Brother is too evil

Chapter 353: Fame Shaking the Sky

Chapter 353: Fame Shaking the Sky (1)
Qin Luoyi said that Xiao Hong had already gone to Tongjin City...they were all very smart people, Qin Luoyi didn't pass by by chance, he must have met Miss Xiao Hong and knew they were in danger, so he came here on purpose.

There were nearly [-] monsters chasing Qin Luoyi. As soon as they left, the attack pressure on the formation was greatly reduced.

Ji Xuan withdrew his gaze, glanced over everyone, and finally stopped on Lin Xiangnan: "Brother Lin, without the spar, is there any way to protect the formation?"

Now that Xiao Hong has returned to Tongjin City, as long as they persevere a little longer, they will surely be able to wait for the rescuers to arrive, and if the formation exists for a while longer, the people here will have more hope of survival.

"Yes, the spar is used up, you can use human power to make up for it!" Lin Xiangnan's eyes flickered. He didn't know whether he could wait for someone to come and use his body's strength to replenish the spiritual power needed for the formation. He didn't dare to say this. When the formation finally breaks and everyone loses their physical strength, then they really can only sit and wait to die!
And now it's different.

With the hope of being rescued, he can use this method with confidence and boldness. What everyone has to do now is to persist in protecting the formation, instead of reserving the strength to fight desperately with the monsters!

After nearly two hundred monsters were drawn out for nearly a thousand miles, Qin Luoyi stopped, slightly curled the corners of his lips, his expression was cold, and his sharp eyes stopped in mid-air, waiting for the monsters to come.

Dahei and Heidi stood beside her, one on the left and the other on the right, with expressionless faces, eyes as big as copper bells gleaming, facing so many monsters, they did not dare to take it lightly.

Qin Luoyi also released the Tsing Yi puppet.

There are still about [-] or [-] monsters besieging Senior Brother Ji Xuan, and she must fight quickly.


All the monsters roared and rushed over, the powerful and terrifying aura made the air seem to tremble, and the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth gathered here quickly.

The puppet in Tsing Yi rushed over with a blank expression on his face.

Hei Di raised his claws, unleashed a terrifying and powerful coercion unreservedly, making all the monsters vigilant, and their intuition told them that this was an extremely powerful opponent.

Qin Luoyi pursed his thin lips tightly, his phoenix eyes were icy cold, and he held the Qiankun Bell in his hand, facing the direction with the most monsters, and slammed down hard one after another. In an instant, the bells lingered in the sky and the earth, echoing faintly, the seemingly melodious bells, In the ears of all the monsters, it became a life-threatening talisman, causing countless casualties in an instant.

Dahei laughed.

Throwing out the golden disc magic weapon, he also rushed out, the golden magic weapon spun fast, dazzling golden light sprinkled from the magic weapon, and rushed into the group of monsters quickly, like a meat blender, blood mixed with Minced meat and bones were flying all over the sky, screams and roars rang out.

This is a battlefield of killing.


With a crisp sound, the strongest dragon monster was slapped on the body by Hei Di's paw, and its bones were broken inch by inch. Shocked and angry, it couldn't help but roared up to the sky, raised its tail and wanted to roll Hei Di up to kill with it. The body with broken bones does not obey.

Dahei's expression was icy cold, and evil spirits shot out from his eyes. With five claws together, he swung a fist and landed on its head. Its brains burst and died immediately. Then it punched out a big hole in its stomach, and its claws stretched out. It went in, and then pulled out abruptly, holding a demon pill the size of a baby's head in its claws.

"Ah! I'll fight with you!" Yaodan let out a sharp roar, wanting to explode himself and destroy him together.

Hei Di narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at it with disdain: "Desperate? You are not worthy!" With a movement of his hand, a white light flashed, completely erasing the consciousness on the demon core.

Qin Luoyi struck the Qiankun Bell, and every time it rang, a large number of monsters were injured. This kind of large-scale battle, the Qiankun Bell's combat power is extremely strong, and her current cultivation base is much higher, and she has Wuxiang Dafa controls the source of chaos to continuously release the power of the stars, so there is no need to worry about being backlashed.

All the monsters are spiritually intelligent, and they are comparable to human monks. After learning the power of the Qiankun Clock, many monsters sneaked up from behind viciously.

Qin Luoyi couldn't hide such a sneak attack from himself.

She turned around and tapped again quickly, and then sacrificed the Jade Mansion. The jade light was so bright that it illuminated half of the sky, making the sun look quite inferior.

Divide some of the power of the mansion and cover it on the body to form an indestructible jade-colored barrier to prevent surprise attacks by many monsters. While continuing to control the Qiankun Clock, at the same time controlling the Yufu that exudes a terrifying aura, towards everyone The monster slapped hard.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of monsters around her fell down. While fighting, she still did not forget to snatch the demon core and erase the consciousness on it.

She did this, of course, not just to covet the demon pills and use them to refine alchemy in the future, but more importantly, to prevent these monsters from exploding the demon pills recklessly and causing greater damage.

Not long after, there were only a dozen or so monsters left on the sea. Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and he said to Dahei and Heidi, "Leave this to me, and you can lure some more."

The big black eyeballs turned around, there were puppets in Tsing Yi and the sapphire blue warship, the remaining monsters could not pose a threat to Qin Luoyi, so he nodded, turned around and walked towards Ji Xuan with Hei Di The island flew away.

"Uncle Ji, those two strange beasts are back!" Before they ran close to the island, the people on the island had already spotted them and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"There is no Master Qin... Where did Master Qin go? Could it be..." the monks murmured, their expressions darkened, worried that something happened to Qin Luoyi.

Yan Nantian's jaw was tense, his heart ached uncontrollably, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

Ning Qiu's eyes also dimmed.

In the ice field back then, if she hadn't persuaded her and insisted on going in again, she would have lost her life if she couldn't get the fairy flute.

Ji Xuan's eyes flickered, he had heard from his master that Dahei and Junior Junior Sister were soul contracts.



Dahei and Heidi rushed to the sky above the small island, without saying a word, they directly swung their claws, wounding dozens of monsters in an instant, and nearly ten monsters went directly to report to Lord Yan.

The monster group rioted.

"Kill them!"

There was a roar of anger.

In an instant, more than 300 monsters rushed towards them viciously. Dahei and Heidi fought and retreated, and quickly ran away from the island.

Leading all the monsters to chase after it was a huge eleventh-order double-headed monster. Its skin was as hard as a battle armor, and its body was born very powerful.

Yan Nantian couldn't help but rushed out.

Ji Xuan grabbed him violently.

(End of this chapter)

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