Brother is too evil

Chapter 354: Fame Shaking the Sky

Chapter 354: Fame Shaking the Sky (2)
Yan Nantian came to Piao Miao Sect more than two years ago, and he came with his junior sister. He had already faintly noticed that he was strange to his junior sister.

Whispering something softly in his ear, Yan Nantian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Not long after, Dahei and Heidi ran back again, standing in mid-air as before, raising their claws to attack the group of monsters.

Everyone on the small island opened their mouths in shock, and murmured full of doubts: "Why are they back again? Where did those monsters go?"

Ji Xuan was also stunned.

The group of monsters also looked at them in a daze, and in surprise, they forgot to fight back.



Taking advantage of their daze, Dahei and Heidi stirred up the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and unceremoniously attacked again.

In an instant, dozens of monsters were injured to varying degrees.

The monster went berserk, as if a pot had exploded.All the remaining monsters attacked them. In order to kill them, they even temporarily stopped attacking the island.

Dahei and Heidi looked at each other, and fled away again.

A huge black tortoise is the strongest in the whole group of monsters. Its small eyes flashed fiercely, and it shouted, "Leave them alone, kill these humans first!"

The formation is already on the verge of collapse, and these human monks use the power of the mansion in their bodies to supplement the energy needed by the formation, which is already at the end of their strength.

Killing these humans is the top priority.

When the powerhouse of the mysterious turtle clan comes with more powerful monsters, it will still have time to smash these two bastards who keep messing up the situation.

Dahei and Heidi ran for dozens of miles, but seeing no monsters chasing after them, they couldn't help but looked at each other in amazement, and said in surprise, "Tsk, I thought they only had well-developed limbs, but I didn't expect them to have a little brain."

Qin Luoyi watched them run back, and there was no group of monsters behind him. He was also a little surprised. After understanding, he didn't care much and smiled: "Most of them have been killed, and there are at most 300 monsters there. Since they don't come, let's Go back and find them!"

There was a cunning light in the pitch-black phoenix pupils, and she flew towards the small island like lightning, following Shenhong.

"Uh...they're back!"

"And Miss Qin! Miss Qin is fine!"

"Who is that man in Tsing Yi?"

When the figures of Qin Luoyi and his party rushed over from a distance, everyone on the island couldn't help but exclaimed. Yan Nantian's chest heaved violently, both happy and worried.

"What exactly is Miss Qin trying to do? Could it be that they deliberately lure away the monsters...won't they try to save us?" Sanxiu Lin Xiangnan couldn't help guessing excitedly.

Ji Xuan twisted his handsome eyebrows.

I'm afraid that my junior sister wants to save them!

Although the more than 500 monsters were lured away, there are still more than 300 powerful monsters here... No one can tell when those lured away monsters will come back.

"Little Junior Sister, why haven't you left yet? Go quickly and go back to Tongjin City." Ji Xuan's gentle and handsome face showed a rare stern look, and he shouted loudly at Qin Luoyi.

"Brother, I'm here to save you." Qin Luoyi smiled at him, then took out the Qiankun Clock, and struck it at the group of monsters.


Ji Xuan was about to continue scolding with a cold face, but found that as soon as the melodious bell rang, many monsters were seriously injured in the direction of the bell mouth.

Dahei controlled a golden disc magic weapon, with a golden light, and rushed into the group of monsters with a fierce aura. Wherever he passed, blood and bones flew together, which was shocking to see.

Hei Di exuded a terrifying coercion, raised his paws, and felt that there were huge paw prints in the sky, heading towards the crowd of monsters.

The leading black turtle monster's expression changed drastically, and it jumped up suddenly, and went straight to Hei Di. Hei Di snorted softly, looked at it with disdain, turned his palm prints, and came towards it to suppress it.

The puppet in Tsing Yi sneaked into the group of monster beasts flexibly, with an indifferent expression and a deadpan killing spree.

Everyone on the island was stunned as they watched the scuffle outside the formation. After realizing it, they were excited again. They all geared up and wanted to jump out of the formation.

"Miss Qin, be careful!"

There was a monster attacking Qin Luoyi, Ning Qiu hurriedly reminded him.

Qin Luoyi didn't turn his head back, and summoned the Yufu. Just like before, he added a layer of defense protection to his body. While continuing to attack with the Qiankun Bell, he turned the terrifying Yufu into a huge long sword , into the group of monsters.

"Cultivator of Yufu! Miss Qin is actually a monk of Yufu!" Lin Xiangnan's jaw almost fell to the ground, and he stared at the sky in disbelief.

Qin Luoyi... It should only be three years to be promoted to Xuanfu, right?How could it be a Yufu monk!
He couldn't help raising his hand, and wiped his eyes vigorously... What caught his eyes was still the jade-colored light, the jade light was overwhelming, and the power was astonishing.

Yan Nantian looked at her with a complicated expression.

Ji Xuan's eyes were astonishingly bright, a smile escaped from the corner of his lips, and he said to the people behind him: "I'm going out to help in the battle, your body is exhausted and exhausted, so don't go out."

"I'll go with you." Lin Xiangnan, who is also a monk of Yufu, finally came back to his senses, and said excitedly.

Yan Nantian followed without saying a word.

Ning Qiu was a cultivator from the Xuanfu, moved his feet, sighed again, and stopped. He knew that his cultivation base was too low, and he couldn't help him if he went out, but could only add to the chaos.

After a few rounds, Xuangui, the leader of the monster beast, was slapped to death by the black emperor, and then clawed out its demon core, wiped away its consciousness, and put it into the storage ring.

In just this moment, dozens of monsters in the group of monsters were beheaded, and nearly a hundred were injured to varying degrees. At this time, even the most powerful leader, the black turtle, was killed. Seeing that something was wrong, the young monster was about to run away.

Qin Luoyi naturally refused.

There is no suspense in this battle. She will not give up on the demon pill that was brought to her lips. She stood in four directions with Dahei, Heidi, Tsing Yi puppet, Ji Xuan who jumped out of the island, and Yan Nantian. , intercept them, and kill them.

By the time Elder Wei arrived with more than 2000 Jincheng powerhouses, the battle was over, corpses were strewn across the sea, and the sea was stained red with blood, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Elder Wei saw Qin Luoyi and Ji Xuan at a glance. Although their bodies were splattered with blood, they were both in good spirits, and finally let go of the heart they had been carrying since they got the news.

Nearly 2000 people came here in a mighty manner, but they didn't make it in time to join the battle. They couldn't help feeling a little discouraged, and a little surprised that dozens of people survived on the island. How were these monsters killed... It's a miracle that they survived!
"There are nearly a thousand monsters here? There shouldn't be so many corpses, right? Three or four hundred at most!" The sharp-eyed ones found that there were not as many monsters as Xiao Hong said, and they couldn't help but cast a puzzled look at those who came together Xiao Hong took a look.

(End of this chapter)

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