Chapter 352
Ji Xuan's eyes also flashed in a daze.

In his impression, Qin Luoyi was still a cultivator of the Xuanfu, even if she was accompanied by two strange beasts... How could she go deep into such a deep sea alone?When did you leave the customs again?

There was worry in his eyes.

Ning Qiu also stood up, squinting his eyes slightly to look at the sky, the slim figure who was getting closer and closer, the red clothes fluttering, in the blue sky, Qin Luoyi was like a brilliant and bright glow, extremely dazzling, lightning-like The speed flew by.

"It's really Uncle Qin!" As her figure got closer and closer, the remaining nearly twenty disciples of the Piaomiao Sect all recognized her.

"Junior Sister Qin! Get out of here!" Ji Xuan's pupils shrank, he came to his senses suddenly, and shouted into the sky, he sent out his voice with spiritual power, overwhelming the roars of hundreds of monsters, straight into the sky.

Hearing his voice, Qin Luoyi let out a long sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his red lips, and his phoenix eyes sparkled, luckily he arrived in time.With her current sixth-level cultivation in the Yu Mansion, she can fly at full speed, and her speed can catch up with the sapphire blue warship.

The advantage of the sapphire blue warship is that it can fly at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. It can break through the obstacles of the wind and maintain an extremely fast flying speed.

Standing high in the sky, she saw a large group of monsters with strange appearances and huge bodies tightly surrounding the island, constantly hitting the island with their bodies.

There are also many powerful monsters flying straight into the air, trying to jump onto the island, but they are blocked by an invisible barrier, and the vast sea is filled with huge roars.

"A formation has been set up on the small island, so it looks like it can hold on for a while." Qin Luoyi's dark phoenix eyes flickered, and there were indeed many monsters surrounding Senior Brother Ji Xuan. The first time they went to the deep sea to snatch the sapphire blue warship they encountered a group of black sharks.

"Take out the warships and blast them directly!" Dahei smiled, but the light in his eyes was very sharp, and he was ready for battle.

Hei Di gracefully stood aside, glanced at it, and then stared condescendingly at the sea.

Qin Luoyi shook his head: "There are too many monsters." When the warship comes out, it will soon be surrounded by monsters. Maybe they will be in danger because of this, let alone save people: "Let some of them go first, let's Destroy each one."

It can not only reduce the pressure on the island, let the formation persist for a while, and wait for Xiao Hong to bring people, but also be safe.

"This is a good way." Hei Di nodded in agreement, much more reliable than Da Hei's idea.With a roar, the black and graceful figure swooped down from the air.

Killing these monsters and obtaining the demon pills is very good for its cultivation, and it can also be used to make alchemy for Qin Luoyi, but it doesn't care whether these monks are dead or alive.

Dahei also rushed forward.

Qin Luoyi stood in the air without making a move.

Yan Nantian was so anxious that she almost jumped. There are so many monsters, if she doesn't leave now, she won't be able to leave if she wants to!

Couldn't help but let out a deep drink into the air.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, but still didn't move.

Ji Xuan spoke again, and nearly twenty disciples of the Piaomiao Sect who survived shouted in unison: "Uncle Qin, hurry up and leave us alone!"

Qin Luoyi is a ninth-rank top alchemist with extremely high talent in cultivation. Over time, his achievements will be limitless, and he will definitely become the backbone of the Piaomiao Sect. If they die here because of them, it will be a huge loss for the Piaomiao Sect.

And she was able to save them, they were already very touched, and they didn't want anything to happen to her, and they all hoped that she could leave as soon as possible.



There were two loud noises, and while Dahei and Heidi rushed down quickly, they slapped the water surface. The water surface was densely packed with monsters with terrifying auras. Their fierce attacks landed on dozens of monsters. Just let them be seriously injured, and even a few weaker monsters were directly shot to death.

Blood immediately stained hundreds of meters of sea red.

Everyone on the island stared wide-eyed.

Ji Xuan's pupils also shrank. He had heard about the power of these two monsters from Junior Sister, but today was the first time he saw them strike. He never expected to wound and kill so many monsters with one palm.

So what if it's just powerful?
There are nearly a thousand monsters here!

Two hands are hard to beat four punches, the difference in numbers is too great!

"Junior Junior Sister, hurry up!" He shouted into the air again, with a rare sharpness in his gentle voice, and a look of anxiety in his eyes.

"Third senior brother, you must persevere!" Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, his phoenix eyes flashed brightly: "Xiao Hong has already gone to Tongjin City, as long as she persists for a while, she will bring people over!"

Shen Shui was seriously injured. Even if he took the healing pill she gave, he would not be able to recover in a short time. After understanding the general location here, she let him go back to Tongjin City and returned it to him before leaving. I gave him a magic amulet in case of emergency.


The monsters that were attacking the island didn't take them one person and two beasts seriously at first, but they didn't expect these two spirit beasts to be so courageous, they dared to pluck the hair on the tiger's head, and many of their companions, who were killed and injured, couldn't help roaring Again and again, nearly two hundred monsters rushed towards Dahei and Heidi immediately.

There were also several monsters flying towards Qin Luoyi.In the eyes of all the monsters, she is the most inconspicuous, and they feel that they can kill her with a slight pinch.

Dahei and Heidi attacked again, several monsters died and nearly ten monsters were injured, but in order to lure these monsters away, they did not attack with all their strength.


Seeing that nearly two hundred monsters were about to surround Dahei and Heidi, Qin Luoyi let out a soft drink, turned around and shot Yuhong towards the distance.

Dahei and Heidi no longer wanted to fight, and followed suit.

Seeing Qin Luoyi turning around and leaving, Ji Xuan and the disciples of the Piaomiao Sect heaved a sigh of relief, Ning Qiu hooked his lips, and a flash of relief flashed in his dark eyes, Yan Nantian also smiled, only feeling that his My heart almost jumped out, and my feet seemed to be on the cotton.

But apparently they were too happy.

Those monsters that were attacked did not stop because of Qin Luoyi's departure, they were led by a black flood dragon with a body length of nearly 20 meters, and chased them aggressively.

Yan Nantian's smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

Ji Xuan clenched his fists tightly, his eyes hard to hide the worry.

The outside of the formation is still surrounded by many monsters, they can't rush out at all, and they can't help the little junior sister... His chest heaves violently, and he can't help but pray in his heart, hoping that the little junior sister can leave safely.

The disciples of Piao Miao Sect also looked worried.

Even other casual cultivators, Taihao Sect, Zhaiyue Pavilion and other disciples hoped that she would be safe and sound.

(End of this chapter)

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