Brother is too evil

Chapter 355: Fame Shaking the Sky

Chapter 355: Fame Shaking the Sky (3)
When Xiao Hong saw that everyone on the island, including Master Ji Xuan and Master Qin, were in good health, and nearly twenty disciples of the Piao Miao Sect, Xiao Hong couldn't help being both excited and sad.

Nearly half of the Piaomiao sect's disciples suffered casualties.

I was feeling sad, and I couldn't help but blushed when I heard the voices of doubt and questioning around me. Although I didn't count them in detail when I broke through, it was probably not wrong.

She didn't understand what was going on, so she bit her lips and said, "Fellow Taoists, I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, you can just find someone to ask. At that time, there were eight hundred if not a thousand monsters surrounding us!" The voice was resolute. All he had to do was raise his hand and swear to prove what he said was true.

"There are really a lot of monsters, but most of them were led away by Miss Qin and those two strange beasts." The younger brother of a man in white standing beside Xiao Hong was also besieged on the island this time. With an excited expression, he told everyone what happened.

"What... These monsters were all strangled by Miss Qin and the others?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they looked at Qin Luoyi with burning eyes, extremely hot: "I heard that Miss Qin is a cultivator of the Xuanfu."

A Xuanfu cultivator, a man in Tsing Yi, and two strange beasts managed to lure hundreds of powerful monsters away, and beheaded nearly three hundred of them... This is so unbelievable!
"Miss Qin is a monk from the Jade Mansion, and her mansion is the color of jade!" Just when everyone was shocked, the monk broke the shocking news again.

"How is it possible, she has only been in Piao Miao Sect for a few years?"

"That's right! It's only been more than three years since you left the Xuanfu, so you didn't get to the Yufu so quickly, did you?"

Everyone looked at each other in amazement, and then looked at the red figure standing there calmly on the island. Among many people, they could see her at a glance. She was like a luminous body, and she could not be ignored no matter where she stood.

"This is real!"

More people who escaped from death on the island found their relatives, friends, brothers and sisters among the crowd, and told about what happened before with great excitement.

All the monks erupted.

Exclamations came one after another, and the gazes at Qin Luoyi and the two beasts beside her became even hotter, with fanatical admiration. They had never seen the man in Tsing Yi next to her, and they were very concerned about his identity. Also very curious.

"There are so many monsters in the shallow sea [-] miles away from Tongjin City. These monsters are really cunning. Since they are here, let's ask Miss Qin where those monsters have gone. Let's go and kill them all." Annihilation."

Some strong men from the sect landed on the island one after another, and those whose disciples were rescued warmly came forward to express their gratitude to Qin Luoyi, and asked about the whereabouts of those monsters that had been led away.

"I've already seen Hades!" Dahei said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking it was just a joke.

Someone had discovered a large number of monster beast corpses thousands of miles away, and everyone knew what it said was true... Qin Luoyi led people to kill nearly a thousand monster beasts!
So many monsters came to a place nearly [-] miles away from Tongjin City without a sound. Elder Wei felt that this was very strange, so he personally took people to check the surrounding tens of thousands of miles, except for a few sporadic monsters. Beast, no abnormalities were found.

The mighty brigade returned to Tongjin City, but within a short time, Qin Luoyi, the closed disciple of Piaomiao Zongge's sect master, had been promoted from Xuanfu to Yufu in more than three years, bringing two ancient strange beasts, and a The news that the men in Tsing Yi teamed up to kill nearly a thousand monsters spread throughout Tongjin City.

Tong Jincheng was a sensation.

Everyone was excitedly talking about Qin Luoyi, her two monsters, and the cold-looking man in Tsing Yi who was following her.

The identity of the man in Tsing Yi was a mystery, and after asking each other, it was discovered that no one had seen him before.

When did Penglai Xiandao actually produce such a powerful person again?The monks became even more curious, but unfortunately, after returning from the small island, the man in Tsing Yi disappeared at some point.

Ji Xuan was also very curious, so he asked Qin Luoyi directly.

Qin Luoyi gave him a sideways look, smiled mysteriously, then pulled him to a secluded corner, and released the Tsing Yi puppet.

The spar on the puppet had lost its spiritual power. After being called out by Qin Luoyi, he just stayed there quietly, expressionless and indifferent, without blinking his eyelids for a long time.

"It's actually a puppet!" Because they were so close, Ji Xuan quickly noticed something strange, but Wen Runjunyi's pale face was full of shock, and his handsome eyebrows were raised high.And that Qian Kun clock... Little Junior Sister is indeed a lucky one.

Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes with a smile, nodded, quickly put the puppet into the space of the bracelet, and said with concern: "Senior brother, your injury is not serious, go and heal it quickly." He raised his hand and took it out. A pill bottle poured out a healing pill and handed it to him.

Ji Xuan smiled slightly. Although his face was pale, his dark eyes were as bright as the stars in the dark night. He didn't refuse, and just reached out to take it. All the healing pills on his body were used up on the small island.

"Senior brother thanked little junior sister first."

Qin Luoyi blinked, pretending to be annoyed and complained: "It's just a elixir. Brother, you still want to say thank you to me, it really hurts my heart."

The smile in Ji Xuan's eyes was even stronger, and he said with a smile: "It's not just a pill, senior brother thanked junior sister for saving her life today, if junior sister hadn't arrived in time and showed her supernatural power, senior brother might have been buried in the demon by now. It's in the belly of the beast."

Without her, Xiao Hong would not be able to return to Tongjin City at all.

A cunning flashed across Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes, he tilted his head slightly, looked at his gentle and handsome face and said with a smile, "Thank you for saving my life with just one word? Tsk, brother, you are too insincere!"

"What does it mean to be sincere?" Ji Xuan rolled his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he looked at her fixedly.

"To show sincerity... At least you have to invite me to the Crane Tower in Tongjin City to have a big meal." Qin Luoyi said with a half-smile, looking at him with narrow eyes.

"Hehe," Ji Xuan couldn't help laughing out, but affected the injury on his body, coughed lightly twice, and then said: "Junior Sister, don't worry, I will definitely show my sincerity someday."

"Okay, I'll wait!" Qin Luoyi waved at him, turned and left.

Ji Xuan looked at her meandering back, thought of something, called her again, and asked where she lived now.

The tide of monsters is about to break out. There are so many monks coming and going in Tongjin City. The inns in Tongjin City are already full. In order to allow the monks who came to join the war to have a place to stay, a large open area in the north of Tongjin City has been designated. He made a tent area, he knew that his junior sister had just arrived today, so it might be hard to find a place to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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