Brother is too evil

Chapter 358 The Pearl of the Jade Lake

Chapter 358 The Pearl of the Jade Lake (2)
He personally led people to search the sea, and within a hundred thousand li sea area, he did not find anything unusual, only sporadic monster spies whose cultivation base was not very high.

Continue to search outside.

The more you go out, the number of monsters gradually increases, and from time to time you can see human monks and monsters fighting fiercely.

It's just that the group of monster beasts can only be dozens or hundreds of animals at most. After searching nearly 50 miles, it is only possible to see a group of pet monster beasts gathered by hundreds or thousands.

Qin Luoyi was taken out of the sea by Sect Leader Ge, and followed by Dahei and Heidi.

The two strange beasts were not idle along the way, and they would definitely take action when they encountered a monster beast that no one would kill. endlessly.

After half a month, they returned to Tongjin City.

Headmaster Ge sent more people to patrol the sea day and night, especially the sea area within 20 miles, and ordered that if a group of more than [-] monsters were found, they should not act without authorization and report it immediately.This is to prevent human monks from being made dumplings by hidden monsters like the previous two times.

Chu Yifeng was standing by the sea, wearing an exquisite and luxurious black robe with silver trim, which made his body taller and slender, his phoenix eyes were like ink, and the handsome face looking at the blue sea was full of domineering, that came from his bones. Noble and elegant, so many monks passing by nearby couldn't help but stop and look at it a few more times.

There are quite a few young girls with flooded eyes, quietly looking at him with eyes full of admiration.In order to attract his attention, some female cultivators deliberately walked back and forth in the vicinity.

Chu Yifeng's name is similar to that of Qin Luoyi from the Piaomiao Sect, and now everyone in Tongjin City knows it.

He has an incomparably handsome appearance, an elegant and noble temperament, and comes sitting on a huge silver flying instrument... Many people are privately guessing his identity.

Gong Li walked over.

"Your Highness, it has been found."

Chu Yifeng finally withdrew his eyes from looking at the sea, and glanced at him, his eyes were deep and cold with a touch of evil spirit.


Gong Li pursed her lips, her eyes flashed with anger, of course the anger was not towards his master, but Qin Luoyi.

"Feng Feili is the eldest disciple of Sect Master Ge, the young master of the Feng family in the Xuantian Continent. It is rumored that he is extremely talented in cultivation. He has been promoted to the Jade Mansion more than ten years ago. Two years ago, he went to Xuantian with his younger brother Duanmu Changqing. The Heavenly Continent has not returned yet..." Gong Li reported the news he found out one by one.

"Feng Feili is actually a member of the Feng family in Xuantian Continent." Chu Yifeng narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly, and the look in his eyes became darker.

It has been more than two years since they left, one is practicing in Piaomiaozong, and the other is in Xuantian Continent... Is there such a dual cultivation partner?
The mood that had been clouded for half a month finally improved a lot, Qin Luoyi... as expected lied to him again!

"She hasn't been back to Xuantian Continent... have they held a double cultivation ceremony in Piaomiaozong?" Chu Yifeng asked again just to be on the safe side.

"No, Feng Feili hasn't been in the Piaomiao Sect often in the early years. After Miss Qin came to the Piaomiao Sect, he stayed in the sect for several months. More than two years ago, Wu Shan's disciple Liu Qingcheng had someone assassinate Qin. When I was a girl, I heard that he sent people to follow and found Liu Qingcheng behind the scenes."

"It's fine if you don't."

Chu Yifeng smiled, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Gong Li hesitated to speak.

Chu Yifeng glanced at him, and said lightly: "What else, let's talk together."

Gong Li hesitated for a moment, then said all the other things she had found out.

In order to save Qin Luoyi, Duanmu Changqing jumped off the extremely dangerous Shihuya... Outside Qianjiang City, he even razed a thousand-meter-high mountain to the ground because he was worried about her.In Ningwu City, Qin Luoyi threw millions of gold at a man in white...

The more Gong Li said, the more angry she became in her heart. All these years, the master's only thing was to come to her, and because of her, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she never looked straight at her.But she is lucky, in the past few years in Penglai Xiandao, she has provoked one man after another.

Chu Yifeng's face also changed slightly.

He cultivated to the Jade Mansion in just five years, refined the ninth-level top-grade elixir when he was less than 20 years old, and won the No.1 in the Jinding Mountain Competition... He heard about this on the first day he arrived in Tongjin City Well, any monk in Tongjin City, even ordinary people, can talk about her deeds endlessly, as if they saw it with their own eyes.It is reasonable that such a radiant garment will attract the admiration of many people.

Fortunately, he is here now.

After returning from the sea, Qin Luoyi sensitively sensed that there was someone in the house before he entered the house.Pursing her lips, she sighed secretly, then opened the door and walked in.

Chu Yifeng was sitting leisurely under the sycamore tree in the courtyard, holding a book of Penglai Xiandao in his slender jade hand.The golden sunlight fell on his face from the gaps in the leaves of the sycamore tree, and the mottled light and shadow traced a handsome and flawless outline.

Seeing her coming in, he quickly put the book down, the streamer in his dark eyes turned, and a charming smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Qin Luoyi walked over, looked at him carefully without any trace, and said, "How do you know I'm coming back today?"

She had just arrived in Tongjin City, and after breaking up with her master and a group of elders, she came back immediately without any delay. It stands to reason that he shouldn't have gotten the news so soon.

Chu Yifeng stood up, stared at her bright and pretty face, there seemed to be a cluster of extremely bright fire in his eyes, and said with a smile: "I have been here for the past few days."

Qin Luoyi felt mixed feelings in his heart.

It is the weather in June at this time, and the sun is extremely hot. She has traveled a long distance today, and she is not easy to sweat, but her face is still stained with a thin layer of tiny beads of sweat. The sun's rays made her face flush like a peach blossom, which was truly beautiful and charming.

Chu Yifeng couldn't help but took out a white silk handkerchief with exquisite workmanship and excellent hand feel, wiped it on her forehead, and smiled jokingly: "Look at you, your head is sweating from running." His voice was low and gentle.

The tip of her nose smelled the unique and elegant fragrance of his body. Qin Luoyi turned her head and wanted to avoid it. She felt that this was too intimate, and her heart speeded up involuntarily: "I will do it myself."

Chu Yifeng hooked her slender waist lightly with a smile, fixed her body, rubbed the tip of her nose again, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't move, it will be fine soon."

If anyone else, Qin Luoyi would have slapped him with a palm, but she couldn't slap Chu Yifeng.

The two hands hanging by the sides raised up, trying to push him away.

Chu Yifeng stood still and continued to wipe without paying attention.

Qin Luoyi was suspicious in his heart.

She used a lot of strength, even a Xuanfu monk, she pushed away.

(End of this chapter)

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