Brother is too evil

Chapter 357 Prince Chu Yifeng

Chapter 357 Prince Chu Yifeng (2)
Not someone who looks like him.

Yan Nantian couldn't help applauding in his heart, he was such an unparalleled, noble and handsome man, but when he saw him go upstairs, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi, and he felt a little displeased.

Looking back at Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi also stared at Chu Yifeng intently, his phoenix eyes shone brightly, and he couldn't help but pursed his lips with unconcealable excitement.

Ning Qiu picked up the tea and took a sip gracefully.

"Yi'er, long time no see." Chu Yifeng lightly parted his thin lips, and looked at her with a slight smile, his voice was clear and magnetic, just like before.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled.

I thought about the scene when they met again countless times, but I never thought that it would be here... At this time, Shenglong Continent is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Penglai Immortal Island!
Why is he here?
How did you get here again?
She kept guessing in her heart, the more she thought about it, the faster her heart beat.

That suppressed feeling was like a volcano about to erupt. She wanted to suppress it, but felt a little helpless, and smiled bitterly in her heart. It seemed that she still overestimated her concentration.

"Yeah, long time no see." Blinking her eyes, she spoke softly, trying her best to suppress the excitement in her heart, maintaining her composure, a bright smile escaped from her red lips.

"Young Master Chu, Junior Sister... Do you know each other?" Rong Yunhe raised his brows, looked at her with a smile, and then at Chu Yifeng, his eyes flashed away.

Ji Xuan also looked at them curiously.

Qin Luoyi nodded with a smile: "Yes, we know each other." As for how they met and what was the relationship, she didn't say anything more.

As for Chu Yifeng who saved his life, Rong Yunhe didn't know his identity. He was a luxurious silver flying instrument, accompanied by dozens of powerful monks, and there were several Zifu monks inside...

He secretly looked at all this, knowing that Chu Yifeng's identity must be extraordinary, and he was warm and polite to him at first, but now knowing that he and his junior sister are familiar, the distance between them has been shortened invisibly.

After the meal, after learning that Chu Yifeng would not leave Tongjin City for the time being, Rong Yunhe warmly invited him to his residence: "The third senior brother and I live there together. Tongjin City is too crowded now, and the inn Hard to find."

Chu Yifeng smiled and glanced at Qin Luoyi, his eyes were dark and bright, and he did not refuse.After leaving the Crane Tower, he left with a group of people and Rong Yunhe.

Ning Qiu immediately left with a smile.

Yan Nantian looked at her and hesitated to speak, Qin Luoyi waved at him very simply, said goodbye and left.

Yan Nantian wanted to catch up, but a young woman in a goose-yellow dress saw him and Qin Luoyi who he was staring at, bit her lips, ran over with a quick smile and pulled him back: "Yan Nantian Cousin, so you are here, I finally found you." The voice was soft and sweet like a silver bell.

Qin Luoyi hooked his lips.

Cousin Yan...could this be Cousin Xiao who was crying at the gate of Piao Miao Sect to find him?
The one who claimed to be his double cultivation partner?
I guessed like this in my heart, but I never looked back, and my mind was all on Chu Yifeng who suddenly came to Penglai Xiandao.

And Yan Nantian looked at her leaving back, a self-deprecating smile curled up on the corner of his lips, and his heart was extremely astringent.

Back in the small courtyard in the outskirts, Qin Luoyi sat quietly in front of the window, resting his chin on his hand, staring blankly at the plane tree in the courtyard. After a long time, he sighed softly and took Dahei and Heidi together. , swept into the sea.

Flying 10,000+ miles, beheaded several monsters, and when she returned to the small courtyard of Tongjin City, the sky was already completely dark, and the sky was full of stars.

Pushing open the door and walking in, a tall and cheerful figure was standing quietly in the courtyard, with a handsome face like jade, looking at her with burning eyes, and walked towards her with a smile on his lips: "Yi'er, you are finally back!" gone."

Qin Luoyi looked at him, and his heart beat faster after finally calming down: "Why are you here?"

"Yi'er, listen to you... You don't seem to like to see me come?" Chu Yifeng looked at her steadily, and then rolled his eyes, evoking a charming smile that captured people's hearts.In the Crane Tower, Yan Nantian looked at her with fiery eyes, and he had already seen it all.

"Of course not." Qin Luoyi smiled.Taking out a piece of jade bright stone from the storage space, the yard was brightened instantly, she walked in front and called Chu Yifeng to come in and sit down and talk.

Looking at her pretty back, smelling the familiar fragrance from her body that seemed to have been engraved in his heart, Chu Yifeng was heartbroken, and silently followed her into the room.

There was the sound of the door closing behind him.

Qin Luoyi raised his hand, and was about to put the jade pearl on the special dragon's mouth on the case table, when Chu Yifeng suddenly hugged her from behind, lowered his head and buried her neck: "Yi'er."

Qin Luoyi's fingertips trembled, Yu Mingzhu slipped from her hand, fell to the ground with a bang, pursed her lips, she pushed his hand away from her, her eyes darkened, and she lightly reprimanded: "Chu Yifeng, let me go."

"Don't let go, Yi'er, I miss you." Chu Yifeng murmured, his voice was low and hoarse, with deep charm: "Let me hug you well."

They reunited after five years, and he didn't want to hide his liking anymore.

Turning her around, the slender jade-like fingers touched her face, and slowly stroked, from the corner of the forehead to the eyebrows, from the nose to the red lips, the dark obsidian-like eyes were full of nostalgia and affection.

Seeing the undisguised affection on his face, Qin Luoyi was stunned.

Chu Yifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and chuckled: "Yi'er, do you miss me?"

Qin Luoyi's heart felt astringent.

miss you.

Why didn't you think about it?

She thought that being with him was just a romantic relationship, and when she left, she could wave her hand without taking a cloud with her, and from then on, she could freely pursue her own cultivation path.

After leaving, I realized that I liked it long ago, and I realized that lovesickness bites my bones.Every night when people are quiet, there will always be a faint feeling of sadness and emptiness in my heart.

It took her more than a year to push this feeling into the deepest part of her heart. If she didn't touch or think about it, she wouldn't miss it again... She never expected that he would appear so suddenly today and break into her... With an unprepared heart, her years of hard work have come to nothing, and there is nowhere to hide that feeling.

Chu Yifeng, who had been staring at her steadfastly, caught the lingering affection in her eyes, felt joyful in his heart, couldn't help but bowed his head, and pressed his fiery lips to her without warning.

The extremely soft touch made him sigh involuntarily, hugged the person in his arms even tighter, and opened her white teeth with his tongue, aggressively and passionately aggressing and teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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