Brother is too evil

Chapter 346 The Eternal Mark

Chapter 346 The Eternal Mark (2)
Relying on the spiritual power of these genius earth treasures, his cultivation base continued to soar all the way, and it took nearly a year to cultivate to the sixth level of Yufu.

Her cultivation speed is so fast, no one knows except the few elders who swore the heart demon oath in the sect and Master Luo, her master.

The higher the cultivation base, the more spiritual power she needs to advance to the next level. Up to now, every time she advances to one level, the spiritual power she needs can be called terrifying. The spar, elixir, and even spiritual plants in the bracelet space have already More than half of it was used.

For the rest, she roughly estimated that at most it could only support her cultivation to the eighth or ninth level of Yufu.

However, she is not going to continue to practice in seclusion now. Two months ago, there was a change in the monsters in the deep sea of ​​Penglai Xiandao. Coming towards Penglai Immortal Island, many monks have been attacked by powerful monsters in the shallow sea, causing heavy casualties.

This is a sign of an outbreak of monster beasts.

According to the records of Penglai Xiandao Chronicles, every few hundred years or thousands of years, there will be a wave of monsters, and the monsters will act in groups and kill Penglai Xiandao in an orderly manner, just to plunder all kinds of animals on the island. Precious cultivation resources.

Killing human monks, taking away the mansions of human monks, as well as the spiritual pills for cultivation, Lingzhi, and Fangshi, elixir shops, stone workshops, and Lingzhi shops are the places they focus on looting. Of course, the famous masters who were occupied The door will also be completely ransacked.

Every time a wave of monsters breaks out, it will cause great losses to Xiandao. In the constant battle against the tide of monsters, the monks on Xiandao have long realized that to fight against them, they must be united and united. Completely rush back to the deep sea, otherwise this continent will be washed with blood.

For countless years, in the face of a wave of monster beasts that would erupt every few hundred to thousands of years, the monks thought of many ways and built many impregnable fortifications. The monks in the big sect, as well as casual cultivators, began to gather towards the seaside.

Penglai Xiandao faces the sea on all sides, but it faces Xuantian Continent in the northwest, and there is a huge canyon between Xuantian Continent and Xuantian Continent. However, although the canyon is large, because the terrain is naturally steep, it is not conducive to the large-scale advancement of monsters. This time when the wave of monsters broke out, the monsters were looking for a breakthrough from the southeast.

As the number one sect of Penglai Immortal Island, Piao Miao Sect would go to Tongjin City to the east every time there was an outbreak of monster beasts, and the south where the cave is located is the place where monsters are very likely to attack, so every time The times are guarded in the south.

Tongjin City in the east is headed by Piaomiao Sect, and Dongtian Paradise in the south. Taihaomen, Taiyizong, Zhaiyue Pavilion, Yaochi and other powerful sects will be divided equally between Tongjin City and Dongtian Paradise according to their strength, while other sects Loose cultivators and small sects with weak strength can freely choose where to station.

The outbreak of monster beast tide is a disaster for Penglai Xiandao, and it is also a rare opportunity, because many monks can join hands to kill monster beasts without going to the dangerous and unpredictable deep sea, and get the monster pill with abundant spiritual power .

Almost all monks will seize this opportunity to obtain as many demon pills as possible for their future cultivation.

As early as two months ago, when the tide of monsters and beasts began to erupt on a small scale, the mountain guard formations of the Piaomiao Sect and other major sects had already been opened. Low, the disciples who have not cultivated out of the mansion are outside the sect, and the rest of the monks have gone to fight.

At that time, Qin Luoyi was cultivating to a critical juncture, and when Luo Shizu, head master Ge left, he didn't disturb her.

In the Zongmen, Elder Guo and Elder Jiang are now sitting in the battle, and the other elders have all gone to Tongjin City guarded by the Piaomiao Sect.

For more than three years, Uncle Wu Shan still hasn't come back, and Jian Yuyan, if it wasn't for the soul jade slip they left in the sect, she was worried that something happened to them.

The first senior brother and the second senior brother went to Xuantian Continent two years ago, and they have never been able to get back. Even if Wuhen and Mo Han kept silent, she knew that the situation at the second senior brother's place must be very serious, which made them unable to get away. body.

The two senior brothers are not here. As the master's closed disciple, facing such a big battle, she can no longer hide in the sect and focus on cultivating and killing monsters. This is also an opportunity for her to hone her combat ability, It can also accumulate demon pills for future cultivation.

She glanced behind her out of the corner of her eye, slightly curled her lips, and sneered softly. It seemed that her journey to Tongjin City would definitely be very lively.

But the people behind didn't make a move, and she didn't point it out, and continued to fly forward unhurriedly.

When it was almost dusk, she didn't travel any more, and she didn't stay at the inn. Instead, she set up a tent in an open space on a mountain top to stay.

In the middle of the night, a few more people suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. They joined the two people who were following her and quietly surrounded her place.

Qin Luoyi, who was meditating in the tent, opened her phoenix eyes, which flickered coldly, and she saw a familiar figure among these people.

A woman who used to follow Qi Yun and Murong Jue in the Paradise of the Paradise upstairs in Yuelai.


A horrifying light flashed, and shot straight towards the tent where she lived.

The tent was torn apart instantly.

No one came out.

The one who did it was a young man in Tsing Yi. Although he was not handsome in appearance, he was handsome, but there was a hint of coldness in his expression. He walked over with a cold face, and saw that the quilt the color of the West Lake was slightly raised inside, curled up inside. Object, with a movement of his hand, a powerful spiritual force shot out, and the quilt was suddenly rolled away.

A pillow was placed upright inside.

"How could there be no one!"

The man in Tsing Yi's expression changed, he raised his head and looked around suddenly, his back became stiff due to tension.

The others also looked around quickly, with uncertain expressions on their faces.

"We saw her go in with our own eyes." The expressions of the two monks who had been following Qin Luoyi became extremely ugly.

"She must have discovered that you were following me!" The man in Tsing Yi is obviously the leader of these people, he said through gritted teeth: "This woman is too cunning! Everyone should look for her separately, we must find her today, and avenge Senior Brother Xiao Tian and the others !"

Qin Luoyi stood gracefully on a big tree not far away, the thick leaves covered her figure, and the figure was hidden on the tree, looking coldly at the people below with a vigilant look who kept looking for her, the corners of her lips With a mocking smile, he jumped down from the tree.

"Are you looking for me?" The red figure looked even more beautiful under the moonlight. The corners of her lips curled up into a smile, and the corners of her eyes were slightly tilted upwards. The shadow-like eyes are so beautiful that it makes one's heart palpitate.

(End of this chapter)

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