completely broken.

Bai Yi left quickly.

This time Dahei and Heidi did not follow, the place they went was too far away, and the date of return was uncertain. One was worrying about Qin Luoyi, the other was looking for the spar in the original stone, and the spar in the mountain. After a few months of wearing white clothes, they have also mastered some of the essence, and they will definitely make a lot of money when they go out to gamble on stones.

Qin Luoyi is not surprised that they have such abilities. Their spiritual sense is different from that of ordinary people, and they are naturally sensitive to treasures. Otherwise, Dahei would not have discovered something as rare as Huangshi Jingyuan last time.

Before retreating, she tried to use demon pills to make alchemy, and made a lot of pills for them for cultivation. When she was making alchemy, Elder Jiang volunteered to help her again. When the top grade elixir came, he was more excited than Qin Luoyi, and he grinned, and if he hadn't tried his best to restrain himself, he would have almost jumped up and down on the spot.

Two years later.

A girl wearing a delicate pale pink grosgrain dress and a light red veil came out from the Piaomiao sect. There was a jade hairpin in her bun. Fen Dai, surrounded by an elegant and dusty aura, is like the Yuehua Fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world, but it lacks the sense of indifference and inaccessibility.

"Uncle Qin."

The eyes of the dozen or so young disciples guarding the gate of Piao Miao Zongzong lit up, their hearts beat faster, and they all saluted her respectfully.

The woman in red who came out was none other than Qin Luoyi who had been cultivating in the sect and hadn't left the sect for two years.

The corners of her lips curved slightly, her phoenix eyes sparkled, she smiled and nodded towards everyone, and then walked out gracefully.

Looking at her back, the disciples couldn't regain their senses for a long time. Before, everyone thought that Liu Qingcheng, who was expelled from the Piaomiao Sect, was the most beautiful. It's amazing to watch, but it's hard to watch. After watching it for a long time, it feels tacky.

Uncle Qin is different.

Every time they look at her, they are amazed. The more they look at her, the more beautiful they are. It is a kind of beauty and nobility that radiates from the inside out.

Qin Luoyi walked out unhurriedly, and within a short time, he arrived at a large market not far from Piaomiaozong.

This market is built according to the Misty Sect, and many disciples of the Misty Sect will bring things they don't need to exchange here. Of course, because there are many disciples of the Misty Sect, many things are easy to sell, not only the disciples of the Misty Sect, There are also many monks from other sects who will bring things here to exchange.

In an attic not far from the edge of Fang City, seeing Qin Luoyi appear, three monks' eyes lit up immediately, and they looked at her intently while pretending to be chatting casually.

"Damn it, after two years of surveillance, she finally came out."

"This place is too close to the Misty Sect, and there are all disciples of the Misty Sect nearby. We can't act rashly. We'll wait until she leaves here first."

"I'll go and inform the others first, as well as Elder Zhou Tian, ​​you all follow up quietly first, just follow her, it's best not to startle the snake." One of the headed monks in black said.


The other two nodded in response, stood up, settled the bill, quietly approached Qin Luoyi, and followed behind her without showing any trace.

The other person quickly left Fangshi, and then shot into the distance with the Shenhong.

Qin Luoyi only took a short stroll, bought a few spiritual plants, and quickly left Fangshi, driving Shenhong, towards Tongjin City.

The two who had been quietly following behind her looked at each other, followed Shenhong from a distance.

There was coldness in Qin Luoyi's sharp phoenix eyes, and she snorted softly. As early as in Fangshi, she realized that she was being followed.

She didn't look back, and continued to fly forward. The speed was not fast, only equivalent to the speed of a Xuanfu monk.

I wondered in my heart, I don't know who sent the two people who followed, they are a paradise?Or did Liu Qingcheng never give up and sent someone to monitor her outside the Piao Miao Sect?
After retreating for one year and one month, she successfully advanced to the Jade Mansion. Although the spiritual power in the cold pool could not support her to continue to advance quickly, she still had crystals, and she was still in the ice field. He and Shi Huya obtained countless spiritual fruits, and even a lot of demon pills. Although the senior and second senior brothers who went to Xuantian Continent were not able to get back, they sent Wuhen and Mo Han back several times. Brought her a lot of treasures for cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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